Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 80

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The next morning, I call Dorra first. When I'm sure the girl has gone to school honestly, I'm a little reassuring. Then I leave home for the company.

When I step out of the elevator and enter the door of the company. The hot girl in the front desk says hello to me in a loud voice. This makes me feel a little fluttered. In this company which is full of beauties, to be the only man here, it should be a very happy thing in the eyes of others.

When I enter the office, I am surprised to see a woman lying on the innermost desk.

It's Yanny. She leans over the table as if she is asleep. Her hair is spread over her shoulders, with scattered documents piled up in front of her. Some folders fell to the ground, the computer is open, but the screen plays the screen saver animation.

I look at the light in the office. Has she worked all night in the company?

When I come to her, I hear her gentle breathing. It is very even. It seems that she is sleeping soundly. I randomly pick up a document in front of me, which is about the exhibition plan of an auto show, including inviting the endorsement of those stars, quotations and comparisons of auto show model companies, etc. She has all made detailed statistics.

I feel a little guilty, although I don't intend to do this manager for too long, I watch my staff work hard, but me as a leader took a day off yesterday and went out to eat, drink and play with Dorra. So, I'm really a little embarrassed.

Looking at the time, it's almost time for work. Although I'm a little embarrassed, I still tap lightly on her desktop.

Yanny is shocked and looks up. Her eyes are red and swollen, probably due to lack of sleep. She glances at me, stunned: "Manager?" She looks at the clock on the wall again, sighs and yawns, "So soon is it dawn?"

I sigh, "You worked all night?"

"En huh." Yanny picks up the cup on the table. There is still left some tea in it. She drinks it all and then smacks her lips. "The case for the auto show is coming soon. I've got some specific information first. Yesterday, the planning department has sent some plans to us, but you are not here. I have to work out several plans first. When we have a meeting today, we can report them for review. There are also quotations from model agent companies. There are no too professional high quality models in this city. I mean we have to look for them from Shanghai. In addition, there are additional requirements from the car dealers."

I wave my hand, indicating her not busy talking about these. I walk aside and pour a cup of water for her: "Drink water first, don't drink tea or coffee on an empty stomach in the morning, it's bad for the health. Let's go out for breakfast and talk slowly later."

Yanny smiles and takes the cup and drinks: "I can't see it. You do know how to keep fit."

I shake my head. "I don't understand these originally. My girlfriend taught me."

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I'm telling the truth. Since Didi came into my family, my life has basically entered a very regular state. She takes care of me very carefully. She even teaches me to get up every morning and drink a glass of water first. She says it's good for health.

"Will our department take on an auto show?" I pick up the folder: "Is it a new business?"

"No, it's a big business that the whole company is doing. Our department is only responsible for part of it. The auto show will be held next month. Yesterday, company assigned some specific works. You were not here, so I had to do it myself first." Yanny sighs intentionally and laughs, "You are the manager, you have to pay me for my overtime works!"

I immediately laugh and say, "Let's go. I invite you out for breakfast."

She shakes her head. "Not now. I'll sort out the information on my hand. We need to go out later. We'll go to the International Convention and Exhibition Center this morning to see the venue. We'll pick up customers at the airport at noon. Well, I'll buy something to eat on the way."

This woman is awesome! I sigh in my heart. Yanny is definitely an outstanding person with business leadership potential. It seems that she is the perfect person to really lead this department.

I know she would not listen, nod and go into the office to pack up my own things.

After a while, almost all the people in the company arrives, and four other girls in our department have already started to work, Yanny just comes in my office.

Apparently, she has washed her face with cold water, with a plain face, her hair straightened up, and her professional dress has been tidied up. The whole person looks refreshing. But although her eyes are shining, but she still can't help hiding her fatigue.

She also holds a folder in her hand and hands it over: "These are the documents you need to sign when you were away yesterday."

I look at it casually, pick up the pen and sign it. Then I give it back to her.

"You sign it so fast." Yanny laughs and says, "There's a bill of payment in! As soon as you sign, I can go to the Finance Department to apply for money! Are you not afraid of my corruption?"

I laugh, and then look at her sincerely: "I'm quite reassuring with you. To be honest, although I'm still a stranger to our department's business, but I do know you're not that kind of person."

After that, we go out to the International Convention and Exhibition Center to see the venue.

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Generally speaking, most of the large-scale exhibitions held in this city are placed in the "International Convention and Exhibition Center". Yanny tells me that the International Convention and Exhibition Center is holding a small domestic auto exhibition. We can go to see the venue and see others automobile exhibition for reference. Maybe it will be helpful.

Downstairs, we go to the parking lot. Instead of letting Yanny pick up her car, I take her to the BMW I borrowed from Azle yesterday. She is curious: "Is this your car? Very good! Chen Yang, you are quite rich."

I laugh and say, "I'm just a part-time worker. Where can I afford to buy this kind of car? This car was borrowed from a friend."

She just laughs and says nothing, but there is a strange look in her eyes. We drive out of the company. Along the way, I find a convenience store, get in and buy a breakfast, heat it with the microwave in the shop, and then get in the car and give it to her. She smiles, and then begins to eat it fast.

I know that people who stay up late are very hungry in the morning! People who often stay up late can understand such a feeling. Although she eats fast, she still pays attention to ladylike manner as much as possible. She holds the breakfast in one hand and takes out a paper towel in the other. Just look at me secretly from time to time.

"Chen Yang, you are a very considerate man. Your girlfriend looks very lucky," she laughs.

I shake my head and say, "What about you? Do you have a boyfriend? You stay up all night and don't go home, would he mind?"

After asking this question, I suddenly feel a strange atmosphere. I look at her, but see her face slightly unnatural. There is a slight melancholy in her eyes. I realize that I shouldn't ask this question. I quickly change the topic and laugh, "You said there is a car exhibition in the Convention and Exhibition Center today. What kind of auto exhibition is it? Is it very similar to the one we are going to undertake? Will that affect ours?"

She's immediately back to her strong female personality, shaking her head: "Different, the last two days of this show is basically dominated by mid-and low-grade cars and family cars, aimed at different customer groups, consumer groups are also different. Our auto show is mainly focus on some European and American high-end brands, aiming at those customers with strong consumption capacity."

Then she sighs: "But in our medium-sized city, I'm afraid the middle and low-grade cars occupy the mainstream of purchasing. After all, the purchasing power of this city is not as good as that of the international metropolis. I'm afraid the consumption potential of some top-end cars is not very optimistic."

I nod.

Basically, both Japanese and Korean cars occupy a large part of the domestic mid-range car market. From the price comparison, the competitiveness of European or American mid-range cars is very difficult to compete with Japanese or Korean cars.

There's nothing much to say about the auto show in the Convention and Exhibition Center. The flow of people is quite good, but it can be seen that most people probably just come with a lively mood. They go to the auto show to see the excitement, of course, and the beautiful models.

Walking into the Convention and Exhibition center, I just take a look at it at random. Like most of the men, just pay attention to the figure and appearance of the model. Honda's models are beautiful and sexy, while Toyota's models are in good shape. Suzuki's models look pure. Others, I don't care too much.

Yanny's attitude is much more serious than mine. She observes the location of the booth, the flow of people at the auto show, the lighting, the design etc. She looks very carefully, and even takes out a notebook to record one by one.

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After a while, she suddenly sighs, "I'm afraid we're in trouble."

"What?" I ask.

She points to the Honda booth. "Can't you see it? Their models, I mean those Showgirls are brought from Japan!"

I curl my lips: "Japanese girls? I didn't notice. These models can't talk. They just stand there and pose for people to take pictures. There's no different from our country's models. There's nothing to do with good and bad."

"Different." She grins bitterly: "I'm not saying that our local models are not as good as these Japan models! However, for media coverage, this is at least a gimmick, a news selling point that can attract attention! Japanese professional models, at least can attract some media attentions! If our auto show still uses the model of our own country, then we will be one step behind in publicity." She thinks with her eyes close. "It seems that we have to think about whether we can let those car dealers try to contact some foreign models, but the cost will be more expensive." But then she looks a little queer: "Unless..."


"Unless you invite the hot girls of the lingerie show again, but company will not allow it," she says bitterly, "That's too risky! Last time we played too much. Fortunately, no one could look through. Otherwise, the credibility of our company would be ruined by us."

I blink and think: This thing really can't be done any more. If I ask those women come again, in case anyone accidentally shouts "Thank you, boss!" or so on in public, it will be really all over when the reporter hears it.

"Let's go back and discuss with the planers in company. We are not able to make the decision now." She thinks for a moment, but still with no idea.

Looking at it casually for a while, it is obvious that Japanese and Korean cars are very popular. They are purchased by a large group and at a moderate price. I have to admit that in the domestic mid-range car market, their sales are the best.


When we arrive the parking lot, I ask Yanny to wait for me at the gate. I go to pick up the car, but when I get in the car, I see unconsciously that a man is walking towards her quickly. The man looks medium-sized, about thirty years old from a distance, and is wearing a simple casual suit. Yanny seems stunned for a moment when she sees the man. And then, in my stare of surprise, he comes up to her quickly, raises his hand and slapping her on the face!


Yanny is slapped to the ground! Then the man scolds and points at her and points at me. Then he grabs her and slaps her back on the face again.

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When I respond to the message, rush out of the car, run quickly there, grab the man's arm and throw him to the ground. The man sits down on the ground with his buttocks on, but his face is full of anger and he still shouts, "Bitch! Bitch! Shameless woman!"

I ignore him, reach out my hand and lift Yanny up. Her face is pale and she hears the man curse viciously. I am so angry that I am about going up to beat him. Yanny grabs me and shouts, "No! No! Chen Yang! No!"

The man is jumping up and points at Yanny and scolding, "Well, you such a bitch! What man did you seduce this time? Hum, drive a BMW? Is him rich? What else do you have to say?"

She covers her face and say angrily, "Don't talk nonsense! This is my colleague in the company!"

"Colleague?" This man is furious: "You are taking me as an idiot! Your company doesn't have any man! Don't you think I don't know it? You didn't go home last night, did you? In the morning, I see you come out in his car at the entrance of your company. You're fucking adultery, you think I don't know?"

After that, he is rushing up again but he is pushed back by me. Yanny grabs my arm and grits her teeth and says, "Chen Yang, don't do it. I'm sorry! He's my husband."

I stare at the man angrily: "Your husband? How can a husband beat his wife like that? Is he a fucking man? Just beat his wife without asking?"

Yanny shake her head and is so angry that she can't keep her chest rolling. She looks at the man and says, "Jam, don't make a fool of yourself! What do you want to do this time?"

The man looks at me with a trivial expression and suddenly says, "It's very simple! This man touched my wife. How to count this? Damn it, I can't be dishonored for nothing, can I?"

Yanny is almost fainted when she hears this. She sways and points at the man. Her fingertips are trembling: "You! You are too shameless!"

The man pats his cloth and stares at me: "You! When did you catch up with her? Do you know she has a husband? Damn, don't think I'm so that easy to be bullied! Aren't you driving a BMW? Are you as rich man? Rich people can seduce other people's wives? If you don't give me a respond today, I won't be done with you!"

After listening to this, I calm down and look at the man carefully for several times.

His eyes twinkle and seem timid, but the expression on his face deliberately makes a casual and indifferent look, as if he dares not look directly at me.

"Jam! Don't be such a fool anymore! He's just my colleague! If you make such a fuss again, I'll call the police!" Yanny is furious: "What do you want to this time? Didn't you say you won't pester me anymore last time?"

"Bah!" His face is showing a shameless expression: "You had dinner yesterday, don't you eat today?"

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