Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 81

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When I hear this, I probably understand the situation. I can't help turning my head and looking at Yanny: "Is he really your husband?"

"Yes." Her eyes are a little sad: "But we are divorcing, and He's been making excuses to mess with me many times." After that, she stares at the man: "Jam! Aren't you just trying to extort money from me? I tell you, not a penny! I've had it with you enough! Enough!"

I sigh, pull Yanny behind me and stare at the man. "What do you want?"

The man hesitates for a moment, but still grits his teeth and say, "You fucked my wife and ask me how? Today if you don't give me compensation, I won't be done with you! FXXX! Did you even dare hit me just now?"

Instead of anger, I'm laughing. There's no anger on my face. I slowly walk over and say, "What do you want? Do you want money? How much?"

I pretend to reach into my pocket and pull something out. The man's eyes light up immediately. His face, which is fairly straight, seems indescribable at the moment: "Ten! No, hundred thousand! Damn it, you drive a BMW. You are rich so you are amazing? Rich people can easily seduce other people's wives! I accuse you of adultery and bigamy!"

"Come on. Don't waste your mouth water!" I shrug my lips and go towards to him, "Do you want money? Okay, is a check fine for you?"

I take out my wallet in one hand and walk over. The man does not well prepare, he seems just ready to nod. Suddenly, I reach out a hand and grab his collar. Then I lift him up with a little effort.

"Money? I'll give you money!" After that, I slap him on the face.

Crack! Five finger-prints are immediately appeared on his face, and half of his face becomes swollen.

"Do you want more?" I stare at him and scold, slapping back one more time.

The man is stunned by my two slaps. The whole man is struggling hard. Before he could break free, I take him and throw him far away. Then I rush up and kick him. If Yanny hasn't grabbed behind me, he would have been sent to the hospital immediately.

"Chen Yang, no! Don't fight anymore!" Yanny is crying. I let go of my hand, take a breath, and look back at her: "This scum is fucking own beaten!" Then I point to the man on the ground, "Listen, I'm just Yanny's colleague. Your private affairs have nothing to do with me! But I never allow a man who dare beat his wife in my life! It's just to slap you twice today! Next time let me see you do that again, I will squeeze your eggs out, believe it or not?!"

The man is frightened and dumb by my fierce appearance. He covers his face and even forgets to respond. He just stares at me with wide eyes and panic in his eyes.

"Damn it, owe beats" I spit, pull Yanny into the car and drive out from him. When the car is driving on the road, I peek at her. She is wiping her tears with a paper towel. Her shoulders fluctuate slightly from time to time.

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"Are you all right?" I ask her.

"Um." She nods and says nothing.

"Yanny, you're a few years older than me. Don't hide anything. You tell me that as long as I can help you, I'll never frown!" I say it very simply.

This is my principle. I have always looked down upon the men who beat women, especially their wives! I always firmly believe that men's toughness is not used to show off in front of their own women. You have the ability to be tough in society and with outsiders! Don't fuck your wife at home! This kind of man has no fucking eggs!

Yanny cried for a long time before she chokes and says, "Thank… Thank you, Chen Yang."

I wave and change my voice a little softer: "Yanny, are you really OK? That fellow, did he blackmail you? If you have any difficulty, just say it."

She is silent for a while, sighs, the original face of the strong business woman is swept away, all over the face are sadness and weak gestures.

"He's really my husband." She shakes her head slowly, with infinite regret in her eyes: "We've been married for almost four years."

I keep silent and just wait for her go on. She takes a breath, keeps saying slowly.

Yanny is not a native. She is from the south. After four years of University in this city, she did not go home after graduation, but stayed and worked hard. After all, although our city is only a medium-sized city in the country, buy it is already a big city compared with her hometown. Like most university students from rural areas, the temptation to take root in big cities is undoubtedly very strong.

Yanny is a very diligent and capable person. After a year of working in a supermarket, she made a career change to Deep Blue Entertainment and worked out step by step from a young clerk to today. Her whole history can be regarded as a history of individual struggle for urban migrant workers of rural college students. Nowadays, she is also quite successful in her career. A nonnative girl who struggles to have a house and a car in this city is very enviable.

Of course, she would be happy if she hadn't met such a scum husband.

Her scum husband is almost the worst one. At that time, Yanny and he were classmates in the university. He cheated Yanny's heart somehow by using a good word of mouth.

It is said that once people go out of school and enter society, they will change greatly. Sure enough! When that scum husband was in school, at most, he had some minor bad habits. After entering society, he became worse.

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Nowadays, it's hard to find a job. Her husband stayed at home for half a year without finding a suitable job. Too hard and tired jobs, he refused to work. The easy to earn more money jobs, people do not look up to him. So wasted for more than half a year, he was depending on Yanny's income to support their lives.

Hearing this, I can't help but admire her.

I think if we change the vast majority of girls nowadays, such a jobless boyfriend, they have to earn money to support him for more than half a year. I'm afraid they will break up with him as soon as possible.

Yanny even raised him half a year. She has been so obsessed that did not break up with him! It's really amazing!

You know, Yanny is a beautiful woman. At first glance, she just has very regular features, but at a close look, she is very feminine. Nowadays, as soon as a slightly beautiful girl enters the society, there will be a large number of successful young talents wooing them. Girl like Yanny even might have more pursuers.

She's been sticking to that scum for so long! Does she have a higher IQ so that has a lower EQ?

That man is also smart, when depending on Yanny to support them, he knew how to restrain his temperament and nature. He is also gentle to her. So Yanny was willing to support him. Later, the man finally asked a classmate to help find a good job, working in a foreign trade company. His income was pretty good. But it didn't take too long, he has built a relationship with the son of the company owner.

He belongs to the kind of flatterer. But the owner's son has all kinds of bad habits, go dining, wining, whoring and gambling, and so on, lead a dissipated life. Yanny's scum husband depended on him to do odds and made a pretty good living, but gradually became addicted to gambling.

The days that followed were sad. Once the gambling stuff gets into it, it's a bottomless abyss! That's the hole that keeps absorbing money! Otherwise, how can casinos make money? Aren't all gamblers "donating"?

The man's salary was all thrown in that big hole. At that time, Yanny was married to him. Their income combined was quite good, but they often couldn't make ends meet. Yanny was often scolded at home.

Yanny works harder and has been responsible for more business. There were often some busy hours, such as some social duties or business parties. That man was somewhat unbalanced, from suspicion at the beginning, to unreasonable nagging later. He searched her belonging and tried to find out the adultery trace. If he couldn't find, he just had the brass neck to say a few sorry words. If he found something to make him feel doubtful, he would speak the bad words, and sometimes even fought against her!

I am stunned. What the fuck is this man?

But the best part has yet to come. Yanny's parents saved up some money, which was enough to pay the down payment of a house. As a matter of fact, Yanny and that man are husband and wife, there is no reason to buy a house only let the wife pay the down payment alone. But that man has lost almost all his money. As a result, he put forward several unreasonable demands to Yanny.

First, Yanny pays the down payment, and they pay the monthly mortgage together. Yanny was a kind woman and hesitated to say yes to the man before she had totally given up with him.

The second demand came immediately: that man's name should be registered on the real estate certificate, because he felt that if Yanny was the only one name registered on the real estate certificate, it would hurt his "male self-pride". Yanny actually agreed either.

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To be honest, I'm even a little speechless to Yanny when I hear this. What did this woman really think?

The third demand is even more bizarre. After looking for several source of houses, they found one pretty suited. That man's first reaction was whether he could leave the largest room with balconies and facing south for his parents. Because it is said that his parents have plans to move in and live together with them.

To be frankly, to honor parents should be fine. But used wife's family's money to buy a house, but he only wanted to honor his own parents only. Should Yanny's parents be deserved to live in a small town all their lives?

Damn, that fellow usually beats his wife, scolds his wife, supports family by his wife, takes the money from his wife's family and buys a house "to honor" to his parents. Is this a real man? What the fuck about "man's self-pride"?

It's not finished yet!

The fourth demand is more bizarre. The man has an elder brother who has a son. That kid is in the age of studying primary school. As a result, that man asked to take over this kid, because our city is a big city and the educational environment is better. Of course, when he comes, it's up to Yanny to help raise him.

What fuck?

It's right to help family! But you can't even feed yourself now. After buying a house, your wife not only takes care of your parents, but also needs to take care of a child. She is responsible for all the family needs, and his name need to be registered on the real estate certificate without pay a penny. On weekdays, he sometimes gave her a beating or scolding.

How could such miserable treatment exist?

I used to think that I'd met enough scum. Today I just know I had met the worst!

Such a man, also dare to mention what "man's self-pride", men all over the world have to be humiliated to commit suicide!

"I say Yanny, didn't you agree all these demands?" I strenuously open my mouth and look at her.

She keeps silent for a while, finally slowly says, "No... When my parents knew it, they quit and opposed it resolutely. As a result, he had a big fight with me, and he hurt me very seriously. After that time, I really counted him out and decided to divorce." She sighs and looks weak in her eyes. "But he refused to divorce. He has dragged me for almost three years. In the past three years, I don't know how many times he pestered me intermittently. I invited a lawyer to divorce him, but it didn't work."

I can't help sighing: "Damn! Of course he won't divorce! You are his personal nanny and a long-term meal ticket. Leave you, who feeds him?" I think and ask her, "But divorce lawsuits aren't so hard to fight, are they? The law stipulates that if a couple separates for two years, they can be divorced."

Yanny's face is somewhat helpless, angry, sad and grieving: "It's not so simple. Chen Yang, what you don't understand is that the so-called separation must be evidenced. But there are some difficulties in defining evidences of separation between husband and wife. And he often came to pester me, and even ran to my home at night to pester me. More than a year ago, on the advice of my lawyer, I began to prepare the procedures and evidence for separation. But now that the two-year separation period is approaching, he recently entangled me tighter."

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I see... The so-called separation, in fact, is mainly to define whether the husband and wife still live together! It's very difficult to get evidence about this extremely private matter. You say no, people say yes, which is very difficult to explain.

I smile bitterly. Yanny is smart and competent at work, but I don't realize that her private family life is in a mess! She is so weak and deceptive emotionally!

Such a thing, if changed... Well, if you change it to Jojo. She must kick that scum to death. If she don't beat him until he can't take care of himself. That would be her kindness!

I sigh, "Yanny, you're too easy to be bullied. I didn't expect you to be such a soft-hearted person. Where's your tough motivation when you sign a contract for your company? Take out a tenth of it, and you won't be bullied like this, will you?"

As she wipes her tears, she whispers, "He would come to me almost every these period of the month to make such a scene and use the opportunity to play a rogue. He might know that the days of I get paid every month and come to blackmail some money."

"Enough!" When I slap the steering wheel, I press the horn unexpectedly and shout angrily, "Next time this guy comes to you, tell me! Damn, I just hit him a few more times. I even felt a little embarrassed. Now I really want to go back and beat him hard again!"

We chat all the way. She wipes her tears and doesn't notice that I have driven back to the company. When we get into the parking lot, I comfort her with a few words. Originally we have to go to the airport to pick up customers as planned, but now she is not in a very good state of mind, not suitable to meet customers. I just let her go upstairs directly back to the company.

But anyway, I've decided to do her a favor.

This is how simple I am. If you respect me, I respect you too! When I just took the job, Yanny helped me a lot. Now she's in trouble. I will try my best to help her!

Maybe it's not too professional! But I'm no others! I'm the little 5! It's the brother little 5 in the nightclub who fling bottles with people for a waitress under him! Not to mention that Yanny helped me with all her heart! Even if she didn't help me anything, at least now I'm her leader!

Bullying brother little 5's staff?

Two words: Find death!


Later, Azle accidentally heard about Yanny's bitter past from me that there was such a woman who bought a house on her own and paid for a rogue husband. She also promised to divide the house into half to support her husband's parents, plus a minor nephew. Finally, the house had to register the name of him. Being beaten and scolded at intervals was common, and she had no regrets as ever.

Azle is shocked, and the first response is: Where is the woman? Damn, even if she looks ugly, I'll marry her! This is the best wife that every man is dreaming of!

As for how to deal with that scum husband, Jojo is furious when she hears the story. Her eyes are wide and scolds, "Damn! Is there such a bad guy? Your Jojo mama will beat him up and then take him to Thailand to castrate him directly, and then sent him to a gay brothel to let him sell his butt for the rest of his life!

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