Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 84

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They seem to be very kind to say goodbye to each other. Winson Lee comes across the hotel, just in the direction I am facing. He sees me and is shocked slightly. Then he laughs: "Hello, Mr. Chen Yang! I didn't expect to meet you here."

I immediately respond, "Mr. Lee, do you stay at this hotel?"

He shrugs his shoulders gracefully and looks with style: "No idea. Miss Jojo seems to have some prejudices about me. Uncle Joe asked me to stay at his house, but I still feel inconvenient, so I went out to stay in hotel."

I know immediately that Jojo didn't give him a good face, but he does know how to behave in a delicate situation. Looking at his calm face, it seems that there is no embarrassment at all. Instead, he smiles lightly and says, "It's good here, close to the city at least. I think it's very convenient."

I nod, politely deal with some words, just about to say goodbye. He suddenly laughs and says: "Do you have time? How about have cups of tea together?"

I am stunned. He smiles calmly, shows his white teeth, and looks well educated:" Those people just now are some business acquaintances. I don't have any friends here. You have a good relationship with Jojo. I'd like to have a chance to talk with you. Even if just make a friend."

Make a friend with you? I laugh bitterly in my heart. If Jojo knows, she would cut me with a knife!

But Winson's smile in front of me is very sincere. It's not good to say no directly. I'm just thinking, hears him smiles again: "Well, Mr. Chen Yang, if you're very embarrassed, it's all right. I know, I'm afraid Jojo has a deep prejudice against me. Actually, I just want to have a frank chat with you."

"All right!" I nod, "Let's find a place to sit down."

His words are so polite that if I refuse again, it will be a little too deliberate.

We go into the café-shop next to us and find a place to sit down. I order a cup of tea at random, while Winson orders a glass of tequila.

"I'm used to drink a small glass of wine before going to bed, which may make me sleep better." He laughs with great felicity: "I hope you don't think I'm an alcoholic."

I have to admit that he is indeed a man of considerable grace. He has an indescribable charming personality.

There is a kind of person in the world who seems to be able to attract people's attention naturally. No matter in any circle, he will easily become the focus of attention, become the core figure, and unconsciously influence the words and deeds of the people around him.

Obviously, Winson Lee is this kind of person. Originally, I'm worried that I would have nothing to say with him, but facts have proved that my worries are superfluous!

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He always seems to have endless topics to liven up the atmosphere, always find some topics to arouse the conversation between people. More than half an hour passed, and there is no awkward silence in our chat! He's good at talking, very skillful in getting the topic out, and then we start the discussion. I have to admit it again, if he isn't the "son of bitch" who comes to try to marry Jojo, I would be happy to make a friend with such a person.

"Chen Yang, when did you get know Jojo?" He takes a shallow sip of wine in the void of his speech, and then asks as if he is at will.

"Well, around three years ago." I think over of it and answer, "It was in a bar. Jojo is a girl with very special personality. We get along very well. Ordinary people may think she's difficult to get along with at first, but after spending a long time with her, you will find that she is actually a very good friend."

Winson nods, thinks for a moment and says, "But I feel like she has a kind of, well, hostility feeling with me?"

I laugh, think about it, and say cautiously, "Mr. Lee, please forgive me for taking the liberty. I have heard that you are coming for the marriage of two families this time, aren't you?"

He laughs too: "Yes, you know that. It's right. My father and Uncle Joe have a good relationship, so they want me to marry Jojo and live together. But frankly, we are all young people. If it's you, if your elders push a girl you don't even know in front of you, and then ask you to marry her. Such a thing may have been normal decades ago, but now, I'm afraid you and I all can't accept it."

My eyes light up: "So... Are you also resisting?

He laughs deeply: "Oh, Chen Yang... You say 'also resisting'. It seems that I have found the reason why Jojo is hostile to me." I am a little embarrassed, but he quickly continues with a laugh and says, "Well, we don't have to beat around the bush. To tell you the truth, I do have a resistance mentality. Maybe you'll be surprised that I don't want to marry Jojo at all. Totally not at all."

I can't help sitting up straight. "Really?"

He shrugs his shoulders: "I was educated in freedom in the West, and I hate it in my bones. Well, it should be called arranged marriage. God, what time is it now? Why can the elders take it for granted that they can arrange the happiness of our life? Jojo maybe beautiful, or as you say, she's a good girl. But I really don't have feeling on her at all."

I breathe a sigh of relief and say with a bitter smile, "It's so coincidental. If you have said it earlier, I'm afraid Jojo wouldn't have to…"

He raises his eyebrows: "Oh? What is she going to do with me?" Speaking of this, he smiles with amusement: "She must have prepared something, and I'm curious. Actually, I have one thing to tell you. I see you tonight and come over to ask for have a chat. There's a reason for that."

"What reason?"

He has an apologetic smile on his face: "It's like this. Jojo called me a little while ago and asked me to come out and meet. To be honest, I was surprised when I received her call because she said she wanted to introduce some friends to me. I feel that she should be very hostile to me, which makes me a little confused."

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My heart suddenly moves.

What does Jojo want to do? Is it "Action begins"?

No! How could she not tell me what she is going to do? How could she possibly not ask me to join?

I almost subconsciously pull out my cell phone, and I am stunned at a glance.

My cell phone, I don't know when the power is off!

I am thinking about how to say to him, then I see the entrance of the cafe. Jojo is holding Azle's arm, and they both appear magnificently.

Jojo wears a windy fur coat with a coquettish low-breasted skirt and high shoes an inch high! The delicate strap outlines the perfect curve of the calf. Azle is wearing a gorgeous casual suit, no tie, the shirt inside is printed, the collar loosens two buttons, and an Omega watch on the wrist. It's the watch 007 endorses. The whole person looks graceful and unrestrained!

The combination of these two perfectly beautiful men and women attract a lot of attention as soon as they come in. Jojo and Azle greet Winson coquettishly, but when they see me, both of them are stunned. But the three of us exchange glances quickly, and they calm down instantly.

"Chen Yang." Jojo approaches and instead of greeting Winson, she pats me on the shoulder first: "Why's your cell phone off? I've been looking for you all night!"

I feel the pain on my shoulder from this woman. I wonder if she wants to slap me to death.

"Hello, I'm Jojo's friend. Just call me Azle." Azle shake hands with Winson very gently. Winson still smiles calmly: "Hello, my name is Winson Lee."

Jojo stands by Azle intentionally and is very close to him. She says, "OK, let's go out for a walk. It's boring to have tea here. Winson, you are a guest from afar. Let me take you to enjoy the nightlife here."

Winson immediately nods, "That's fine."

Four of us walk out of the café-shop. I am so frustrated that I don't have the chance to talk to Jojo and Azle quietly. I have to glance at them and hint. Unfortunately, both of them can't understand what I mean. Instead, they try to give me look, presumably to ask me how I could be with Winson.

We go out all the way, get on the car and drive to a famous entertainment place in the city.

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This is a street full of all sizes of bars, some of which are quite decent.

Four of us enter one of the clubs, and as soon as we enter, two polite waiters come to greet us.

This club looks quiet outside. It is decorated in western style and elegant. But when you go in, down to the basement hall and open the door, you will immediately hear the deafening heavy metal music!

We walk through the squash, and the waiters take us into a balcony. There are some people already in it. I take a look at them and I find they are acquaintances in bars. They also have good relationships with us, but not as close as I, Jojo, Azle and Wood.

Looking at these people, I immediately understand. This is another great feast set up as a trap Jojo has made!

I want to talk to Jojo for the first time, but I don't have the chance, and I want to drag Azle to the toilet to say that, but there is a separate small bathroom in this balcony.

Damn! I can't pull Azle to go to the bathroom together in front of so many people. We are two big men! What will others think of us?

"OK!" Jojo laughs loudly and says, "We are all here now! Let's get started!" Then someone turns up the music and the loud music shocks our eardrums. Winson's face remains the same. He greets the people in the room in a politic way, and then sits down to chat with Azle.

Azle seems to have been ready: "Mr. Lee is from the South Ocean?"

"Singapore." Winson laughs.

At this time, a friend next to him comes up and deliberately rolls up his sleeve, revealing a tattoo on his arm. It is a green dragon... I see at a glance that it's not a tattoo pierced out, but a painting.

And, looking at the fierce smile on his face, I can see that this guy is playing the role that should belong to me: a gangster.

Sure enough, he grips open a bottle of beer and says to Winson, "Are you doing business here too? Good! Good! What's the difficulty here, just tell me! Otherwise, if there is a turnover problem in business! Just look for me!"

Winson smiles: "Oh? Do you work in a bank?"

"No! I'm a usurer!" This fellow seems to have good recitation skills and acting skills: "If you need money, just look for me! You're Jojo's friend, and you're my friend!"

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Winson says with a faint smile, "But is usury illegal?"

"Cut, what are you afraid of!" The man looks very fierce, pointing to the top of his finger: "I have backing on top!"

I faint! I almost couldn't resist a sip of wine coming out. Looking at Jojo, I think, you don't even change the lines, do you?

Winson is not surprised at all. He still smiles faintly and says, "Well, how's business here when it comes to usurious loans?"

"Very good!" This friend says grimly, "There are many people who need fast money now! We have a fair price, no collateral, but a three-point profit! Very good earnings!"

"Well," Winson thinks and says, "What if you don't get your money back?"

"Who dares!" The friend stares: "We aren't good-for-nothing! The company raises a group of people, who are specifically responsible for collecting debts! Who dares not pay back the money? A bunch of brothers will go over and cut their hands or feet! Then sprinkle paint on the door! If he still doesn't return it, we'll block the door!" At this point, probably rehearsed beforehand, he looks back at Jojo, and deliberately laughs out loud: "Jojo, last time I took you to burn that family's house, did you think it was fun?"

"Funny!" Jojo laughs in unison.

Winson frowns. He seems to think about it. Then he looks up at that fellow seriously. He sighs, "This gentleman, can I give you a suggestion?"

"Ah?" The guy is a little stunned, why Winson doesn't have any overreaction at all.

Winson looks confident: "To be honest, I listened to your business and think there are some suggestions for improvement."

"Er... Well, you just say."

"Well, there are many underground financial companies in the South Ocean, there are several in Hong Kong and Macao too, and they also have some business contacts with our family. I feel that your company is lagging behind." His tone is very sincere: "Now as a financial company, blindly using these means of force has fallen behind. Even in Hong Kong's Hutchison, some new means have been adopted. What you said is the practice of the last century. Now the underworld community has adopted some more effective means but will not violate the law. He takes out a business card from his arms and hands it to the fellow sincerely.

"This is the name card of Sanger, the leader of Hutchison in Hong Kong. You can contact him. With my relationship, it should not be difficult for him to send two experts in this field to give your company some professional advice."

"..." That fellow is shocked and stunned.

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