Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 85

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The temporary guest player fellow almost mechanically takes the card, but he can't help looking up at Jojo with a pitiful look. Jojo coughs hard and then winks back at another friend.

The friend immediately realizes it and deliberately laughs loudly and says, "Come on! Let's have some fun!"

With the saying, he takes out of a transparent plastic bag from his arm deliberately in a sneaky manner. It is a small package of white powder!

Then he wipes the table clean, carefully pours out a little white powder, spreads it evenly on the table, looks up at the others and says, "How about try a little?"

Jojo immediately laughs publicly and says, "As the old rules!"

I sweat on my forehead.

Is it too much?!

Fortunately, Azle has quietly says to me with mouth shape: "Flour."

I'm a little relieved. Jojo has looked at Winson with a provocative eye: "Would you like to try?

Winson frowns slightly and finally sighs, "I... Not accustomed to..."

Before he finished, Jojo, with a triumphant smile and a disdainful tone, says, "Why don't you dare? This is exciting! Would you like to try it?" She looks back at the friend.

The friend shows exciting expression on his face, but in fact, his eyes are similar to those of the last execution court. He can only imitate the drug addicts in movies, carefully evening out the white powder on the table, grinding his teeth, holding one finger against one nostril, and passing it over with another nostril, suck hard.


He is a loud sneeze right away! Then the poor fellow looks like a tearful man. He undoubtedly feels unwell, but he has to pretend to very HI and shouts, "Cool! So cool!"

Jojo grits her teeth and stares at Winson: "How's it going? Do you want to try?"

Winson says with a rueful smile: "I just meant... I don't think it's right for you to do like that. If you want to be HI, you can try to use a little glucose solution, dilute it, and then take the tinfoil to dry on the lighter, then suck it again. Maybe it feels better."

All cold sweats...

FXXX! This guy is an expert?!

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I couldn't help but ask, "Winson... You... You've never taken drugs, have you?"

He smiles calmly: "I didn't. But when I was in University, I used to smoke marijuana as an exchange student for a year at the University of Pennsylvania in the United States in pursuit of stimulation. You know, many University students in the West have smoked marijuana, but I don't touch these things now."

Awkward silence again.

To tell the truth, although we are ridiculous on weekdays, none of us has ever touched drugs. Don't mention about marijuana, even has never seen Ecstasy before!

Winson says frankly, "Personally, I think you'd better not touch drugs. Because it's not a good thing, and it's harmful to your health. If you have to, I'm afraid I'll have to say goodbye, because I've quit it."

Jojo grits her teeth and looks a little stunned. Fortunately, Azle has already responded, "Well, let's put it away. We can just drink." Then he winks at other people, and they quickly hide that bag of flour.

Jojo then winks at Azle. Helplessly, he continues the conversation with Winson: "Mr. Lee, what kind of business is your family doing?"

"Many territories." Winson is modest: "The family's business is complex, and in recent years we feel that the areas we have involved may be too scattered, and we are ready to consider rectifying them."

Then he asks, "Azle, what's your job?"

Here comes it!

Azle, as a matter of fact, looks around deliberately, a series of mysterious looks, and whispers, "Business can't be exposed at all! Well, this!" He reaches out and makes a pistol move, whispering, "Arms!"

"..." Winson looks at Azle in surprise. "Arms?" At last he changes his countenance

Jojo and Azle are obviously relieved.

It seems that there is still a way to shock Winson.

But then Winson goes on to say, " But it's illegal to do arms business at home! Although your country also has arms import and export business, but those are the official operation. I have not heard of any private arms dealers."

Azle chuckles: "A small business, we're small underground arms dealers. Mr. Lee, many countries in Southeast Asia are in a precarious situation. If there is business, everyone will make a fortune together. The Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia all have a lot of non-governmental armed forces. There's a lot of money to make."

"This... I'm afraid not." Winson rejects it very simply.

Azle and Jojo immediately show disdain, and Jojo says, "Winson, just forget it. Your family is doing legitimate business, so just not to be dragged down by our friends! Hum!"

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Winson thinks for a moment and says with a bitter smile, "I don't mean that... Actually..."

He smiles and says, "Azle, it's not that I don't help you, it's really that I can't help you. Because the biggest arms supplier in Southeast Asia is our family. My uncle runs a branch office in the United States."


"Our family's business in the United States has always been run by my uncle. We have business with the Rock family, the largest arms family in the United States. It's cooperative, has a license issued by the U.S. government, and is a legitimate gun dealer." He laughs bitterly and says, "As for several non-governmental armed forces in Southeast Asia. I advise you not to cooperate with them, because their credibility is not good. There have been several incidents that have destroyed their credibility. Now many arms dealers have refused to cooperate with them." Then he looks at Azle with sincere: "Of course, this is just a little personal advice from me."

I'm stunned.

Jojo is stunned.

Azle is stunned.

All people in the room are stunned.

Just when we are stunned, Winson easily lifts the glass in front of him and takes a sip of wine.

Suddenly, with a bang, the door of the room is knocked open!

Then Wood is rushing in, wearing a coat, and inside it is a prominent psychiatric hospital uniform, shouting: "Jojo! Where is Jojo?!"

I look at Azle, and the two of us who have first responded, jump up quickly, rush to the door, one in left and one in right, quickly erect Wood and push him out.

The operation this time is a complete failure!


It's me to send Winson back to the hotel. Jojo and Azle are too shame to see him anymore.

"Tonight…" Before I leave, I look at him and hesitate to say something.

"No need to say." He laughs and says: "I understand." He blinks to me: "But I can't imagine that your methods are really creative! To be honest, I was almost bluffed."

I sigh and say, "Well, actually we have no malicious intentions."

"I have no malice too." Winson keeps saying with smile, "You are a group of interesting people. I'd like to make friends with you... Well, please tell Jojo that she and I are equally resistant to this engagement. But the old people are very stubborn. Sometimes, some roundabout means are far more effective than frontal hard shocks. So, I suggest that we should show harmony on the face, and then think slowly, which is better. At least for the time being, I will persuade my father not to think about marriage for the time being. Let he excuse us for slowly dating for a while. I estimate that we can think slowly for two years. I am sure that there will always be ways to delay the marriage until two years later."

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Before leaving, he suddenly whispered, "Chen Yang, can I ask you a question?"


His eyes flashes: "Jojo is a very lovely girl. She is very close to you, Azle, and the doctor friend. Why is one of your three men not with her? I think that might be a good thing."

I laugh bitterly and say, "Don't kid. We and Jojo? It's impossible."

"Why not?" Winson laughs profoundly:" There is nothing impossible in the world."

I sigh, "Let me tell you the truth, Jojo... She is... Well, she likes women."

Winson listens to me quietly. He doesn't even have any surprise on his face. Instead, he asks me indifferently, "So what?"

Before I could finish, he slowly says, "If I get the right information. I don't think Jojo is born to like women, is she? At least, I know, I heard Uncle Joe said that Jojo had a very close boyfriend a few years ago, but then they broke up for some reasons."

Then he pats me on the shoulder: "There is no impossible thing in the world. Maybe I'm just a kibitzer, but I still think it's a good thing that you guys have such a good relationship. It's also a good thing to grow from a friend to a lover. And, I can feel Uncle Joe's meaning. In fact, he may not really see me as his son-in-law, but the elders are very anxious about their daughter's life events, so they will rush to bring me as a candidate. If Jojo has a regular boyfriend herself, maybe Uncle Joe will change his mind."

I am stunned again. "But I thought..."

Winson laughs and says, "Please tell Jojo what I said. Well, I'll stay here for a few days because there are some businesses of the family and some business friends to meet here. During my stay here, you are welcome to come and have tea with me. After all, you are my first friend in this city."

After that, he hands me a business card and walks into the hotel with a smile.

As I watch him leave, I suddenly remember that I have seen him meet Jimmy Chou's men here before.

Does his family have business with Jimmy?

But it seems that my relationship with him is not very convenient to ask these questions.

I shake my head and walk out of the hotel.

Azle and Jojo are waiting in the car, while Wood is sitting in the back row, still wrapping in his coat.

Jojo, with a haggling smile, sees me coming, but sprinkles her angers on me: "Chen Yang! What the hell are you doing at night? We can't find you anyway! If we had a good discussion, we would not have made a fool of ourselves!"

I shrug my shoulders: "How do I know! But there's one thing you can rest assured of. He doesn't want to marry you at all."

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"Oh?" Jojo's eyes light up.

Then I relay Winson's words to her, but I hesitate to say Winson's suggestion of "friends become lovers". Jojo doesn't notice the hesitant expression on my face. After listening, she smiles with great satisfaction and looks very heroic: "Well! It seems that this fellow is very clever!"

"Very good, very good!" She says with animated expression:" Originally, I had a good plan that if I am not escape, I would have to execute my last great trick!"

"What trick?"

"Cut! Find a pair of scissors, cut him on the wedding night." Miss Jojo smiles proudly and says, "Then he won't be able to touch me anymore!"

The first unconscious reaction of our three men is to involuntarily cover the crotch with our hands.

Now the top priority thing has been reduced the threat. Miss Jojo is in a good mood. As soon as she clears up her depression, she immediately suggests that all of us to find a place for midnight snack.

Look at the time. It's almost four o'clock in the morning. To be honest, I'm also really hungry. In the evening, I accompanied VP to dinner. After drinking, I only ate a bowl of porridge, and now I feel a little hungry. Wood and Azle don't matter. Anyway, both of them are idle and don't worry about going to work and getting up early the next day. Azle has no regular job, while Wood keeps the small community clinic and watches comics every day.

But strangely, instead of taking Jojo's car, both of them board the car I drive together, which I intend to return to Azle. He think about it and says to me, "Keep it. There's another one in my house. You work far away now, and it's convenient to have a car."

I don't refuse Azle's kindness. I am not polite to these guys because we have a good relationship with each other anyway.

But when they get in the car, they look at each other and Azle speaks, "You just told Jojo what Winson said. Seems to hesitate in the middle, is there something to hide?"

Wood looks at me too.

I am astonished: "You feel it?"


"All right." I sigh, sit in the driver's seat and look back at the two men: "I did have something concealed, did not say. Winson has a very ridiculous suggestion. I don't think it's necessary to say it because it's too ridiculous."

After a pause, I grin bitterly. "He suggested that one of us should fall in love with Jojo and sublimate from a friend to a lover. He said that would be the easiest way..."

I haven't finished yet. The two men's faces have turned pale.

Looking at Azle, this playboy is swallowing his saliva hardly: "Come on! Marry her? Just imagine it is more terrible than nightmares! I... I'd rather live ten years less!"

I sigh and turn to Wood.

Wood, after all, is Wood. There is no nonsense, just a quick sentence.

"Twenty years!"

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