Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 86

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We have a midnight meal at a famous all-night restaurant in the city. Many nightclub people like to come here to eat, although the price is a little bit expensive, but the taste is good, is worth the money.

When we eat and drink enough, four of us surround the table, some burping and some picking teeth with toothpicks. But I am quite special, not interest the delicious foods on the table, but holding a pot of porridge and a bowl of green vegetables to eat endlessly.

Azle next to me laughs at my foolishness, and I retort coldly, "You playboy knows shit! It's you who eat so much greasy food in the middle of the night and get fatty liver and high blood fat in the future. If eat midnight meal, just to eat lighter, will not increase the burden of the stomach. It will not add so much fat to the body can't digest! When you are fifty, let me see whether you can still laugh anymore?!"

Azle immediately retorts, "Cut! Little Five, stop making fun of me! I can live to be at least fifty years old. Well, as what you said, any of us, if anyone marry Jojo, I'm afraid he won't be able to live to fifty… Oh, Ya!"

Before he has finished, Wood has steps on his foot beneath the table, and Azle immediately responds. Facing Miss Jojo to say that, he must not want to live!

Sure enough, the atmosphere suddenly cools down.

Murderous look!

At the same time, the three of us feel a sharp chill on our back, just like a needle. We feel like a cool air sliding down our neck from the top of our heads.

"Azle, what, are, you, saying?!" Jojo's eyes narrow and her face have a peculiar chill before the outbreak.

Wood and I exchange glances. The first reaction is to snatch away the knives and metal spoons we have just eaten steak from the table in front of Jojo.

"Ah…Well…"Looking at the upcoming outbreak's Jojo, Azle is with a cold sweat on his head and an embarrassed face, shouting out in a hurry, "This... Not what I said! Chen Yang said that!"

Jojo listens and looks at me. "Chen Yang!"

"I..." Before I could justify myself, Azle, such a bastard, is already shamelessly beginning to plant stolen goods.

"Jojo, that's what he said! All he said! He said that if marry a woman like you will be in danger! He said he would rather live ten years less than marry a woman like you!"


He plants all his words on me!

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But even more shameless is Wood! The fake honest man says in a very firm tone: "No, not ten years, but twenty years!"

"FXXX! You two bastards, I strangle you..." I jump up in anger, but in the face of Jojo's murderous eyes, I subconsciously step back.

"Chen Yang... You'd better think about how to die!" Jojo seems to be about to turn into crazy. Her eyes have already shown the chilliest look. Then she picks up two chopsticks on the table and pounces at me. She is sabre rattling and yelling, "I'll fork you!"

Azle and Wood have no sense of righteousness to hide for several steps. Azle, this son of a bitch, laughs and pulls the waiters. "Don't panic, they are a couple fighting. Don't call the police. It's all right."

I ran around the table for two rounds, Jojo kicks it over with one foot, and the soup pours down on me. The chopsticks stab me on the chest twice and break, but my chest is really painful.

If I haven't run fast, my face would have been scratched by Jojo. This woman opens her ten fingers, pointing nails like ten knife blades.

Azle and Wood next are the most annoying. They even bet in a low voice, "How long do you think Chen Yang will last?"

"Ten minutes, five for one!"

"Five minutes..."

I am chased all the way out of the restaurant to the parking lot, and finally just run around the car, crying, "Jojo, you're fucking crazy! That's not what I said! It's Azle! That son of a bitch said that!"

"You go to die! If I don't finish you today, I'll not be a human being!"

"Damn! You won't marry me, live ten or twenty years longer. What's the difference?" I am in a hurry and say in nonsense.

Jojo is furious! "Chen Yang! You little son of bitch! Your Miss Jojo is born beautiful! Men who want to marry me can drain from the east to the west of the river. It's just that I don't look up to them! You are fucking dare to look down on me! I... I... Am I fucking tolerant or intolerable today?!"

By the time Azle and Wood have paid the bill and go out. I am stuck in the corner by Jojo, but I twist her wrist so hard that she can't continue to hit. I watch them both come out and saying angrily, "You two bastards! Are you crazy? Look at what you've done!"

Azle rolls his eyes and opens his hand. "Come on, it was you said that. Now it's you who's twisting Jojo's hand. But I really want to be fair!" With a fair expression on his face, he says in a fake sadness and angry, "What a good girl our Jojo is! Beautiful and generous, sexy and enthusiastic, born with a warm heart! Such a good girl in front of you, any man is not in a hurry to cherish? Without sweet words and honeyed words, you at least need to bring out the spirit of arduous struggle that fears neither death nor hardship? You have difficulties, you need to go up. You have no difficulties, need to create difficulties to go up! Swear to die and hold the beauty back! That's you! Chen Yang! What a shit words to Miss Jojo! Such a beautiful woman in front of you is a mud brick and rubble! Don't say she wants to hit you! On behalf of the men all over the world, I express great indignation at your behavior. You shouldn't behave like that!"

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When he finishes these words in one breath, I am stunned, and take advantage of his breathing efforts to interpose a sentence: "Come on! She likes women!"

"That's Miss Jojo's own business!" Azle immediately relentlessly continues to criticize me: "Who does she like, it is her own business! But if you mistake to take a precious as garbage, it's your problem! Don't always emphasize objective reasons! Attention should be paid to your own subjective understanding of the mistakes! Chen Yang! "

"I..." I am choked so that I can't swallow my breath for a while, and finally shouting, "You such an asshole speaks like an animal!"

I release Jojo.

She must be tired, stands there, staring at me, hard breathing and no longer comes up to hit me.

After quite a while, Jojo breath and recover some strength, staring at me, gnash the teeth in anger: "Chen Yang you little bastard! Next time I see you, I will kick you to death!"

Azle immediately asks, "Jojo, why don't you kick him today?"

"Cut! Kick him today? Just have a good wish!" Jojo flips her eyelids, grits her teeth and says disdainfully, "I'm not wearing underwear today. If I kick him, doesn't it let him take advantage of?"


The three of us look at each other instantly and can't say anything.

We've horsed around long enough and finally get into the car together to rest. Each of us lights a cigarette. After sitting for a while, Azle and Wood feel that the atmosphere is still wrong. They excuse to buy newspapers, open the door and leave, just leaving Jojo and I in the car.

Jojo and I were in harmony, but suddenly feel a little embarrassed now. Jojo's eyes are still a little angry, but more of resentment too.

"Chen Yang!" Suddenly she says, "You say... Are you so contemptuous of me?"

I am speechless, think it over, and say with a bitter face, "Don't listen to their nonsense..."

"Good! I won't listen to them, I'll listen to you!" Jojo stares into my eyes. "I ask you, is it so terrible to marry me? There are so many men around me every day! None of them said that to me! Only you Chen Yang dare to say that!"

I am laughing at once: "I say Jojo, what's there to fight for?"

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But unfortunately, I forget a truth.

Most women in the world are like this... Women are a very complex creature.

If men pursue them, they will scold men for being lustful and cheap. But if men turn a blind eye to them, they will complain that men have no eyes.

For the vast majority of beautiful women, the only acceptable rule is: I am popular, every people love me! But only those smelly men are allowed to fall in love with me, but I look down on them!

If on the contrary, those smelly men dare not look down on! Damn, that's desperately serious!

Especially in the hearts of many beautiful women who always feel good about themselves, this rule can be simplified into one sentence: I can look down on you, but you can never look down on me!

This rule applies to Jojo: she marries me or not is one thing. But I dare look down on her, that's absolutely unforgivable!

"I surrender, OK?" I'm dejected and say, "I'm ashamed I'm too bad to deserve you. Is that OK?"

"Don't try to be cunning!" Jojo's face is still white. She's incompliant:" I ask you, Chen Yang! You tell me the truth! Why don't you want to marry me?"

"Damn it! Because of you don't like men but of women!" I'm in a furious

"That's my business! We're talking about you now! It's your problem! If I like men again, come on, with a girl like me, willing to commit to you, you can't sleep happily every night!"

Looking at Jojo's domineering manner, I can't help laughing.

"You still laugh!" She's crazy and scolds me, "Don't laugh! Be serious! Why am I so awful in your eyes? Why am I so despised by you? I just can't swallow it!"

"No why, Jojo!" I'm driven mad by her. I'm so regret to tell Azle about Winson's saying. Such a bastard, the effect on me is disastrous!

I still patiently explain to her, "That's because we are good friends, buddies! Our friendship lasts forever, until the end of the world, you are always my buddy!"

She blushes angrily, grits her teeth and thinks about it for a while, still to be reluctant. "Then I'll ask you again. Um, if this is the end of the world! There are only two of us left in the world. If we don't get together, human beings will perish. You still don't look up to me yet?"

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Having a strong impulse to curse Azle, I am patient and explain to Jojo.

"If the end of the world is real, there will be only two of us left in the world, and even if we are together, we will not be able to save the crisis of human extinction. Because anthropologically, even if we have children when we are united, we will never find other people and our children to multiply together. Can't our children be united by themselves? It's incest, and even if they get married, their offspring are deformed. In short, the end of human destruction is inevitable, so..."

Speaking here, I look up at Jojo. I just notice that she has already angry with her index finger trembling, shaking, gnashing teeth, with a hate voice: "Chen Yang! I... I... You and I are not over!"

I can't help chilling and shivering.


After a while, Azle and Wood come back and actually take a newspaper on their hands. I take it over and look at it, but it isn't today's, and I don't know where they picked up a yesterday's newspaper.

It's still cold outside in the early morning. After all, it's winter. Four of us squeeze into the car, close the doors and windows, turn on the air conditioner, and Jojo continue to smoke and vent her anger. Azle and Wood are afraid to annoy her. I already sit in the back and read the newspaper with the light of the car.

I'm not going to go home. It's almost morning. It's better to go to work directly from outside. It's also easier.

Suddenly, a few lines of the newspaper are apprearing in my eyes. This is the seam news of the social edition of the newspaper. The winning numbers of the latest welfare lottery were printed on it.

I immediately remember the numbers I bought the other day and calculated the time. It should be yesterday's award! These two days, things are in a mess, I almost forgotten!

I glance at the number in a hurry…

Azle and Wood see me sitting there in a daze. I hold the newspaper in my hand. The expression on my face is somewhat unspeakable, but my eyes... Obviously, there is no focal length.

They push me gently, and I recover from the extreme sluggishness, take a deep breath, and feel my heart beating and my body trembling.

"Chen Yang, what's wrong with you?" Azle frowns, looks at the newspaper in my hand, and sees the number of the welfare lottery. He can't help laughing and says, "What's wrong? Do you dream of making a fortune?"

I have a mysterious smile on my face: "Wrong! It's not a dream of making a fortune... It's the real rich."

Then I roll up the newspaper, take a breath and slowly say, "Brothers and sisters! I really have won the prize and make a fortune! One first prize, two second prizes. Altogether, 8.6 million!"

Looking at my face in ecstasy, Azle takes a serious look at Wood instead of a trace of joy. Wood also looks worried. He turns to Jojo and asks seriously, "Hey, you didn't blow Little Five's head just now, did you?"

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