Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 87

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No matter how they make fun of me, I just check the winning number carefully and there's a free as the air expression on my face.

Azle is somewhat surprised. Looking at me, he probably realizes that I wasn't really kidding. He hesitates for a moment. "Little Five, you won the prize, didn't you?"

"Why can't be?" I answer like nothing happens, then put down the newspaper and look at my three good friends: "I really won the prize."

Then there are some cries of surprise, and Jojo temporarily put aside the fight with me. These guys shamelessly ask me to invite breakfast. I look at the time and point out the sky: "It's still early morning, what do you want to eat?"

Although I appear to be quite calm. Actually, I am boiling in the heart!

I can't help to be exciting. For me, winning a prize has more special significances!

First of all, the fact of winning the prize once again proves the effectiveness of the ring! That's the only time I've ever used the ring since I got the measuring device. Now, it seems that the effect is already shown obviously!

I won the lottery, and after I bought the lottery, I didn't use the ring anymore, nor did I encounter any side effects.

And now the key is: after I receive the winnings, if I can still maintain normal status, there will be no more bad things, then my use of the ring, it can be regarded as completely correct!

Azle, Jojo and Wood are curious and puzzl about my apparent calmness, while Jojo is vicious in thinking that I am overjoyed and to be a fool already, and at the same time very arrogant in saying that if I become a fool, she would be willing to take over Didi and Amy, the two little beauties in my home.

For this female hooligan who has fought with me all tonight, I simply reward her with a blank eye.

We drive back to my house at once, because it is still not five o'clock in the morning, so I left the hooligans in the car downstairs and firmly refuse Azle and Jojo's request to go upstairs with me.

They thought I couldn't guess their little cunnings! They just want to take the opportunity to see the short dresses of the two little beauties in my family when they are not up! Don't even think about it!

When I get home, I take the lottery ticket in my room. Then I think about it and knock on the door of the girl's room next door.

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After hearing some small sounds, Didi answers in a low voice and comes to open the door. She just hides her head behind the door carefully, blushes and asks me, "What's up?"

In the early morning, the light is still very dim. Didi is wearing a pajamas, and the pajamas was embroidered with a cartoon bear pattern. The pendulum under the pajamas is not long, revealing her snow-white legs, and a delicate figure is looming. Her face is red, her eyes are somewhat shy and sleepless, and she covers a blanket.

To be honest, I'm a little stunned when looking at such a scene. For quite a while, I'm just restored to reason. Didi droops her eyelids and says, "What's wrong, brother Little Five? Are you hungry? I'll get up right away and get you something to eat."

"No." I can't help holding her in my arms. She is shocked, looks back unconsciously. The air conditioner is on, the room is warm. Amy is still lying on on the bed, salivating, and had no image. I hold Didi in my arms and bow my head and kiss her on the forehead first. "Honey, we're going to be rich."

After that, I whisper to her, "Don't go to work today. Wait for me at home. I'll come back for lunch at noon. Um, Also, you go out to buy some food back.".

Then I ask her to take out Amy's lottery ticket.

Last time I gave Amy the lottery ticket, Little Money Grubber kept it in her room and pressed it under the glass table. Now she's sleeping soundly and she won't wake her up at all. Anyway, Let me take the money back and give her a surprise.

Didi seems a little confused. Maybe she doesn't understand that I come to knock on the door in the morning to wake her up. But this girl is almost obedient to me on weekdays. I do not say much, she never asks, just very meekly agrees.

But I hold such a beautiful girl, look at her cartoon pajamas. It's so cute that I can't stop it. I can't help hugging her and kissing her fiercely on her lips and patting her on her little buttock. "Go to bed and sleep. It's still early. I'll surprise you when I come back at noon."

Didi gives a low cry of surprise, a flush appears on her pink face, a little shy joy is hidden in her eyes, and her long eyelashes tremble slightly. Although our relationship has been established, the most we do is to play kossy-poo. With little Money Grubber at home, we occasionally secretly kiss each other. Didi is a shy girl who decides not to be intimate with me in front of others. My action, which is similar to that of a lover, makes her feel a little nervous. She looks at me with a red face and a grieving look, and retreats into the room.

My heart is full of joy, although I have no sleep all night, but when I walk out of the house, I feel that my whole body is full of strength!

Touching the lottery tickets in my pocket, I think: the future happiness of my family depends on you!

Jojo, Azle and Wood insist on accompanying me to receive the winnings because they are curious. This kind of thing does not necessarily happen once in a lifetime. Not long after later supper, the three guys insist on find another expensive breakfast restaurant and eat nearly a thousand.

These animals! Seven or eight bowls of seafood porridge were served. I ordered two snacks, but none of them ate them.

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In the words of Azle, this beast says: "Snacks? Too cheap! We eat a few will be full. Only spend very few money. It's too cheap for you. The seafood porridge is good, expensive and tasty. We drink three or five bowls, there's no feeling in the stomach. We can still continue to eat more food!"


We stay in this restaurant until 9 a.m. and I call the company to ask for leave. Today, there's nothing much to do, mainly dealing with yesterday's VP. But that buddy was very drunk last night, today it is estimated that he can't get up until noon. As for the specific business, I can't care too much, mainly rely on Yanny.

It's Yanny who answers my phone. Listening to her voice, it seems that she is in a much better mood and has a light voice.

At ten o'clock in the morning, four of us drive two cars together to the welfare lottery center!

Welfare lottery center is actually not very big, an old building, before the door, is a long ramp. I always feel full of respect for this place. Nothing but just imagine how many millionaires can come out of this place every month.

We park below and walk up. The ramp is about thirty to fifty meters in shape, with a very steep slope. I think it's too appropriate to set up here.

Isn't it? People can walk up this slope, and then come out again, his value immediately worth a hundred times! This can be regarded as the peak of life!

We go into the welfare lottery center and find the reception to explain our intention. His attitude is very professional and cordial, and keeps saying a lot of congratulations and then cast glances at me.

I didn't understand what that meant at the moment. Until later I just know that the receptionist was waiting for me to share out the bonus.

Generally speaking, only the big prizes need to come here to receive the winnings! The small prizes can be received directly at the lottery shop. These people who win the big prizes, when they receive the bonus, will usually come to scatter some money or gifts to share the luck.

I come here with empty-hands, the other party's enthusiasm immediately falls.

Four of us waited in the reception room for a moment, and two staff members come in from the corridor. One of them is a familiar face!

Seeing that familiar face, I don't respond for the first time. Then I suddenly remember that last time I bought lottery in the street, when I won the lottery, this person was also responsible for cashing the prize.

When he sees me, he is stunned too.

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I think it's normal. It's estimated that I won dozens of lottery tickets last time. It's an amazing thing that he has never seen in his career for years. It's unprecedented. So he just stunned and recognized me immediately!

The man, who is in a trance, almost faints, then stands up against the wall and looks at me for two eyes, and then vomits: "... It's you again!"

He looks at me in awe and likes looking at a God.

They verify my identity, take the lottery tickets to verify the authenticity, and then go through the formalities, while tax officers go through the formalities.

After more than an hour of busy work, everything has been done. Nearly six million are transferred to my bank account, but I don't show too much excitement on my face.

I know very well that this is only the first! The very first step!

If everything goes well, then with the lucky ring and the measuring device in my hand, such a harvest will be nothing at all!

In the end, this man can't help asking me in a low voice, "Excuse me, do you have any secret to buy lottery tickets?"

I laugh happily and pat him on the shoulder: "Yes!"

"What is it?" But as soon as he says that, he looks embarrassed. Indeed, if I really have the secret, the secret of making a fortune, how can I tell others?

I laugh and say a classic word in his ear.

"Excellent character!"


By the time we get out of the office, there're already media reporters waiting outside. Basically, every time a new lottery winner comes out, several newspapers will send people to crouch here to interview the newest millionaires. But today, when we come in, they heard that we have won three bets at the same time and the winnings are more than eight million. This news is somewhat unusual.

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When I was inside, I have guessed that there might be reporters outside, and the people in the welfare lottery center, when they went through the formalities, might have spread some of my news, such as I once won dozens of lottery tickets in one breath.

Before going out, I deliberately walk behind. When the door is opened, I push Jojo out first.

As soon as she goes out, she sees and hears the camera flashing continuously. She's almost shaken because of unprepared.

Then there comes a surprising conversation among the reporters:

A: "Is it said a man? Why is a woman comes out?"

B: "Yeah... Haven't you heard that sex change surgery has developed to this level in our country?"

C: "Damn! You two fools, that's the big news! Million prizes are won by a transsexuals! Absolutely headline!"

These words are not only heard by me, but also by Jojo. Looking at her face wanting to kill people, Azle and I are hurry to carry her and rushing out.

Fortunately, I have long been careful not to drive the car to the welfare lottery center's door, but to stay under the ramp. When we run out, the reporters are still looking for us at the door. We have rushed to the parking lot below.

But there are still people waiting!

We see a bright scalp, wearing an old monk's robe with a cloth bag, monk dressed people comes over. He's wearing glasses, a deep face. His feet are wearing a pair of cloth shoes.

Later, I learn that there are quite some cheaters coming and going around the welfare lottery center. Basically this is their fixed place of work! Because of all the people who come here and go out are lucky winners. They're also easy to be cheated money. These cheaters can cheat some money by skillful use of some means.

Even if people don't believe the words of cheaters, the winners are generous. If you say some good words, still may get a little reward.

When the monk dressed up guy sees Jojo coming, he also wants to cheat some money. He is shouting to Jojo: "Hello, you must stop here!"

Jojo is still in angry, sees a man stops her, just slap him directly.

With a snap, this fellow turns 360 degrees in place and immediately had five fingerprints on his face. Then Jojo is scolding angrily: "Get away from me!"

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