Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 88

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There is more than six millions money in the bank account. It really feels good.

I drive all the way back, and although these guys try to make me pay through the nose, listing out all the most expensive restaurants, I just insist on going home.

At first they disagree, but I don't care so much. The money is in my account. Do these animals want to take it out? Hum!

Moreover, Didi's personal cooking skills are also very attractive. We come home just before noon. Didi listened to my orders in the morning and went to buy a lot of food back. When we enter the door, we hear the sounds of cooking coming down from the kitchen. Azle just enters the door, when he sees little Money Grubber, his eyes light up and he is about to hug her. But he suddenly sees Amy's kitchen knife in hand. He quickly puts down his hands and makes a polite appearance.

It's really a comfortable thing to have a girl like Didi at home. She's the kind of housekeeping girl, virtuous and gentle. We just sit down in the living room. She has brought tea like a hostess. Seeing such a gentle beauty busy in the kitchen, Azle can't help sighing: "Oh, this is the real good woman."

I nod and say sincerely, "Yes, a good woman is able to be graceful in the drawing room and skillful in the kitchen. She must be virtuous, good at housekeeping. Didi is such kind of a good wife. Men want to marry such women!"

These words are annoyed a person aside. Jojo looks slightly unnatural and gives me a sidelong look: "What's wrong? Do women have to be good at cooking?"

I shake my head. "Not necessarily. But for most of men, the most desirable wife is a woman who can cook and do housework."

Azle interrupts: "Is it better to marry some woman who you would rather live ten years less?"

Wood's brief correction: "Twenty years."

Jojo is furious when she hears the words, but then suppresses her anger forcibly and says, "Who says I can't cook! Hum! Just open your dog eyes today!"

Then she goes straight to the kitchen, grabs the kitchen knife from little money grubber's hand, and starts chopping the potatoes on the board.

5 minutes past, Amy comes out and announces that the shredded potatoes have been turned into mashed potatoes.

The three of us in living room laugh wildly.

Actually, I don't think it's necessary for Jojo to do this. We're not talking about her. She is not the kind of woman who can do housework by nature. She should be the kind of woman who stares at her eyes and talks with excitement, raises her legs and kicks people with anger. She's not the style to dress up as a housewife.

When the three of us are chatting and smoking, the worst thing happens. When Jojo is washing dishes and preparing to pack meals, we hear the sound of dishes smashing in the kitchen. I rush in and drag her out and beg, "Please hold your hand up! There are only few dishes in my house. If you break them all, we'll have to eat with the pot at noon."

She is also very reluctant, shouting in a huff: "What garbage dishes do you have in your house! Too easy to break! Buy the plastic one next time!"

"OK! OK! OK! I'll replace all with the stainless steel plates later!" I say with a rueful smile: "You just stay here for a tea break."

"No!" Miss Jojo seems determined today to give full play of her virtuous virtues and insists on replace DIdi to cook, which frightens Azle to fight hard to stop her anyway.

Looking at Azle's panic, I don't pay much attention to it at that time. Later, I learn how powerful Jojo's means are.

Azle and Jojo knew each other earlier than me. He told me that Jojo used to have pets before.

At first, she raised a very valuable white-haired Samoyed with good pedigree. In less than a week, the dog was hungry to the skin and bones.

It's not that she abused the dog and refused to feed it. But she was so kind to her pet to cook it by herself. As a result, the poor Samoyed only had lasted for only a week and vomited anything it had eaten. Jojo had to send it away with tear.

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Later, someone brought her a little pye-dog from the countryside. This kind of dog is famous for its vitality, toughness, uncompromising food and excellent survival ability.

As a result, this time it took a longer time. Two weeks later, Jojo found the veterinarian with the puppy in her arms. Fortunately, the veterinarian's skillful hand brought back the puppy's life. The dog is said to have eaten what Jojo made and not vomiting. But it shits whatever it eats. It shits almost the same thing as eats!

Now, Jojo's family still keeps a pet: A turtle.

So when Azle hears that Jojo is trying to go cooking, he is so scared that he grabs her and says calmly, "Jojo, don't go, let's sit here and chat."

"No, I don't want to talk. I'm going to cook! Your Miss Jojo is also to be graceful in the drawing room and skillful in the kitchen!"

"Well, this... Shall we play cards? Or we may video games! Chen Yang has video game machine here. Let's play The King Of Fighters!" Azle drags Jojo and does not let her go.

"No!" Jojo refuses, "I want to cook!"

Azle's eyes turns. "Then we toss a coin to decide!"

After that, he pulls out a coin: "Guess, the front or the back of the coin. If it's the front, we'll play cards! If it's the opposite, we'll play video games!"

Jojo is stunned: "What about cooking?"

Azle sighs: "If the coin is thrown to stand up on its edge, let you cook."

Try every possible way to persuade, Jojo finally makes a salad as a declaration. In the dinner, I shamelessly put this salad in front of Azle.

Didi's cooking skill is excellent. Such kind of gentle girl is almost rare than the panda nowadays. I can find her, it can only be said that my character is really good.

At the dinner table, Didi and Amy finally can't help asking me what makes me so happy today. I tell them one by one and take out two bank cards and the newspaper with the winning number.

"Damn!" Amy is screaming, jumping up like a spring. She almost overthrows the table, staring at me and says, "You... Do you really win the lottery?!"

"En Hum!"

"More than 8 million? Do you really win more than 8 million prizes?" Little Money Grubber has small stars in her eyes.

"To be precise, we have won more than eight million." I smile and say, "You forgot? One of the lottery tickets was bought and filled with your birthday number. This one won the second prize, total 460,000. After deducting the tax, all the money is in this card."

I push the bank card which I have prepared to Little Money Grubber. She looks so surprised that she's almost faint.

Looking at her somewhat confused appearance, Azle and Jojo beside her have squinted their eyes. Looking at these two hooligans, they seem to be waiting for Little Money Grubber to faint, so that they can go to give her artificial breathing at once.

Wood is still eating at the table, as if everything has nothing to do with him. Didi is sitting next to me, her eyes are shinning, although they are also with the joy, but do not show excessive excitement. Her eyes flicker as if they can speak, she asks me in a low voice: "Brother Little Five, is it true? Do you really become so rich?"

I blink: "Really. It seems that I have a relationship with lottery tickets. Didn't you see it once last time?"

She has a gentle smile on her face. I put my hand under the table and gently grasp her little hand. In a soft voice, I say to her, "I will have more money in the future. As for you, you can be at home and be a servant girl who specializes in serving me."

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She's smiling shyly, but arguing, "I... I'm not a servant girl!"

I laugh and pinch her little hand. "You're not a servant girl, you're my darling mistress, OK?"

My words make Didi's head drooping. Amy next to me is still holding the bank card in a daze. Then she suddenly sighs, looks at the card in her hand deeply, and puts it back in front of me. The expression on her face is unprecedented serious: "Chen Yang, take it back."

"What?" I am stunned.

There is no joke on her face at all. She looks serious and says, "I like money very much, but it's not mine. I like to take advantage of you a little, who let you be a man? But I like money and only take what I deserve! If it's my hard-earned money, you can't owe me any penny, but I don't want any of the money that I shouldn't have taken."

I laugh and say, "It's not that exaggerated. Amy, didn't we say that I had given that lottery ticket to you."

Amy shakes her head again: "Chen Yang, when I accepted this lottery ticket from you the other day. I didn't think you would win the lottery. I thought it was only a little joke you played with me. I thought if it could win ten or twenty is already fine. As your friend, this money is also a laughing matter. But now, such a large amount, I can't accept it."

When Amy sees I want to keep persuading, she refuses firmly, "Chen Yang, take it back. I like money, but I don't take all kind of the money. My mother told me since my childhood that once a girl accepts other people's money casually, it would be the beginning of her degeneration!"

I am really shocked.

To be honest, I didn't expect Amy to have such a strong side. Originally in my impression, she is a typical small money fan, but I didn't expect that this girl is so principled!

Looking at the firm expression on her face, I slowly take back the bank card on the table, think and say, "OK, Amy, I'll take back the money. But I didn't expect that you would be so generous. Alas, you would quarrel with me for only ten or twenty in normal times, but you don't want the hundreds of thousands of money in front of you now."

She turns her eyes. "That's because you don't understand my noble sentiments! And, I don't want your money, but you won such a big prize, you need to show a good performance! You have to send me a gift! No more lottery tickets to fool me this time!"

Naturally, I promise her.

Another bottle of red wine is opened and we keep drinking. Even the wimpy drinker Didi also drinks a little. Her face is steamed pink by the alcohol, which is very cute.

Just as everyone are laughing, my mobile phone suddenly rings. I pick it up and answer, "Hello?"

"Chen Yang! Where are you?" It is the voice of Penny, Nanny's secretary in the company.

"Well... I'm at home." I sigh, "I'm having a little personal business today. I called my department and asked for leave in the morning."

She seems indifferent to my behavior of as a manager but not at work. Her voice is very gentle on the phone and mention casually: "Can you come out now?"

"What's up?"

"Miss Fang is back." The voice is not very loud, but this sentence makes my face laugh fade clean! Then Penny goes on saying, "You're going to pick her up at the airport."

I feel a little bitter in my voice: "Why do you want me to pick her up? I'm not her assistant any more."

"Chen Yang." Penny interrupts me on the phone: "This is what Miss Fang asked for." Then she changes her tone a little softer: "I don't want to say anything else. What should be said, I've all said when last time we talked a long time. You just think it over yourself."

"I see." I nod and reply her.

I expected Nanny to be back in few days later. Even though I am ready to face her again and decide to make things clear to her, and then quit my job and go. But she suddenly comes back and I am about to meet her soon without any preparation, I am still a bit caught off guard.

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"Chen Yang..." Penny hesitates for a moment and whispers, "I suggest that if you want to say something, you'd better wait till tomorrow. Business in Korea is not going well, so she comes back earlier. I spoke to her on the phone. Miss Fang is in a bad mood now."

Then she tells me the time and flight number. I look at the clock. It is getting a bit late. The flight is expected to arrive in two hours.

I sigh and simply tell others that I have something urgent to go to the company. Despite some disappointment, Didi is gentle enough to show that she understands me. I just want to laugh and cry.

Azle and Jojo stay for go on have lunch, while Wood says he wants to go to the clinic earlier and decides to leave with me.

I think about it. On the way to the airport, I can drop him back to the clinic.

Walking out, going downstairs, getting on the car, Wood sits beside me. When the car starts, he suddenly lights a cigarette, open the window and takes a breath. He looks at me and says, "You have something on your mind."

"What do you say?"

He's smiling and says, "That call."

I am speechless. Wood's reaction is actually very sharp. Although his appearance looks very "wooden", but this is just his personality, in fact, Wood's observation ability is very sharp!

As I'm driving, I just sigh, "You see that?"

"Well." Suddenly he's smiling, it's a strange smile: "Woman?"

I hesitate for a moment. "It's... Not really... It's a bit unclear... I feel indebt to a woman who is very kind to me... But I don't know how to tell her... Anyway, that's not clear."

Wood listens to me quietly and says only a short sentence: "If you can't say it clearly, don't say it."

I am silent.

To be honest, in fact, I'm a little hesitant just now. When I meet Nanny, what should I say?

Wood's advice might be more appropriate. Don't say anything at all, just resign and leave. Don't even mention the complicated emotions between each other! This is obviously the easiest way to do it.

Take Wood back to the clinic. I drive all the way out of town, get on the airport highway and go straight to the airport.

After waiting for around half an hour in the lounge of the airport, looking at the time, counting, Nanny's plane should be coming soon. I extinguish the cigarette in my hand, walk out of the smoking lounge and stand at the exit.

I'm wondering what attitude should I make when I meet Nanny later? Friend? Subordinate? So when should I make everything clear with her?

Say on the way back? It will be just the two of us in the car. Or just wait for back to the company? Or am I going to invite her to dinner sometime in the evening, apologize to her, and explain what I think?

It seems all right, and it seems all not appropriate.

I touch a bank card in my pocket. This is what I have prepared after I got the winnings today.

There are six million in this bank card. I want to give these money to Nanny for compensation. After all, I lost the original ring and a diamond brooch, plus the 300,000 car accident losses I owed her before.

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Although I won a big prize, but after tax deduction, in fact, there are only a bit more than six million to my hands. If I give six million out, I have almost no money left, but I don't care.

I should have returned the money to Nanny. If I owe her, I must pay it back!

But just then, my mobile phone rings again.

I look at the number, do not familiar. I pick it up and answer.

"Hello! Manager! Manager!"

The voice is familiar to me. I'm stunned for a moment before I can tell that it's the voice of the round-faced customer service girl in my department.

"Well, what's wrong?"

"Manager, Chen Yang... It's me! Something's wrong! Something happened!" There're panics in the voice on the phone.

I immediately say, "Don't panic... What is it? What happened to the company? Speak slowly and don't panic!"

"It's Yanny. Something's wrong with her!" The little girl is almost crying.

My heart is tight: "What happened to Yanny?"

The little girl's voice is trembling: "I... I went shopping with her at noon today. We were on our way back to the company just now. Meet a few people. One of the men seems to know Yanny. They stopped us and wanted to take her away. She didn't want to, these men were about to hit us, and then she promised to go with them as soon as she saw the situation was not good. Chen Yang, what should I do? I don't think those guys are good guys. These men are gangsters at first sight. They have tattoos on their arms. Yanny and them got into a car. Before they left, she comforted me and said it was all right. I didn't have to call the police. Tell me not to tell others. But I'm really scared. I think about it and can only to find you."

"FXXX!" I can't help cursing.

It's not clear yet, but I can at least guess who's causing Yanny's trouble! It must be the shit scum!

I take a deep breath: "Don't panic first. Think about what else is going on, and what else is missing. Tell me all about it!"

Then, under my inquiry, the little girl tells me more details like time, place, etc. Fortunately, she was so careful that she even gave out the car license plate numbers of the opponents. And I ask for Yanny's home address, she immediately tells me too.

"Well, leave it to me." I think better of it, "You don't have to call the police. I'll deal with this matter... Well, besides, don't talk about it in the company."

I can understand Yanny's concerns. After all, it's privacy. At the same time, she's used not to wash her dirty linen in public. Her image in the company is very good, and she's also very popular. Nowadays, there will be people everywhere who like to gossip. We have to guard against it.

I hang up the phone, look at the time, hesitate for a few seconds, and decide that it is important to save Yanny. Who knows what extraordinary things would be done by the shit scum?

I can't wait for Nanny's plane, but now she's in the sky, and her cell phone must be off and out of touch. I can only send her a message saying there's something urgent. Then I run out of the airport, start my car in the parking lot, and drive all the way up the highway to the city.

On the way, I think over it and call William, the security chief of Golden Paradise, my former friend.

"William? It's me! Chen Yang."

"Brother little 5?!" At the other end of the phone, William's voice sounds surprised: "What's the matter? Is there anything I can do for you?"

I don't say anything nonsense: "Yes! You help me find some people, wait for my call. Today I'm going to clean up a scum!"

At the other end of the phone, William laughs loudly and says, "OK! In a word! I'll find for you!"

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