Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 89

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Yanny lives in the west of the city, a new residential area built by the government at the end of the last century when it was vigorously developing the west area of the city.

The address is not too hard to find. I rush to the residential area where she lives, find the building, and look carefully. Sure enough, I see a van downstairs. The license plate is exactly the same as what the customer service girl said.

I breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that my judgment is right. They did bring her home.

The scum seems to be undetermined still and wants to extort money from her.

I park my car on the road outside the residential, take out the phone, call William, tell him the address, and ask him to bring people come here. Then I take a cigarette out of my pocket and walk towards the car with easy assurance.

There was a man sitting in the van, who is supposed to be the driver, with a cross face and a look of less than 30 years old. He looks just a typical bludger. I walk up to the van with a cigarette in my mouth, reach out my hand and knock on the window. He looks at me impatiently, rolls down the window and asks, "What's the matter?"

I point to the cigarette in my mouth and pretend there's nothing: "Friend, borrow a fire."

He glances at me, a little impatient in his eyes, but still bows his head to get the lighter.

I look around. There's no one walking in the neighborhood during the daytime. When he reaches out and hands me the lighter, I grab him by the wrist and pull him out of the window without waiting for him to call out. Then my palm has cut on the artery behind his neck. He's swaying with a groan and loses conscious.

I sigh. Fortunately, this guy didn't wear the safe belt.

Push the door and throw him in the van. I clap my hands, then go to Yanny's home's corridor and look up.

Don't know where the scum find these basters. They seem to be veterans, leaving a man to lookout in the corridor. He squats in the corridor smoking, watching me come up, he immediately stands up very vigilantly, I pretend to ignore him, take out a bunch of keys from pocket and walk upstairs without worrying for him.

My action immediately dispels his vigilance. I'm wearing a suit like a standard office worker. I even deliberately look at him with a doubtful eye, bowing my head and going upstairs. The fellow is relieved. He even steps aside to let me go.

I walk past him and reach several steps above him. Suddenly I stop, turn around and kick him on the head with one foot. The fellow snorts, rolling down and falls on the ground. I immediately rush to him, grab his neck from behind to keep him from making a sound. Then I grab the key in my hand and hold it against his throat. I lower my voice and say to him, "No Shout!"

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"Uh..." The man's face is twisted with pain, his forehead is full of cold sweat, He is strangled by me, breathing a little slowly, and I'm using the key to hold his throat. He breathes in horror and shut his mouth up.

"Where's that woman?"

"What… woman?"

I grunt, the key in my hand is pressing slightly against his throat and say coldly, "Do you believe this key can pierce your throat?"

"Up there!" This fellow seems to be a crook, recognizing the situation and not resisting hard, he quickly says, "Fifth floor."

"How many people are there upstairs?"

"... Two. "

With a sneer, I find a cell phone in his pocket and take it out and throw it directly out of the wall. Then I stand up and kick him hard on the head, knocking him unconscious.

This guy is deceiving me.

I'm sure there are at least four people upstairs!

They seem to be veterans of blackmail. There are a driver, a lookout downstairs, and at least three people upstairs. Generally speaking, one is responsible for keeping watch on the kidnapped person, the other two are responsible for collecting property, and finally plus the scum man, a total of four persons upstairs!

I continue up the stairs with very light steps. This apartment building has two families on each floor. Yanny's home is on the left of the fifth floor. I stand on the fourth floor and look up. The door is closed. There are some voices. I quietly go upstairs, approach the door, look inside carefully, but just hear the voice of that scum. He seems saying something very proudly.

"... I say you are also self-destructive! How nice of you to be honest! How dare you let that man beat me! Good! You beat me? Damn... You call that guy and let him be good to give money!"

I take a deep breath and knock hard at the door.

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The voice inside suddenly quiets down, I knock twice again, and finally comes a gruff voice and asks, "Who is it?"

I cough and say vaguely, "Delivery!"

Then there is another silence, and the gruff voice shouts, "No time! Come back in the afternoon!"

I gasp, deliberately saying in an impatient tone, "I can't come more for you, can I? Are you going to receive it?"

Ten seconds later, there is a sound of opening the door, and then the door opens a gap. Someone behind the door stands against it, showing half his face and says impatiently, "Give me!"

I have already stepped back, waiting for the door to open a crack, do not wait for him to finish his words, raise my leg to kick on the door.


The door is kicked open, and the fellow behind the door is knocked heavily on his head and sit down on the ground. I have rushed in and kick him in the face with a flying kick. The man gives a cry of pain and falls backwards. At this time I see the situation in the house. Yanny is sitting in the living room, her hands are tied, half of her face is swollen, as if she has been slapped. And in the room, as I predicted, besides the one I kick down on the ground, there are three other guys, the scum man sitting next to Yanny and the other two standing next to the sofa.

I suddenly rush in, presumably to make them feel a little overwhelmed. When I kick one man down, the remaining two guys have already reacted. One of them looks not so tall, but he's very strong, with a steel pipe in his hand. And the other has a dagger on hand. The two men exchange their eyes quickly and jump at me on both sides.

The man on the left side who is holding the steel pipe hit me on the head. I sideways avoid and go to squeeze his wrist. His reaction is very quick. I just grab his arm, but he breaks away. The other man who's holding the dagger stabs me in the chest. I quickly step back and kick his wrist. He falls to the ground with a cry of pain and the dagger falls to the ground. On the contrary, this man is obviously a veteran, not retreat! Come and wrestle with me, the room space is too small and I can't fight with them both freely. I'm approached by him, avoid his face punch, foot hook, trip him, but he embraces my legs, pulling hard. Fortunately my legs are strong and not pulled down by him. But the man who takes the steel pipe has smashed down, this time I can't escape. My shoulder is smashed. Pain makes me a grin.

The fellow on the ground has twisted my waist and tries to pull me down. I give him two knee strikes. He's hit on the chin by me and screams in pain, but he holds me still. I am tangling with him, and I'm hit by the steel pipe on my back again.

"FXXX!" I am so angry that when I see him smash down again with the steel pipe, I don't hide this time. I put up my left arm to protect, the right hand hit him on the chest and ribs with a punch. The fellow shouts and falls backwards. Then I finally throw the fellow who's holding me on the ground and kick him in the chest. He can't breathe and coughs on the ground. I have already picked up the man who's taking the steel pipe.

Obviously, this fellow has also practiced. He got a punch in the chest, but he still has enough strength to stretch out his arm to defend me. When I grab his collar, I try to wrench my wrist with force. I sneer, twist his finger, and then break it with force.

There's a scream in the room. I take off his arm joints and hit his stomach with a knee. The man finally falls down.

I'm a little breathless, too.

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These two guys are veterans and have a lot of fighting experience. It's tough to fight with them.

Although I am good at fight, when I meet those bullies who are afraid of hardness, I can knock down one or two first, and then I can frighten others. But when I'm facing these veterans, it doesn't work.

Overthrowing them, I was also got a few hard beatings on myself. It's was I've cleaned up a person at the very first time when I broke into the door! If I have to face three people at the same time, I'm afraid I'd have to be in troubles.

After all, two fists are no match for six hands, and I can't guarantee I can escape if my opponents are not weak and willing to fight desperately.

I look back at the scum. He is frightened and softened. I punch him in the face first. His nose is bleeding and he bends over with a scream, covering his face.

Yanny's hands are not tied with ropes, but taped. I take out the key, cut a hole, and easily tear it open.

These people are very professional!

Only veterans know need to tie people with tape instead of rope. Transparent tape wraps around the wrist and people can't move too, but do not need to worry about the accident. Because if use rope, it might be found to become evidence. But most of people have tape in home. The rope will also break the victim's wrist skin, and eventually the wound will be tested as evidence, which can be avoided by use tape.

I untie Yanny and tear a piece of tape off her mouth. Originally when I rushed in, she was still struggling and screaming. When she watched me fight with others, she was crying desperately for something. Unfortunately, her mouth was blocked and she couldn't speak. Now, she seems to have been stunned...

"Are you all right, Yanny?" I smile.

"I'm fine... Chen Yang, how did you come here?" Yanny says in a hurry, "How do you know I'm here? How did you find me? Are you all right? Are you hurt?"

I smile and say, "I'm OK! If not the clever customer service girl, you would have suffered a lot today!"

I look back at these guys on the ground, then walk over and lift the scum man up. He is so frightened that he huddle up, trembling and says, "You, you, you, you, don't come over!"

I laugh. "You can rest assured that I won't hit you." After a pause, I sigh intentionally: "If I am angry, I can't control myself. Every time I see you scum, I'll be angry. If you are fought to any bad result, I'll get into trouble. So you can rest assured that I won't touch you."

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I smoked a cigarette and can't help counting Yanny. This woman is just a little baffled!

"Are you crazy? You went with them honestly? You even took them home to take money? Why don't you ask colleague to call the police?"

She hangs her head and suddenly whispers, "Chen Yang... Have you already called the police?"

"No." I shake my head. "Call police? It's too cheap for this son of a bitch."

After a while, my cell phone is ringing. It's William. He has brought people and waiting downstairs. I ask him to bring them upstairs directly.

This buddy has called a dozen security guards from Golden Paradise, two vans altogether. William looks a little fatter than before, but the scar on his face is still terrible. Yanny sees so many people coming in. She is afraid and looks at me in fear. "Chen Yang..."

"All my friends." I say lightly, "Today I'll help you get rid of this! Lest this scum bother you in the future!"

She seems to want to say something, but I've turned to William and say, "Is the place ready?"

"Old place." William grins and says, "I haven't worked with you for a long time. Damn it, we can have a good time today."

More than a dozen of my former staffs, most of them were taken care of by me. They greet me one by one, and respectfully shout: Brother Little 5! I order them to take the four guys out and carry into the vans.

"Yanny, do you have a divorce agreement at home? You've been making trouble for so long, there must be this thing at home."

"Um... Yes, there are. " Yanny is somewhat uneasy and comes up and whispers to me, "Chen Yang... Don't do anything beyond the pale. It must take its course."

I laugh and pat her on the shoulder. "Don't worry, I've got in mind." I sigh, "It's not really your fault... Alas, you are a woman alone here. So when you meet such people, you dare not speak up. It can't complain you."

Downstairs, William and others put the scum and the other bad guys in the vans, then they drive out of the neighborhood, and Yanny get in my car.

"William, you go first. I'll take my sister to the hospital and I'll come to you later..." Before leave, I tell William. And I whispers to him taking advantage of Yanny's inattention, "Take good care of them, but don't too hard. I'll come for you soon."

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