Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 90

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I send Yanny to the hospital for an examination. She's basically OK. Her face is a little swollen and she said to have received a slap in the face. I sigh, that scum is really cruel.

While I am in a trance, the doctor looks at me with disdain and whispers, "How can there be such a man who beats his wife..." Then she points at me and shouts, "Hey! You! Go and prescribe medicine! Her gum is bleeding! Are you a man? You look OK, but how can you beat a woman?"

Yanny blushes and says, "It's not him... He's my... my brother."

The doctor's eyes are a bit kinder. She says, "Ah, I see... Well, you're a good brother." She changes a kind tone: "Go out to the window on the left and pay for it. Remember to go home and get some ice compress for her. Don't too long each time, it will swell up tomorrow."

I laugh bitterly, bring Yanny out to pay the fee. She grabs me and whispers, "Chen Yang, would you like to have a medical examination too? You seem to have suffered some injuries just now."

I shake my head. "No need." I think what this minor injury is. It just was smashed twice by the steel pipes without bleeding or skin breaking.

But that fellow's strength is pretty big, and the wound is still making me feel the pain.

After buying the medicine, Yanny and I step out of the hospital. I say to her: "You go home first, have a rest. Don't go to company today."

"No!" She immediately refuses, "I'll go with you! Don't do silly things, Chen Yang! If you're going to get into trouble for help me, I'll die for guilty!"

I laugh. "You can rest assured, I won't."

Seeing that she isn't reassured, I sigh and say, "Yanny, we haven't known each other for a long time, but you should know something about me. I just want to help you get this over with! I won't say anything else. I'm just telling you that I wasn't a good person before. I've done this sort of things before. I know in my heart that I'm not going to cause trouble for myself."

There is a word in my heart that I don't say: I will not stay in this company when Nanny comes back. Before leaving, I just want to help Yanny. She's really a poor woman.

She still wants to refuse, but I drive her straight home, force her out of the car, and then tell her, "Don't call the police, remember."

Then, whatever she shouts, I just drive away.

Not far from Yanny's house in the west of the city, there is a small warehouse near the river. There used to be an old food factory. Later, the factory closed down. But the food factory left several warehouses and rented them out. One of them was rented by the Golden Paradise and is used to store some sundries, such as wine, food and so on.

This is a relatively remote place. I used to do some "business" here.

I drive into the door of the abandoned factory. Nowadays, there's very few people in the factory. There's only one doorkeeper. I throw two packs of cigarettes at random to him. He doesn't care about anything. He behaves very well.

A younger brother is squatting at the door and smoking, sees me driving over from afar, and immediately stands up. I get out of the car and walk up to him.

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"How're they?"

He grins. "Brother William is high with them now."

I nod and tell him, "Watch it tight!"

"Don't worry, Brother little 5. Nobody comes here."

I hum, take out a pack of cigarettes and throw it to him: "Be smart."

The city is surrounded by mountains on three sides and a river on one side. The humidity in the air is very high in winter. There is no sunshine in this kind of warehouse for a long time. Some boxes in the corner are mildewed and there is a mildew smell in the air.

William has taken off his coat, holds a chain lock specifically used to lock the bicycle in his hand, folds it into a grasp, with sweat on his forehead, a blush on his face, the scars on his face are bright red, and he is squatting on a box smoking.

These bad guys squatted side by side on the ground, with their heads in their hands and their backs against the wall. These guys have bitter faces and soak all over. There are several basins beside them. It is estimated that they have been poured several basins of cold water.

It seems like William did have a great time. I touch my chin, shake my head and laugh.

William, a guy who's been in prison, has a lot more tricks than I have.

For example, when we stab someone, we just hit or kick him, but it's not the best way.

In cold weather like this, pour two basins of cold water on you and make you soaked. In less than ten minutes, you will feel what it is like!

When I come in, those bad guys are shivering with cold, lips are purple and teeth are striking against each other.

William grins fiercely: "You are unlucky, who let you dare to provoke our Brother Little 5? If you don't peel off today, you don't want to go out."

Then he sees me coming and jumps down from the box. "Brother Little 5, you have arrived? These guys have been blown already! You're here just in time to see how the effects are."

After he has finished, he looks at those guys, then points one, "Him!"

With a wave of his hand, two his men go to pull that fellow out. No matter how hard he struggles, they just have him stripped to waist, revealing his bare back.

William goes up and looks at him. The guy is still shivering. Then William kicks him, points to his ribs, starts laughing and scolds, "Fuck! You're not a drug addict, are you? Why are you so thin?"

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Then he gives his subordinates a wink: "Hold him!"

Several of his men come over, lay his hands, grasp his legs and immediately lay him on the ground, his body tightly against the floor.

William weighs the chain in his hand, walks over, raises his hand and hits the man on the back.


The fellow is in pain and immediately gives a violent cry, likes killing a pig!

"What're you shouting for?! Does it hurt? You'll suffer more in a moment!" William laughs and scolds, and hit his back again.


Two blood-red marks immediately appear on that guy's back.

To be honest, William is really perverted.

First watered, the body is cold numb, some of the pain nerve paralysis, at this time, you hit up, the pain will be reduced a lot.

Don't think he's kind! Hum! This is only because hits people like this, when you feel pain, you can stick to it for a longer time! And when you cry more, struggle more, and the body gets warm. The effect of freezing disappears, and your body gradually regains its sensitivity.

At this time, the previous wounds will be more and more painful! It will be much more painful than usual!

Say a bad word, probably only those who have been in prison will know so much about the fix people's abuses.

William hits the fellow several chains, and though he is screaming in pain, but no longer struggling. William points to another one. His men are going to pull him out. This fellow looks like the head of them, and he is immediately shouting, "Wait! Wait!"

He probably sees that I am the head in our group and shouting at me, "This brother, misunderstanding! A misunderstanding! Everyone is drifting outside, don't you have to do that? Could you leave us a way?"

He is obviously a little panicky, although his face is faking calm, but his eyes have betrayed him.

I smile and look very friendly, go to him and squat down. "Oh? Leave a way for you? Well, look at your sincerity."

I wink, and William's men drag him up and take him to a small compartment made of partition boards.

I moved a chair over and someone immediately cleans it for me. I sit down at random. The fellow seems relieved to sit down. I frown and say, "Did I let you sit down?"

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His buttocks are close to the chair, and when he hears this, jumping up and says with a bitter face, "Man, it's really a misunderstanding. We're also help to do business. It's just making a living."

"I know, and I understand." I nod my head and touch my arms, then realize that my cigarette has just been given to the man outside. A clever buddy next to me immediately hands me a cigarette to light. I laugh and glance at that poor fellow. "Give this friend one, too. It's been frozen for half a day. It must be hard."

"Nothing! It doesn't matter!" He quickly bents over and takes the cigarette. Although he is soaked, he still tries to straighten up and restrain his tremor.

"What's your name?" I raise my chin.

"Chen Yang."

I FXXX! I almost jump out of my chair, stare at him and scold, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"No!" The fellow grimaces. "My name is really Chen Yang."

These men next to him hear this, are all stunned. And when they come back to their senses, some of them can't help laughing.

I sigh helplessly and sit down again. "OK! So tell me what's going on today?"

He also has the same helpless face: "This friend, I and my brothers are all drifting outside for living. Today is also helping to do this business. We have taken money. We don't know that woman, and we don't know that she has connection with you too. It's really a misunderstanding. It is a mistake! We may meet anywhere or anyplace outside. Today's thing, we acknowledge defeat. We have been kicking the iron plate. Look, you are the boss. Could you leave a way for us?"

I nod. This guy is very talkative. It seems he is an old traveler. But no wonder, judging from their methods of kidnapping and blackmail, they should always do this.

Then I carefully ask them, I just know that these guys are a few neighborhood hooligans, two of them have spent two years in prison. They are collected to a usurious underground money bank to work, usually do money collection, debt collection work. At the same time, they also do some "grey business".

Today, for example, do not know how, that scum get know that underground bank, so he found them and paid them to come over and extort Yanny. These people just took the money and do business for him. The thing surprises me is he seems quite greedy! Unexpectedly, He's going to take one hundred thousand back!

One hundred thousand?! What makes he believe Yanny could give him so much money?

Asked all I want to know, I tell William to stop beating them, throw them aside and give them cigarettes. Then I have the scum brought over.

"Do you know me?" I lean against the chair.

"Yes... Yes." This fellow is huddled, soaked, his hair sticking in pinches and hanging on his forehead.

I take out the divorce agreement in my arms and put it in front of him: "Sign it."

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He looks at it without saying or moving.

I frown slightly and give a wink to a man next to me. He immediately realizes it and raises his hand, slap on the face.


The son of a bitch is beaten and staggered. Then he just stands up against the wall again.

I look at him coldly. "What's wrong? Don't want to sign?"

There is a slight panic in his eyes, but then he drops his head and remains silent and motionless.

I stand up, walk slowly over, look down at him, and slowly say in a mild tone, "Actually, I know what you think..."

At this point, I laugh, and then the tone gradually cooling: "You have no skills and no money. Yanny is your money cow now. This kind of woman is emotional and weak in nature. Most importantly, she has a little money and a good income. As a rotten man like you, such a garbage! As long as the skin is thick enough and the heart is dark enough, you can always get some money by running to her door and entangle every time. As long as you hang her up and don't let her go, you'll have an extra long-term meal ticket. Every once in a while, you get some benefit from her, don't you?"

He doesn't speak, but his body is shaking.

I hum and continue speaking, "So, you're a rogue. You're hard-hearted now and you think we can only beat you up at most. You're going to stick it out and suffer to get through this. Then as long as you survive from today and get through it, you can find Yanny again and continue to get benefits from her. In a word, you just refuse to let go and want to drag the poor woman until death! Is that right?"

He still does not speak, but his face is white.

I laugh and say pleasantly, "Damn, fewer fucking play tough in front of me! You can rest assured! I have said that I will not beat you."

Then I motion to William to bring those bad guys here.

They look a little less miserable. The guy who had been beaten by William also dressed. Although his lips were bitten with pain, but he can barely stands now.

"Chen Yang!" I meditate for a moment. Damn, how am I feeling so awkward when the name comes out of my mouth and calls someone else?

I cough, point to the scum on the ground and say, "OK, now I'll leave you a way! This fellow, I said I would not beat him. But you can! Try your best and just don't kill him or disable him! I'll let you go whenever I feel satisfied."

I finish my word with a smile. And I suddenly remember something: "By the way, how much money did he promise you?"

"Ten… Ten thousand." That Chen Yang replies.

I shrug my shoulders and say, "OK, then you can start beating him now, because he can't pay for ten thousand."

Then I light a cigarette, lean back on the chair; take a lazy breath, squint and laugh, "Why are you stunned? Wait till I invite you to dinner? Just do it!"

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