Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 91

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I take a cigarette and whisper to William, "Just watching them! Let them stop in five minutes." Then I leave these guys who are kicking and punching at the scum, walk out slowly.

Then I make a look at the two men behind me and make a gesture. They immediately take out their mobile phones and turn on the shooting function, shooting together to these guys who are punching and kicking.

"Stupid! Aim the lens at one point! Watch out for the light! Film the whole! Damn! Not let you to make a movie, just be clear! Don't shake around! OK... That's it..." Listening to William's curse behind me, I've walked all the way out of the warehouse.

Standing outside, looking at the sky, I stretch out and sigh. At this time, my phone rings, look at the phone number, it is Nanny! I feel a bit numb scalp, biting teeth to answer.

"Chen Yang, why didn't you come to pick me up?" Nanny's tone is not very angry, but with a trace of fatigue.

"I... There's something urgent." I answer cautiously, "Actually, I've been to airport, but..."

"No need to say." She interrupts me, her voice still calm, but with an unspeakable sense of loneliness: "I'm so disappointed with you, Chen Yang!"

Suddenly I'm feeling very strong guilty. I don't know how to describe this feeling. It's like a needle is gently piercing. It's not very painful, but feeling convulsive.

On the phone, her voice also pauses for a moment, then she grits her teeth and says, "Chen Yang... Are you a man or not?"

I'm about to say something, the phone has been hung up.

"Du... Du... Du... "

I'm stunned. Don't know why, Nanny's face suddenly appears in my brain. The face in my memory is as beautiful as ever, but with hatred and melancholy in eyes, with grief and sadness on face.

I shake my head and go back into the warehouse.

The beating to that scum has come to an end for a while. Suddenly, I feel a little more resentment.

FXXX! If it weren't for this bastard, would I delay today? Suddenly I'm very angry. I look around and see a stick in the corner. I go over and carefully take out a paper towel to wrap it up. I pick it up and throw it in front of that Chen Yang. "Pick it up!"

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I squint. 'You want me to say it again?"

Perhaps he notices that my expression is not good. He dares not hesitate and immediately grabs the stick.

I point to the scum on the ground and say, "Break his leg for me!"

When I see him wavering, I'm suddenly shouting, "Beat it! Are you fucking deaf?"

Then I turn to William and say, "Watch him! If he doesn't do it, just break his leg for me!"

This time, without my urging, that Chen Yang takes the stick and smashes it down.

The scum has been beaten so hard that he couldn't scream, but now he suddenly has more strength to struggle. He utters a scream, and we heard a sound of crack.


The warehouse is suddenly quiet, can only hear the screams of that scum on the ground and the gasping sound of that Chen Yang. I have no expression on my face, go over and take the camera, look at the camera casually and nod with satisfaction.

I take the divorce agreement again, squat down and look at the scum: "Again, I ask you, do you sign or not? If you don't sign, it's all up to you."

After that, I stand up and say, "Break his other leg too! Then find a sack and put him in, throw to the river! "

William is stunned. He doesn't expect me to go so far. He hesitates and is about to speak. I stop him with my eyes.

Sure enough, the scum has collapsed and howled like killing a pig: "I sign! Sign it!"

I take the signed divorce agreement and ask him to press his fingerprint on it.

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I squat in front of him, stretch out my hand and pat him on the face, and say coldly, "I know, you are afraid now, aren't you? Hate me, don't you? Do you still want to go out and call the police to catch me?" I sigh: "Don't forget, I never moved a finger from beginning to end! I didn't hit you. It wasn't me who did it. It was all the people you brought in... If you call the police, I'll send the videos out anonymously. As for you, I would like to advise you that... Get out of here, your hometown is not here. Get out of here, how far and go far. Otherwise, next time I see you, it's not as simple as break a leg." I stand up and look down at him. "Rubbish like you, I can fuck you in minutes!"

I take another look at that Chen Yang, who is shocked and can't help stepping back. I look at him and say, "OK, it's done. You may go too. But..." I go over and pat him on the shoulder, say lightly, "Change your name. You can't call Chen Yang any more. Can you hear me?"

I take out my wallet from my arms, take out all the cash. It's about two or three thousand. Without looking at it, I stuff to William: "I was going to invite brothers to dinner. Now I have something urgent to go first. You take brothers out to have a good meal, old place! If I find time in the evening, I'll come and look for you."

Then, after leaving William to deal with the aftermath, I go out of the warehouse and drive out.

I have principles in dealing with things. The situation now will not bother me much.

I am not afraid of that scum's revenge. He is a small role, the most to call the police, which is useless. I didn't hit him, he has no any evidence. On the contrary, I have a video of someone beating him on hand. I just need to send it over anonymously, this thing will be impossible to relate to me then.

As for those bad guys, I'm not afraid of them either. These people are all drifting society outside. You show more strength than them, they can only be ducking. If they want to retaliate, I have been tortured out all their names, addresses and identities. No one left. At that time, I don't even need to do anything myself, just send the video to the police, and naturally someone will clean them up.

It's not necessarily all about violence. Sometimes it's about means.

I drive up the street and I call Nanny right away. The phone is ringing a dozen times and nobody answers. I hesitate a while, dial again, still no one answers.

With a sigh, I call back to company to look for Penny.

"Penny... Has Miss Fang come back yet?"

"No! Chen Yang, you didn't go to pick her up?" Penny's voice hears surprised, and then she murmurs, "What the hell are you doing? Didn't you go to the airport to pick her up?"

"Um... I'll talk to you later." I hang up the phone.

After thinking for a moment, I turn around and drive to Nanny's house.

I park at her door, come out, look into the window, and the lights are on. I breath a sigh of relief. It seems that she has back home.

I breathe in deep and breathe out slowly for once, then ring the doorbell.

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"Ding Dong…"

No one answers.

I ring the doorbell again.

Still no response.

I have no choice but to knock hard on the door loudly. But there is no response in the room.

Nanny seems very angry. I laugh bitterly.

I have to come to see her. Anyway, what happened today is my fault. Well, I should come to pick her up, but left her alone at the airport. And I also intend to have a good talk with her today, just offer her an explanation before leaving.

But she is in the room, silent and refuse open the door, I have some helplessness.

Fortunately, I remember the last time I came back with her, I had saw the password of her door's lock. So I try to press the password.

The door is opened.

I take a deep breath, step into the door, close it with my back hand, and shout, "Nanny! I'm coming in! Shall we have a good talk?"

Lights are on in the living room, pillows on the sofa are messy, and a suitcase is thrown at the stairway. There is a lady's cigarette end in the ashtray on the tea table, and a shallow half-glass of red wine in a goblet.

It seems that she came back to smoke and drink.

I call again. The room is still quiet. No any sound back.

I frown. There's nobody in the living room and the kitchen. Is she upstairs?

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I walk slowly up the stairs.

On the second floor, there is also a small living room with a simple home-style bar. There're several rooms insider. I look around and shout: "Nanny! Are you there?"

Just at this moment, as soon as I turn around, I hear a door open behind the corridor, and a delicate body slowly comes out of it, facing me face to face.

Air solidifies...

A second later, Nanny suddenly lets out a scream of nearly 100 decibels! And I feel like I am in a dazzling moment and almost have my legs softened.

A long time later, Jojo once ask me: "How did you get your legs softened? Did you see anything shouldn't see?"

I sigh, "At least I've learned two things since then. First, don't enter a single woman's house. Second... There is a kind of person in this world has a very strange habit. They like to walk around without clothes when they are alone at home. I consulted a psychologist afterwards, who accounted for about one-tenth of the average person."


Yes, that's right!

I feel my heart beating almost out of my mouth! For a while, the mouth is so dry that it's almost flaring up! And even though I try to hide it, my eyes can't help but stare at Nanny in front of me.

Her hair is wet and she is wiping it with a white towel on her hand...

Well, that's the third thing I learned. Especially when a woman just returns home from her trip, don't get into her home! Because at this time, women usually take a bath first!

The conscience of heaven and earth, at that time, my head is blank, only the only remaining idea:

"Chen Yang, you're dead!"

I say to myself.

(Where are your power stones? Just throw them to my bowl! hahaha~ )

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