Evil Awe-Inspiring

Chapter 92

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I think I must have behaved very foolishly at that time.

I feel as if I have been stuck in my neck, have difficulty breathing, have a severe lack of oxygen in my lungs, have a buzzing brain, and have numerous roars in my ears. At the same time, my eyes are wide-eyed to round and staring straight at her.

Nanny is in front of me, very close, almost as close as I stretch out my hand can take her into my arms. So she stands, her beautiful and charming face is full of surprise, and she seems to be completely stunned. Her hair is half dry, and her shoulders are covered with tenderness. Her naked body is standing in front of me. The light in the room is somewhat dim and her skin is as tender and smooth as a baby, and her gloss is as velvety as a silk. I even feel that even the air is filled with the sweet and attractive smell of her body.

To be honest, I am totally shocked!

I have never seen a woman with such an almost perfect body since I have grown up. Her body seems to be covered with a layer of light halo. I can see the brilliant fascination. I even doubt that if other women see her body, they will be jealous to crazy! Because the Creator seems to bestow all the goodness that can be given on this woman! At the moment, I, a bloody man, a man who has not known the taste of woman for months, a man who has fallen into abstinence for several months, have been shocked at that time. The fire inside my heart likes summer weeds, growing up crazily!

Actually, what I said is totally superfluous. What is beautiful, what is the magic from the Creator? Fucking bullshit! In one of the most vulgar words of men, her figure is so fucking good!

She has a round and arrogant breast like a Greek goddess, and as a man with almost nosebleed, where can I think of admiration or appreciation? Who can still keep calm and enjoy it at this time is talking nonsense!

My eyes are more on her full and round chest. There slightly up two pitiful pink points of it. She has the hemispheric buttocks, and, most importantly, there is dark grassland beneath the snow-white canyon.

The whole time is only a few seconds, but when I'm confronting her, it feels like a century has passed, and I even feel that time has stopped completely! I can only hear my heart beating.

One! Two! Three!

When Nanny finishes screaming, she seems stunned too. She's staring at me as if she can't believe why I suddenly appear at her house and standing in front of her.

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Then her face is suddenly turning red. A little red tide is emerging from her cheeks and spreading toward the skin around her neck. It seems that her body begins to tremble irrepressibly. And she's finally responding!

The towel in her hand immediately shakes off and hides in front of her chest and abdomen. Her face shows a look of shame and indignation: "Chen Yang! Why are you here!! I didn't expect you to do that! How can you come into my house at will? Who let you in?!"

She seems to be furious. But I agape and tongue-tied, pointing at her and interrupting her with a laborious opening: "Uh... Nanny... The towel is too small... I can still see..."

"Ah!" She's exclaiming, stamps her feet and says angrily, "You're still watching! Turn around!"

"Yes! Yes!" I immediately close my eyes and turn around. Nanny behind me is in a hurry to turn around and run. Unfortunately, today the lord God seems to have a lot of fun with me, and his interest seems not to be the general upsurge.

When I turn around, with a splash sound, I hear Nanny's anguish moan.

I hurry back and see her fall on the ground. Her towel covers only a small corner of her body.

I have learned the fourth thing today.

Don't run fast after taking a bath, because there is water under your feet at that time, you will be easy to slip!

What's more, she's not dressed at the moment. She only has a towel to cover her body. When she falls down, the towel even flings to one side. From the point of view of my standing, I can almost clearly see her slender, round legs, which are almost perfect lines.

Her eyes burst into tears, do not know whether it is because of the pain or something else. She subconsciously pulls over the towel to hide herself. Then she is shouting at me with a crying voice, "What are you still staring at?"

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I answer yes, swallow my saliva hard, and close my eyes. Her voice falls into my ears again: "You... You're still standing... Help me... Help me up!"

I'm trembling go over and stretch out my hands gropingly. To be honest, I think I'm embarrassed now.

FXXX! Even at the time I cut people with a knife, I've never been so apprehensive and cowardly.

The tentacles are soft, the skin is very smooth, my heart is beating hardly, but the tentacles feel the full and round radian... It seems that... The place is not right...

The cold sweat is dripping down on my forehead immediately, but this time she didn't yell at me anymore. She just let out a gentle hum in her nose. Such kind of murmur makes half of my soul lost.

Come on, woman! Don't make such a voice!

I am just about to open my eyes, I suddenly feel that she has plunged into my arms, and suddenly her warm body is firmly attaching to me.

God! That's too exciting! My mind is blank at once!

This time, even the idea of "I'm dead" is gone!

My head is completely blank!

When I'm finally struggling with my remaining wisdom, suddenly a sharp pain is coming from my shoulder.

Opening my eyes, I see her open mouth, teeth deadly biting on my right shoulder. She bites so hard, it seems that she has exhausted all her strength!

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Through the pain, I feel that half of my mind has come back, although my body is pasted with a hot naked body, through the clothes I can feel the concave and convex figure, as well as the fatal and seductive fragrance and slippery.

"Hold me up... You... You such an idiot!" She loosens her mouth and grits her teeth in a voice so slight as to be barely audible.

I feel that the clothes on my shoulders and neck are wet, and I don't know whether it is the saliva left by her biting, or the residual water from her hair, or her tears?

Suddenly my heart is sinking. I take a breath, hold her up forcefully, then look straight ahead, dare not look at the person in my arms any more, and then grit my teeth and walk to the room at the end of the corridor.

Open the door, Nanny's bedroom is obviously here, a soft bed, a unique fragrance of a woman's boudoir. She is in my arms, hair, skins, all emitting a fragrance. Her tears have flowed on my neck. I carefully put her on the bed. Another hand quickly grabs a sheet to cover her. During the whole process, I am very careful not to touch her skin any more.

She lies on bed, her body huddles under the sheet. Although the sheet has covered her body, unfortunately the thin sheet can't hide the perfect curve of a mature woman.

Her face is red. Her eyes are red and swollen, and there are tears on her cheeks. Don't know whether the tears are for anger or humiliation or grievance. I dare not think about it anymore, just laugh bitterly and say, "I'm sorry, I... I really didn't mean it. I knocked at the door and rang the bell, but there was no response. I was worried about you, so I went straight in... Sorry, it's my fault..."

Her hand clutches the sheet tightly, and her mouth bites the corner of the sheet: "You... You're still not going out yet?!"

"Yes! I go out." I quickly turn around and go out. When I about to close the door, I hesitate for a moment and say, "I really went to the airport today, but I had to walk away when something happened temporarily."

Her eyes suddenly lights up: "Wait!"


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"Wait!" She suddenly changes her position on bed, sits up, wraps herself with the sheet, blushing her face, and whispers, "You... Did you really go to pick me up? Not hiding from me?"

I take a breath, try to control my eyes on the window and dare not look at her: "Really, I really went to the airport. But there is a temporary urgent thing had happened with a friend of mine. I have to rush to save her."

"Did you really go to the airport? Didn't you hide from me?" Her tone is very strange and she asks again.

I feel a little confused. But in this case, I'm in a bad position. Even if she asks any strange questions, I can only answer them.

"Yes, I've been there." I think about it and take out an invoice of the airport parking lot from my pocket. "Look, this is the invoice for the airport parking lot with time and date on it when I went to the airport." I hold it in my hand and raise it with a smile: "Look!"

She is silent, seems there's a strange look in her eyes. Then she whispers, "Why are you coming now?"

"I'm worrying about you." I say with a bitter smile: "You didn't answer my phone call. I think it's necessary to explain it to you, otherwise I'll feel guilty in my heart..." At this point, I hesitate for a moment: "This... Nanny, I wonder if you should put on your clothes before we go on... Um... Er... This sheet seems to be a little too thin. You're sitting there, but I can still see... That..."

She's blushing, and there is a feeling of resentment on her face. Then suddenly she throws a pillow to me and shouting, "Go out! Get out of here!"

I get out of the door with a bitter smile.

But when the door is closed, the evil thoughts in my heart begin to haunt me.

Um... Some regrets! Why should I remind her? Well, it's beautiful to see more of the beautiful scenery, isn't it?

I shake my head as quickly as I can, trying to banish this evil idea, while despising myself a hundred times, and a hundred times once more.

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