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Since Ji Won already made up her opinion about 'Leo', she decided to dislike his performance too.

"Such a show-off." Ji Won grumbled.

"No, he is doing good." Na Young commented. "You are tone deaf if you don't like his songs."

"You are the one who is tone deaf." Ji Won elbowed her. "Is this even music? he looked like he was hopping on the stage."

"I think that he did good," Na Young said thoughtfully. "He is not better than Slow Poison, but he is good. He can become better. He is good looking too. If I was already not in love with Slow Poison, I might have had a crush on him."

"You would have a crush on anyone who is good looking." Ji Won rolled her eyes. "He was wearing a wig and fake eye lenses. He had makeup on his face. His good looks are fake."

Ji Won had no idea that he was listening to her comments right behind her. He found her again by coincidence and ended up hearing their conversation. He wanted to throttle her neck. He had heard criticism and hateful comments before, but he found it too annoying when she did it.

"Ji Won, look!" Na Young pointed ahead. "Oh my god!"

Slow Poison was finally here to perform. His hair was braided. He was wearing a sleeveless black leather jacket. His gaze had a hypnotic effect...on his fans. Na Young started to hyperventilate. She ran to join the small crowd forming around Slow Poison.

"You find me ugly?"

Ji Won jumped when someone grabbed her hand. She turned around to find Leo. He was the one who grabbed her hand.

"Yep." Her short and unfettered reply burned him. He decided to keep calm. He already messaged Jimin, but he got no reply. He was getting more suspicious.

"You know me now. Tell me your name."

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"I don't want to." Ji Won's lips curled up in a cruel smile. "My name, my rules."

"Hah!" Leo let go of her hand. "It's better not what I think it is."

"Oh, what do you think?" She snorted. "Never mind, I am not interested in knowing a pervert's thoughts."

He narrowed his eyes at her dangerously. "I am a pervert, huh? Then, what are you?"

"What do you mean?" Ji Won frowned deeply. Her voice was not low. "You were the one who was staring. Did you find me staring at your male part?"

A few people noticed them because of their conversation. They wondered what kind of relationship they had. Was Leo dating a girl like her?

"You!" Seo Tae Il looked to the right and left. "Lower your voice. How can you say things like that?"

"I can say anything I want." Ji Won disliked him more and more. She followed her instincts that were sharper than a dog's. She was sure that this boy was bad news.

"Are you even a girl?" He asked her doubtfully. Was Jimin pretending to a girl? That would explain her behaviour.

"Tch!" She slapped his head. "What did you see when you were staring earlier? You still dare to ask me that."

"Ow!" Her slap hit his head hard. "Damn you, woman! I just wanted to know your name."

Meanwhile, Slow Poison was done with the performance. Before he went to perform on the stage, he saw these two fighting. When he returned, they were still fighting. Not many people were aware that Slow Poison had a nosy personality. He decided to intervene. Besides, Leo and Slow Poison were from the same entertainment company. A sunbae should look after his hubae.

"What's going on here?" He walked to them.

"Nothing is wrong," Leo told him in a low voice. He looked a bit pitiful to Slow Poison.

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"Hey, don't be hard on your boyfriend." Slow Poison smiled at Ji Won. "How about this? I will treat you for dinner. You can make up then."

Ji Won was about to yell that this yellow-haired sunflower was not her boyfriend when Na Young, who was busy with watching and fangirling around Slow Poison earlier, grabbed her mouth to prevent her from speaking.

"Yes, we will go!" Na Young grinned.

"Sunbae, she is not my girlfriend." Tae Il shook his head at Slow Poison.

"Leo, don't be like this." He lightly punched his shoulder. "Let's go."

"But Sunbae-"

"La La La...I won't listen." He wrapped his arm around Tae Il's shoulder. "Let this Sunbae do his job."


"If you don't come, I will never talk to you."

Tae Il shut his mouth. He was still new. He had to keep good relations with people in the entertainment industry. Slow Poison was famous, powerful, and also loved. They were also from the same company. He couldn't afford to offend him. Slow Poison also had a moody personality. It was better to go along with him. He could explain it later when he was ready to listen.

It was bad luck to meet this girl.

Behind them, Na Young whispered to Ji Won.

"Ji Won, please quiet down."

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"Wuwauuwuaa-" Ji Won tried to speak, but Na Young's hand was still clasped over her mouth firmly.

"It is my chance to have dinner with the love of my life..." She pleaded to Ji Won in low voice. "After this, I will never ask you for anything."


"I will buy you lunch until we go to college."

Ji Won fiercely nodded.

"Free food can buy you anytime, isn't?" Na Young took a deep breath. She let go of Ji Won.

"You nearly killed me. Next time, cover my mouth only. Not my nose."

"Sorry." Na Young looked down. Ji Won didn't say anything else. They exited from the back door. Though it was the back, there was still a crowd that was waiting for Slow Poison. He gave them flying kisses and waved his hands. The crowd became wild and started screaming his name. They were protected by Slow Poison's men from the crazy crowd.

There was a car waiting for them. They were ushered into the car by the bodyguards. Slow Poison was still smiling and waving to his fans from the car.

"A bad case of narcissism." Ji Won couldn't keep her mouth shut anymore.

"Who, me?" Slow Poison looked at her. "Ah, you are right."

"You know that you are narcissistic?" Ji Won asked awkwardly. Na Young's eyes were bulging out. Tae Il had no idea what to say. Why this woman couldn't keep her mouth shut?

"Yes, my lady." Slow Poison cocked his head, laying his hypnotic gaze on her. "I find the honest one refreshing. I rarely find people who call me for what I am."

"...." Tae Il wanted to go home.

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"I see," Ji Won scratched her chin. "Did anyone tell you that you are also a nosy one? You should mind your own business."

"I like your woman, Leo." Slow Poison lets out a laugh. Na Young sighed when she heard his laugh. Her idol was laughing. She could hear his laugh for real. She could die without regrets now.

"Sunbae, I have been trying to tell you this earlier." Tae Il felt like he should tell the truth. He couldn't trust this woman. "She is not my girlfriend."

"Leo, you shouldn't be mad at your cute girlfriend." Slow Poison rubbed his head. "Look, she isn't even mad at you. How about you stay at my villa tonight?"

"I don't think that-" Tae Il wanted to reject. What was wrong with this guy? Why would he not hear what he wanted to say? In what way, she looked like his girlfriend?

"We will!" Na Young yelled. She was too excited.

"I don't want to stay at a stranger's home." Ji Won glared at Slow Poison. "Drop us at CE Hotel."

"Ji Won!" Na Young looked at her with big eyes. "You can't say no to him."

"I can say no to whoever I want to." Ji Won could go for dinner, but she would never stay at a stranger's place. Slow Poison was a delusional guy. "Na Young, just take his autograph. We can go to the hotel and get some sleep."

"Little Ji Won is right." Slow Poison smiled warmly at Na Young. "I am still a stranger. Let me formally introduce myself. My name is Son Jong-Pil. I am Leo's sunbae and his friend. I am nineteen years old. I work as a singer and an actor. My hobbies are staring at my reflection in the mirror. I like eating Italian dishes. My favourite colour is yellow. I have four peacocks. I am currently single because I am in love with myself. I want to be a friend of Little Ji Won and Little Na Young."



"Oppa, I thought your favourite colour was green."

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