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"You want to go to Seoul alone?" Her mother asked Ji Won and Na Young with a big frown.

Ji Won was about to tell her that they were going for a concert when Na Young chimed in.

"We will stay at my uncle's place," Na Young told her with a fake innocent smile. "Ji Won and I wanted to visit colleges to find out about the admission requirements and counselling. My uncle will drive us to the universities."

Ji Won was lost for words. Her friend was a professional liar. She even squeezed her hand to stop her from telling her mother the truth.

Her mother nodded. Recently, Nam Ji Won shown some interest in studying further after school. In Seoul, there were some good universities. She was relieved that Nam Ji Won didn't want to become a cop like her father. She deeply supported her decision to become a doctor.

"You can go." Ji Won's father waved his hand while watching TV.

"You should visit Go Eun and Dong Min," Ji Won's mother said excitement. "They are also at Seoul."

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"Yes, we will!" Na Young and Ji Won said together. Nam Go Eun and Nam Dong Min were studying in Seoul.

With guilty consciences, Ji Won packed her stuff for a two-day trip. Na Young already had her bag. Both ran to the station after bidding goodbyes to Ji Won's parents. Luckily, they reached on time and caught the train. In the train, Na Young kept talking about the concert and Slow Poison. When they reached, her uncle's man was already there to pick them up. Na Young's uncle was busy at the hotel. So, he sent someone to pick them up from the station. In the car, Na Young pestered the poor man with non-stop question. By the time they reached the location of the concert, both Ji Won and the driver were badly exhausted.

"We have reached!" Na Young shouted.

"Miss Park, I will take your luggage to the hotel. You should take your passes. I will meet you here after the concert."

"Thank you, Ahjussi." Na Young and Ji Won slightly bowed to the poor driver. Ji Won furrowed her brows when she saw the crowd. It was literally her nightmare. There were huge banners and posters. She didn't recognize a single artist. She felt like she had walked into a different world.

"Look, Slow Poison!" Na Young pointed at the big poster of a brooding guy with long hair and a guitar. Ji Won shook her head. Her friend needs to wash her eyes with good water. What was so good about this Slow Poison? Even his looks were poisoning her eyes.

"We should enter. Later, it will be difficult to enter the backstage." Na Young showed their backstage passes. They were immediately given the entry. One was overexcited. Another one wore a dull expression. In the people's eyes, they were quite a pair.

After two hours, the concert finally started. One by one artist started to perform. Ji Won left Na Young with some other fans and found herself a chair. She was watching Na Young quietly. Slowly, she fell asleep on the chair.

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Nam Ji Won woke up with a jolt when she heard that name. She stared at the guy with platinum hair and green eyes. He looked like one of the artists who was going to perform tonight. Nam Ji Won couldn't recognize this guy at all.

"Who are you?" She asked with a puzzled expression.

"You don't know me?" The guy was truly surprised. There was someone in the backstage who didn't know him. Anything was possible in this world.

"Why would I know you? Are you the president of our nation?" Ji Won asked sarcastically. The guy's lips twitched. Her voice was also similar to that guy. But this person was clearly a girl. Her hair was long. Her eyes are light brown. Jimin's eyes are black.

"What's your name?" He grabbed her jaw. "You look like him. Are you his sister or cousin?"

She slapped his hand away. "You should introduce yourself first before you ask my name."

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Seo Tae Il looked at his wrist. It hurt where she slapped him. He frowned. She was a lot similar to Jimin. His eyes went to her chest. Yep, definitely a female. Jimin was flat. He was definitely a man.

"You pervert!" Ji Won covered her chest. "Lecher! At such a young age, you are such a cheap boy."

"Shut up!" Tae Il covered her mouth. He didn't want to be labelled as a pervert before his concert performance. "I just asked your name."

Ji Won bit his hand. He let go of her mouth. His hand was bleeding. Just before the concert, his hand was already hurt. It was the same hand that hurt when he punched Jimin a few days ago.

"I don't want to share my name with a pervert." Ji Won was looking at him strangely. She stood up. "You better stop if you want to have a career as a celebrity."

Tae Il felt like it was useless to argue with a girl like her. But he was still curious. Each time he looked at her, he found a shadow of Jimin in her face. Even their height was the same. But this girl's eye was unhurt. If she and Jimin were same, they should have the purple eye.

He had no idea that a girl like Ji Won knew well how to fix a purple eye in the fastest way possible.

"Leo, it's your turn." Someone called out for him. He couldn't remain there anymore. He looked at Ji Won once with a doubtful expression. Then, he headed for the stage with his guitar.

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"Ji Won?" Na Young came to her side when he was gone. "Do you know Leo?"

"Who is Leo?"

"The boy who was talking to you just now..." She pointed in the direction where he went. "He debuted last year. He is one of the rising stars. He is only fifteen, but he already did a movie and appeared two drama as a second male lead. I heard that they are also launching a drama with him as a first male lead later this year."

"So, he is famous?" Ji Won already labelled him as a pervert. She wasn't going to change it anytime soon.

"What do you think?" Na Young shook her head at her friend's dumbness. "I thought that he was your friend."

"He is a pervert." Ji Won crossed her arms. "You should stay away from these two-faced celebrities."

"Ji Won, all celebrities are not perverted." Na Young looked around sadly. "Slow Poison has not appeared yet. I wonder if he is even coming."

"His show is last on the list, isn't?" Ji Won asked. Na Young sighed. Waiting was really hard.

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