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"Ji Won, I have two tickets for a concert. Will you go with me?"

The person who asked her this question was not a boy. It was actually her classmate, Park Na Young. She was also her childhood friend. Nam Ji Won was trying to cram her lessons. She didn't get any new break up request recently. She didn't want to meet Lee Hyo-Rin at the time. She was wondering whether she could deal with someone advance level creature like Lee Hyo-Rin. She decided to return the money to the client and take a breath of relief. Lee Hyo-Rin was scary. Also, that wild kitten totally ruined her chances with Lee Hyo-Rin.

"Is it one of those boy bands again?" Ji Won wasn't the fan of crowds. Na Young liked to take her because she was strong and she could pierce through the crowd to get to the front. For Na Young, Ji Won was a perfect shield.

"I will treat you anything that you want to eat." Na Young begged on her knees. They were in the classroom. The teacher was not here yet. All of her classmates stared at her with weird eyes.

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"Hey Na Young, I could go with you." A male classmate yelled.

"Nope, I am not wasting my precious moments of life on you." She turned back to Ji Won. "I will do your homework for you." Her eyes became bigger and misty like a puppy. She knew Ji Won's weakness.

"Na Young, I hate crowds." Ji Won could never say no to her face when it was like that. "You better treat me something good. You can't do my homework. You should rather buy me lunch for a month."

"Deal!" Na Young hugged her. "I thought that you would ask for free lunch until our school ends. A month is also good."

Ji Won deeply regretted in her heart. Free lunch until the end of the school year? She should have been greedier.

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"When is the concert?" She asked when it was lunchtime. Na Young was treating her the lunch. She didn't want to discuss the details in the classroom because she didn't want to attract attention.

Ironically, she didn't think that she was attracting attention when she was begging on her knees in front of Ji Won.

"It's tonight." Na Young jumped on her feet happily. "Many famous celebrities are coming tonight. I even booked the hotel where the celebrities are staying."

Ji Won raised her eyebrows. "Who will stay for the night? How did your parents agree to stay at hotel overnight?"

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"They are going to grandmother's place. I told them that I don't want to go because we have to study. I am staying at your place." She winked at her. She did this often in the past and it was always Ji Won who took her to the concert. Na Young's parents were strict about her studies. They let her hang out with Ji Won only because Ji Won was good at studies. They were hoping that Na Young could miraculously absorb Ji Won's IQ like a sponge. Ji Won's parents already treated her like a family member. They had no idea about Na Young's lies to her parents. So, they let her and Ji Won go to the concert. In past, Ji Won's siblings also accompanied them.

Though Ji Won and Na Younger were a lot different from each other, they were both quite shameless. One would shamelessly beg to accompany her to the concert and another one would shamelessly accept free lunches.

"Where is the concert?" Ji Won was having a bad feeling. Why would this girl book a hotel?

"It's in Seoul," Na Young answered in a high-pitched tone. "We have to leave by five. Then, we can reach there on time. The celebrities will stay there for two days. My uncle promised me that he will help me meet with them."

Ji Won never went out of her city. If there was ever a concert that Na Young wanted to see, she would accompany her. But she didn't know whether she could go out of the city alone.

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"Ji Won!" Na Young could see the hesitation in Ji Won's eyes. "Do you know how much I had to beg my uncle for this chance? He said that my mother would kill him if she ever finds out. He works at the same hotel where the celebrities are staying. When he found out, he thought of me and told me over the phone. He said that he could probably get an autograph for me. But I decided to use this chance to see the love of my life with my own eyes. After I begged and cried to him for days, he agreed to help me. I have to see Slow Poison with my own eyes to die without regrets. I might never get this chance to hear his song or see him for real in my life again. Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaase, you promised to go with me. You are my friend."

She was breathing heavily. She said all of these words in one breath. Ji Won was speechless. love of your life? It was no secret that Na Young was a huge fan of a pop singer who went by the name 'Slow Poison'. Ji Won also liked listening to music, but never like this. She sighed as she had grown into a grandmother. What was good about this 'Slow Poison'? This 'Slow Poison' was slowly poisoning her friend's mind and her life.

"Alright, we will go." She rubbed her head. Her head was hurting. She was sure that her head would hurt more during the concert.

"You are my best friend." Na Young happily hugged her.

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