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Ji Won dragged Park Na Young out of Son Jong Pil's house despite her protests. She got a taxi and went to the hotel without any halt. During the whole way, she didn't talk or reply to Na Young. When they reached the hotel, Na Young's uncle scolded them a lot After it was over, they quietly went to their hotel room.

"Ji Won, he locked you into the room because he wanted you and Leo to speak to each other and save your relationship." Na Young looked at her with big round eyes. "He is not a bad person."

"He may not be." Ji Won narrowed her eyes at her. "What about you? Have you lost your head? I am not in a relationship with that kid. Why didn't you speak for me once? You were okay that he locked me in the room with a pervert."

"I wasn't worried because I know that you can protect yourself." Na Young looked down with guilt. "I am sorry. I just wanted to spend more time with him. I was too selfish. It's my wrong."

Ji Won cussed under her breath. She came to Seoul for the first time. She was scared. She thought that she might have overreacted or not. She didn't care anymore. She wanted to go home.

"Ji Won, I am sorry." Na Young grabbed her arm. "Please talk to me. I will never do this again."

Ji Won covered her head with the blanket. Na Young lied down beside her.

"For a moment, I wanted that dream to last long. So, I became too selfish. I am sorry."

Ji Won didn't reply.

"Goodnight." Na Young sighed and closed her eyes.

Next morning, Tae Il was staring at his swollen wrist. A few days ago, he hurt his thumb when he punched Jimin. Now, his wrist was red and swollen because of a certain girl. She even punched Son Jong Pil and left him with a swollen cheek.

"I am sorry." Son Jong Pil hung his head low. "It happened because of me. I ruined your relationship."

Tae Il stared at his Sunbae strangely. He couldn't believe that he was still stuck with this creature. He wanted to find that girl and teach her a lesson.

"I am leaving." He couldn't keep his tone polite.

"Take care of your hand." Son Jong Pil looked at his hand. "The doctor came when you were unconscious. He told me that your hand is just swollen. It is no broken, but you should take care of it. Take these medicines with you." He handed him a packet.

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"Thank you, Sunbae. " Tae Il sighed. "How is your..." He pointed at his swollen red cheek.

"It is also swollen." Son Jong Pil tried to smile, but it hurt. "Your girlfriend is really strong."

Tae Il sighed again. His sunbae was really hopeless. He left without saying another word. He decided that he would keep his distance from this Sunbae in the future. He wanted to go home.

In the car, Ji Won was on her way to meet her elder brother at Z university. She left before Na Young woke up. She was still mad at her for the last night. She turned on her spare phone and checked the messages.

She got many 'break up' requests. She opened a text from Lee Hyo Rin.

[From: Lee Hyo Rin

Where are you? Let's meet today. My treat.]

[From: Lee Hyo Rin

I broke up with my boyfriend. Can we meet, Oppa? I am sad.]

[From: Lee Hyo Rin

Oppa, are you ignoring me? Are you tired of me now?]

[From: Lee Hyo Rin

Oppa, I want to see you once.]

[From: Lee Hyo Rin

Oppa, are you done with me?]

[From: Lee Hyo Rin

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Meet me once after you come back, Ji Won.]

Ji Won rubbed her eyes and reread the message. Did Hyo Rin called her Ji Won? Was it a mistake? She couldn't believe it. Her cover was blown up. Who was this Lee Hyo Rin?

[From: Lee Hyo Rin

If you don't meet me, I will meet your father.]

Ji Won gulped. She immediately replied.

[I will meet you. Currently, I am out of the city. Don't do anything rash.]

Her phone beeped after a minute.

[From: Lee Hyo Rin


Ji Won cussed Lee Hyo Rin's seven ancestors. She was glad when she saw the text that Lee Hyo Rin broke up with her boyfriend. Who knew that she found out about her true identity? At least, she didn't have to return the money to the client.

She checked the next text.

[From: Unknown Number

Do you have siblings, Hyung? ]

Ji Won was surprised to see that text. She guessed that it was from Seo Tae Il because he was the only one who called her 'Hyung'. Other girls usually called her 'Oppa'. What did this little punk find out? How did he even get her number? Did Lee Hyo-Rin give him the number? That could happen.

Her head was hurting. She should stop doing these things.

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Then, he wouldn't have called her 'Hyung' if he knew.

She decided to send a reply.

[From: Ju Jimin

I have one sister and one brother. Why do you ask? ]

Seo Tae Il read the text. His doubts started to clear away. That wild girl might be Jimin's sister. That explained the resemblance. She was in high school anyway. Jimin was in college.

[From: Unknown number

Never mind, I was just curious. ]

Ji Won smiled when she read the text. She liked it when he called her 'Hyung'. She felt like she gained a little brother, though he was annoying.

"Ji Won, did you wait long?" Nam Dong Min asked when he arrived at the cafe near the university.

"Yes, thirty minutes," Ji Won replied with a straight face. "You are always late, brother."

"You came suddenly." Dong Min took a seat opposite of her. "Did you order something?"

"I did." She looked at the menu. "You are paying."

"Why would I?" Dong Min stared at her. "You ate, you pay."

"You are my elder brother." Ji Won smirked at him. "Take care of younger sibling or I shall tell father how you treated me."

"Fine, I will pay." Dong Min sulked in his chair. "Elder sister bullies me. Younger sister bullies me. The life of a middle child is unfair."

"Elder sister also bullies me." Ji Won sighed. "She is a total ice queen. I am scared to meet her. Is she the same to other people?"

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Dong Min nodded. "We are in the different department, but I heard that even the professors are scared of her. Her tongue is poisonous enough to give heart attacks to people. I heard that she will take the bar examination this year."

"Oh, is she finishing her college?" Ji Won asked curiously. "When will you graduate?"

"Yes, she is in the final year. I will graduate next year." Dong Min smiled at her. "What do you want to do?"

"I want to become a doctor." Ji Won grinned.

Dong Min spat out his coffee. "A doctor? You? That was unexpected. I thought that you wanted to be the police."

"Why is it that surprising?" Ji Won frowned. "Can't I become a doctor?"

"Who said that you can't?" Dong Min cleaned his shirt. "I found it surprising. Elder sister might like you better now."

"Would she now?" Ji Won rolled her eyes. "Here, take this."

She shoved plum pickles jar in his hand.

"Wah! Plum pickles!" Dong Min started jumping in joy. "Oh, I missed them. Thank you for the supply, little sister."

"Pay me for the delivery then." Ji Won winked at him.

"You!" Dong Min shook his head. "I paid for the food. That's your pay for the delivery."

"Okay, I want another burger."

"Nope. You are going home. If I let you eat, the restaurant will go out of business. Let's not ruin other people lives."

Ji Won pouted and looked at him with puppy eyes.

"Okay, one more burger. After that, you are going home." Dong Min gave in.

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