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After she returned home with Park Na Young, Lee Hyo Rin decided to meet her after a few days. She met her in the same cafeteria where they met for the first time. Nam Ji Won decided to meet her as Ju Jimin instead of her real self.

"Oppa, you are here." Hyo Rin smiled brightly when she saw Ji Won.

"Haha..." Ji Won took a seat opposite of her. Lee Hyo Rin acted like she didn't call her 'Ji Won' in the text. She ordered coffee for them nonchalantly.

"I thought that you would come as Ji Won instead of Jimin." Lee Hyo Rin picked up her coffee cup. "You are quite confident, 'Oppa'?"

"How long?" Ji Won shrugged. What was the big deal if she found out? At most, she had to stop what she was doing.

"I have heard of rumours of a boy who takes requests to break up couples." Lee Hyo Rin seemed amused. Her personality was really different than her usual fake personality. Ji Won couldn't decide who the real 'Lee Hyo Rin' was.


"That day, Tae Il also said that you are a couple breaker." Hyon Rin smiled softly. "I looked into you and found out that he was telling the truth. Your real name is Nam Ji Won. You have two elder siblings. Both are studying in college right now. Your father was a cop, but he owns a restaurant right now. You are eighteen years old and studying in the first year of high school. You are actually two years older than your classmate. When you were young, you had a sickly body. That's why you started school late. nearly a year ago, your boyfriend broke up with you for someone else. Since then, you have been breaking up the couples."

"You have done your homework." Ji Won was irritated. Lee Hyo Rin should leave her family alone.

"Oh, don't worry." Hyo-Rin waved her hand. "I am not interested in your family. I am interested in you."

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"What do you want?" Ji Won folded her hands in her lap. Lee Hyo Rin was a double-faced human. She was scared of this woman. She knew that she wasn't a man, but she flirted with her shamelessly. She went along with her lies for so long.

"I am just glad to find someone like you."

Ji Won was surprised to hear her words. She looked up with lines forming on her forehead.

"You decided to take actions because your ex-boyfriend wronged you." Hyo Rin rested her arm on the table. She was calmly looking at the vapour arising from her coffee. "Even if it was such a small thing, you didn't let go. You also decided to take actions on other people like your ex-boyfriend. That's rare."

"Thank you?" Ji Won didn't expect to hear that. She didn't know whether she should thank this woman or run in other direction. Something about her expression was disturbing. The way she spoke of her was also troubling her.

"Let's be friends." Hyo Rin gave her a quizzical smile.

"I don't know about that," Ji Won replied politely. She didn't meet her eyes.

"You don't like me?" Hyo Rin leaned toward Ji Won. "How about this? I won't seduce anyone who is already in a relationship. I will correct my way of life. Will you be my friend, then?"

Ji Won bit her lips. She didn't want to be Hyo Rin's friend, but she was afraid that she would take drastic action if she acted otherwise.


"Thank you, Ji Won." Hyo Rin stood up. "I have to go home. See you later."

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Ji Won also stood up.


"Wait!" Hyo Rin walked to Ji Won and stood opposite of her. She was a foot shorter than her. She suddenly grabbed Ji Won's collar and pulled her head down. She stood up on her toes and kissed Ji Won's mouth. Ji Won became a figure of stone the moment her lips touched Hyo Rin's.

She chuckled when she Ji Won's expression and kissed her again. "That's your punishment for trying to fool me."

Ji Won didn't straighten up her back when Hyo Rin let go of her collar. Her brain was not properly function. She couldn't react or scream. Lee Hyo Rin grinned when she saw her like that and left her there alone.

"Hey!" Seo Tae Il slapped Ji Won's face. "Hyung, what happened to you?"

Ji Won blinked. It was already evening. She looked around herself and found that Lee Hyo Rin was long gone.

"Why are you here?" She asked him.

"Noonim texted me that you want to meet me here." Seo Tae Il found her expression's blank when she heard his words. "I was away for work. So, I am late. Did you wait long?"

"I..." Ji Won fell on her knees and wrapped her arms around Tae Il's waist. She pressed her face on his stomach and cried.

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"Tae Il, I have been tainted."

"Hyung!" Tae Il looked around, embarrassed. There were still people in the cafeteria. "Let's talk somewhere else."

"Tae Il, she used tongue." She looked up at him with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I have been tainted. I can't forget that gross feeling."

"Hyung, let's talk somewhere else." Tae Il tried to unwrap her arms around his waist, but she was too strong. People would misunderstand if they saw them in such state.

"Tae Il, I want to die." Ji Won started sobbing there.

Tae Il softened up when he saw her tears. He wiped them away. "Let's go somewhere quiet. Then, tell me what happened to you, okay?"

"Okay." Ji Won finally let him go. She stood up slowly. Her shoulders were slouching. She kept wiping her mouth. Tae Il wondered what could have happened to this person. They walked to an empty park and sat on the swing.

"Tell me what happened." Tae Il asked her quietly.

"Tae Il, Hyo Rin kissed me today." She lowered her head. "She kissed me twice."

Tae Il was surprised to hear her words. He didn't think that Lee Hyo Rin would do something like this. But why was this Hyung reacting this way? It was just a kiss.

"She used tongue." Ji Won turned green when she remembered that moment.

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"That's bad," Tae Il said when he saw her reaction. This Hyung must have hated forced kisses like that. He deserved it though.

"I can't forget that feeling." Ji Won's head went lower. "I want to throw up, but it is stuck in my stomach. I want to wash my mouth with the bleaching agent."

"Uh...Hyung, don't do that." Tae Il lightly patted her head. "It was wrong for her to do things like that, but she really liked you and couldn't help herself. Hyung, do you like her? You should consider dating her. She is not a bad person."

"She knows that I am a couple breaker." Ji Won looked up at him with horror in her eyes. "She kissed me to teach me a lesson."

"I had no idea." Seo Tae Il scratched his head. "Why did she think that kissing you was a punishment?"

Ji Won's head sunk lower when she heard his words.

"Hyung, if you dislike that feeling that much, you should kiss someone you like. That feeling will go away." Tae Il advised sincerely.

"I don't have anyone I like." Ji Won sat up straight. "I am going to use a lot of mouth wash. I will never think about today again."

"It's good if that works." Tae Il didn't know why he felt awkward.

"I shall wash my mouth by eating fried chicken first." Ji Won stretched her arms. "It's been so many days since I ate fried chicken."

Tae Il smiled when he saw her cheering up. "Let's go. It's my treat then."

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