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"You want to go out with your friends for two days?" Ji Won's father stared at her.

"A few friends planned this." Ji Won avoided looking at her father.

"Ji Won is growing up." Her father exclaimed. "Who is going with you?"

"My senior friend, Lee Hyo Rin." She didn't lie this time. "Na Young is not going."

"Who else?" Her father pressured her.

"Just her and a few other girls. That senior is guiding me for college exams." Ji Won squeezed her eyes. "Just this one time...I will never ask for this again. I promise to do anything you ask."

"Fine." Her father laid back on the couch. "You will call me three times a day. If anything happens, you will call me. If you cannot call, you will run back home."

"Nothing will happen, Appa." She massaged his back. "Can anyone harm me? I am your daughter."

"I am still worried." Her father closed her eyes. "Just for this time. You are not allowed to go before you enter college."

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"Thank you, Appa." Ji Won laughed.

Next day, Ji Won was ready at dawn with a few items in her bag. Her mother was mad at her, but she let her go anyway. She was dressed in her brother's clothes when she left. On the road, she wore her wig and eye-lenses. She was Ju Jimin then.

Lee Hyo Rin was waiting for her. She was wearing the same red coat and the white muffler. Her expression was calm.

"I am here." Ji Won took the seat opposite of her.

"You are on time." Lee Hyo Rin didn't look at her and took a sip from her coffee. "We are waiting for another one."

"Who?" Ji Won asked in surprised. She thought that it was just two of them.

"He will be here soon."

"Is it Tae Il?" Ji Won frowned. "Why are you taking him?"

Lee Hyo Rin didn't answer. The waitress suddenly came and placed a coffee cup in front of Ji Won. She smiled at Ji Won and left.

"For security." Lee Hyo Rin looked at her with boredom. "You might decide to leave suddenly. I need you to finish what we started. I also need you to finish it successfully. If you decide to turn back suddenly, I will start with Tae Il."

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"You!" Ji Won pointed at her. "You are a horrible person."

"Yes, I am." It was quite scary that her expression didn't change when she said that. "You are no better."

"What do you mean?" Ji Won asked in confusion.

"Hyung, Nuna!" Seo Tae Il appeared between them. "What are you arguing about?"

"Nothing." Both of them replied at the same time.

"Oh!" Tae Il was suspicious of them. He came because of Jimin. Last time, this person was crying because Hyo Rin Nuna kissed her. Now, she was ready to go with her on a trip. He wondered if he suddenly decided to date Hyo Rin or he was forced to go on this trip. He even had to postpone his work for this.

"Let's go." Lee Hyo Rin suddenly got up.

"" Ji Won laughed nervously. Tae Il observed her reaction. She was definitely forced.

"Hyung, if you don't feel good, you should cancel this trip," Tae Il said to Ji Won. "It's cold in T mountains right now."

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"We are going to T mountains?" Ji Won cried in surprise. "In winter? I didn't even bring my winter clothes."

"Don't worry. I brought enough for three of us."

A car stopped in front of them. Lee Hyo Rin got into the car without a word. Nam Ji Won glanced at Tae Il once before she also got in. Seo Tae Il sighed before he followed them into the car.

"Are we going to drive there?" Tae Il asked calmly.

"Yes, my driver knows a short cut." Hyo Rin smiled at him. "It's not that far from here."

"Why did you suddenly decide on this trip?"

"My exams are over. My college entrance exams are also over. I had a hectic year. I want to have fun," Hyo Rin replied breathlessly.

"Ah!" Tae Il looked at Ji Won who was looking out of the window. "Hyung, which university do you go to?"

Ji Won jumped in her seat. "Why do you ask?"

"I am curious." His voice was flat.

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"Z university in Seoul," Ji Won said without a second thought. Her elder siblings went to that university. So, she remembered that name.

"Not bad." Hyo Rin laughed "I am hoping to get into N University. Tae Il, which high school are you going to?"

"I am moving to Seoul." Tae Il told her. Ji Won was surprised to hear him say that.

"Why?" Ji Won asked.

Tae Il closed his eyes. "My father got transferred last year, but we couldn't go because of my studies."

Ji Won looked away from him. She guessed that she was losing him again. It was fun knowing him. She already missed him a bit.

"Hmm, we will miss you." Hyo Rin gave him a half smile. "You are one of my good friends, Tae Il."

"You are speaking like I am moving to another country." Tae Il opened his eyes. "It's just thirty minutes train trip. You will also move to Seoul for the university. Hyung is also studying in Seoul. We can meet whenever you want."

Ji Won didn't reply. After this job, she was planning to close down her 'couple breaker' business. She didn't like it when Lee Hyo Rin called her a fraud. She also hated it when she lied to her father. It was time to throw away her spare phone and Ju Jimin. It also meant that she couldn't talk to Seo Tae Il again. Somehow, she cared about him and she didn't want to tell him the truth. He might hate her if he found out that she was a girl.

He might also call her a fraudster like Lee Hyo Rin.

She closed her eyes and pretended to sleep. This trip to T mountains was heavy. She wanted to make the last memories with Tae Il and Hyo Rin.

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