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"It's cold." Ji Won shut the car door and refused to go out. "I won't go out without warm clothes."

Lee Hyo Rin laughed and threw a coat to her. "Here, take this."

"You also take this, Tae Il." She gave another coat to Tae Il.

"I have brought mine." Tae Il gave the coat back. "I packed for the T mountain, unlike a certain someone."

"Hey, it's not my fault." Ji Won grumbled while wearing the coat. "It's even snowing outside. Why did we come here?"

"To ski." Lee Hyo Rin shouted in excitement. "To drink Soju with roasted meat in this cold. To have fun before the next phase of our life starts."

"What next phase?" Ji Won stared at her. "You are entering college. He is entering high school. I am still stuck where I am."

"Don't worry," Lee Hyo Rin winked at her. "Our lives will surely change after we return home. It's up to you how you want to live."

Ji Won shook her head dismissively and stepped out of the car. She was going to be in the second year of high school. Every day of her life would become hectic because she would be preparing for college exams. She had to work hard to perform best in the college exams to get into the college of her choice. Life was going to be worse. She was good at studies, but that didn't mean that she liked studying.

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"True, let's have fun here." Tae Il grinned.

"Let's eat something before we go out again." Hyo Rin slapped her stomach. "I am starving."

"Me too." Ji Won could feel her stomach turning into a hollow pit.

"Me too." Tae Il added.

Three of them went to the hotel while talking about what they will eat for dinner.

"Why do I have to stay with him?" Ji Won asked when they were standing in front of their rooms. The hotel only had two vacant rooms. It was already dark to search for another one. Ji Won could help but feel that Lee Hyo Rin was trying to make her life harder than it already was.

"Do you want to share it with me?" Hyo Rin asked in a chirpy voice.

"No!" Ji Won put up her palms and laughed. "I am a man. How can I live with you?"

Tae Il sighed and walked into the room.

"See you later." Lee Hyo Rin gave her a flying kiss. Ji Won dashed into the room and closed the door behind her. Her eyes almost bulged out when she saw the scene before her eyes. Tae Il was standing here, half naked. He was rummaging through his luggage for another set of clothes.

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"Tae Il, what are you doing?" Ji Won asked awkwardly.

"I am looking for my underwear." Tae Il didn't look back at her. If he did, he could see her reddening cheeks.

"Tae Il, do you walk around naked in your house too?"

"Hmm..." He turned around with underwear in his hand. "In my room...sometimes."

Ji Won looked up at the ceiling to avoid looking at his body. "I see, I think that I didn't need to know that. Go into the bathroom."

"Hyung." Tae Il stepped closer to her. "Did Hyo Rin Nuna forced you to come on this trip?"

Ji Won squeezed her eyes shut. "She didn't."

Tae Il stepped closer and closer until he was standing only inches away from her. "You are lying to me."

"I am not." Ji Won didn't dare to open her eyes.

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"Look into my eyes." He grabbed her chin. "Hyung, if she is blackmailing you, you should tell me."

Ji Won opened her eyes and looked. Her heart skipped a beat when she noticed his hazel eyes fixed on her. He wasn't wearing glasses. She noticed the small freckle under his right eye. His almost pink lips. She frowned in annoyance. He was like her younger brother. There was no way that he could make her heart flutter. She refused to accept.

"Why are you getting mad?" Tae Il noticed the change in her expression.

"I am going to take bath." She pushed him away and flee into the bathroom. She loudly closed the bathroom door.

"He is acting suspiciously." Tae Il leaned on the door. "She is definitely blackmailing her."

After fifteen minutes, she came out. She found Tae Il napping on the bed, half naked with underwear in his hand. Her heart was still uneasy.

She didn't wake him up. She covered him with a blanket and watched him for a minute.

It's gas." She told her self. "I should get some medicines."

She should also meet Lee Hyo Rin.

"Here." Lee Hyo Rin gave her the medicine. "Are you ready?"

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"Where are we going?" Ji Won ate the medicine. "What about Tae Il?"

"It's tomorrow night. Today, we are going to have fun. Wake up Tae Il and ask him to get ready."

"I see." Ji Won nodded. She went to her room. Tae Il was not on the bed. She heard the sound of the shower. She waited for him on the bed while checking her messages. There was one from Na Young.

[From: Na Young

Oppa wants to meet you. Will you meet him?]

She immediately denied her request. She would never meet that annoying creature.

She looked up when she heard the sound of the door opening. Tae Il walked out wearing a white robe with water dripping from his hair. He walked toward her in a languid manner. She stared at him in a daze.

"Hyung, are you okay?" Tae Il frowned when he found her staring.

"I am." Ji Won jumped out of the bed. "Get ready soon. We are waiting downstairs."

She rushed out of the room like dogs were chasing her.

"Weird!" He couldn't understand her behaviour. "He is definitely hiding something."

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