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"My head feels like it is splitting in half." Ji Won rubbed her forehead.

At morning, Hyo Rin dragged Ji Won and Tae Il out of the bed for skiing. As soon as they reached the spot, Lee Hyo Rin received a call. She left Ji Won and Tae Il alone.

"Why did we come to this lonely place?" Ji Won grumbled. "Do you know how to ski?"

"No, do you?" Tae Il looked at her with worry. There were not a lot of people here. The slope looked dangerous to him. He wasn't ready to try this at all.

"Why did you come on this trip?" Ji Won couldn't help but ask.

"For you." He told her while still staring at the slope with fear. "I thought that Nuna forced you to come."

"Don't you hate me?" She was curious. "I thought that you hated my ways."

He sighed. "I am worried that she will take advantage of you."

Ji Won blinked in surprise. He came here for her. Something stirred in her mind. She shook her head several times to throw off the ideas in her head.

"Your head is still hurting?" He asked, worried.

"I am fine." She turned away from him. "I have seen how to do this in movies. Let's try this in my way."

"I don't think that it's a good idea." He stepped away from her. "We should wait for Nuna to come."

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Ji Won wasn't listening at all. She stepped forward like a penguin and lost her balance majestically. She fell and rolled down the slope like a round boulder while screaming on the top of her lungs.

"Hyung!" Tae Il also stepped forward to chase her and followed her trail in a similar way. He also fell down the slope on to her at the bottom.

"We are still alive." Ji Won cried when they reached the bottom.

"I hate you." Tae Il didn't get up from her immediately.

"Hey, I became your cushion." Ji Won pushed him away. "I saved you."

"We fell because you wanted to act cool." Tae Il sat on the snow. "Who told you to go forward when you didn't know how to ski?"

"I want to live while I can." Ji Won furrowed her brows. "This is my first time here. I want to have fun."

"Will you have fun if you end up dying?" Tae Il smacked her head. "We are lucky that we didn't get hurt."

Ji Won pursed her lips. She didn't have any word to refute him. It was a dangerous fall. Somehow, they were not hurt.

"Argh!" Tae Il fell on his spot when he tried to stand.

"Great!" Ji Won stood up and crossed her arms. "How is it that you and I both fell, but you are the only one who hurt your foot while I acted as your cushion?"

"How would I know?" He pointed at her. "I twisted my foot because of you."

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She clicked her tongue and checked his foot. "You get hurt easily. You should drink more milk and exercise regularly."

"I don't get time to exercise." Tae Il looked away from her. "I should not have come here for an idiot."

"Well, you came. That makes you an idiot too." Ji Won turned her back to him. "Get on."

He stared at her back with a bizarre expression. "I am not."

"Can you walk to the hotel at this rate?" She raised her brows. "You need treatment."

"I am heavy." Tae Il wasn't comfortable for some reasons that he couldn't understand. "Let's wait for Nuna. She might be looking for us."

"Aren't I your Hyung?" Ji Won grinned. "I can carry two people like you at the same time. Get on my back. If I get hurt next time, you can carry me like this on your back. Hyo Rin might be late."

"I will drag you by your foot." He got on her back. Ji Won started walking with him on her back.

"Hyung, don't get close to Nuna." Tae Il whispered to her ears. "She is a complicated person."

Ji Won stopped walking when she felt his breath on her ear. She almost threw him on the snow. She resisted and looked up at the slope. She couldn't see anyone there.

"I know, but don't worry. She won't trouble me after tonight."

"What do you mean?" His face moved closer to her.

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Ji Won felt his cheek touching hers. She cleared her throat.

"Tae Il, your mouth stinks. Did you even brush?" She asked sarcastically.

"It's you who still reeks of alcohol." He snorted.

"Keep your mouth away from mine." Ji Won warned. "We have to walk all the way to the hotel."

"Do you know the way?" He asked.

"I can see people there. I will ask them the way." She looked ahead. "You are not heavy at all. You should eat more."

"I don't want to hear that from a skinny man like you." He rolled his eyes. "You need to eat more."

"Tae Il, Jimin !" Someone came running from the front. It was Lee Hyo Rin. "Are you all right?"

"See, she is here." Tae Il got off from her back. "You don't have to carry me anymore."

"Lean on my body." She grabbed him by his shoulder. "Don't sit on the snow. Put pressure on your other leg."

"What happened to you?" Hyo Rin asked when she reached them. "How did you get hurt?"

"A monkey thought that he can ski." Tae Il answered her. "We fell."

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Hyo Rin shook her head. "You should have waited for me. I got a call from my father."

"I acted as his cushion, but he still managed to get hurt." Ji Won moved and Tae Il lost his support. He fell flatly on his face.

"Jimin!" Hyo Rin scolded her. "Oppa, you shouldn't act harshly to your junior. He is badly hurt."

"Just call someone to pick him up."

Tae Il pulled her by her leg to make her fall on the slow like him.

"You!" Before she could scream, he grabbed snow and threw it on her face.

"Coooold!" She rolled away. "Tae Il, I will kill you."

"If you dare," Tae Il laughed and threw a snowball at her.

Ji Won gathered snow and turned it into a big snowball. She threw it straight on his face.

"You can't even move to avoid it, can you?" She smirked.

"This is war," Tae Il said dangerously.

"I think, we should go to the hotel to get him the treatment." Hyo Rin stood between them to stop them from throwing snowballs at each other.

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