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When Seo Tae Il woke up, it was already 9 AM. He remembered coming to the hotel with Lee Hyo Rin and Ju Jimin. The doctor was called after they came to the room. He checked his foot and told them that he barely twisted it. It should be okay after a bit of rest. He gave him some medicines. Tae Il fell asleep after taking them. After nearly sixteen hours of sleep, he woke up.

"Where did everyone go?" He found his cellphone on the table. He noticed that Jimin's things were gone. He punched his number on the phone, but it didn't connect. He called Lee Hyo Rin's number.

"Seo Tae Il?" He heard a rough male voice.

"Yes, it's me."

"Wait, please." The phone was cut off.

"What the hell!" Tae Il stared at the phone. "Did they leave me to have fun alone?"

Just then, the door opened. A bearded man in a suit walked in. He was big and muscular. He looked like a hired thug in a suit.

"Who are you?" Tae Il was both surprised and afraid to see a stranger in his room.

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He bowed to him slightly. "Miss Lee sent me to help you."

"Lee Hyo Rin?" Tae Il relaxed his shoulders.

"Yes." The thug in the suit confirmed.

"Where is Hyung?" He asked.

"You mean the other guy with you?" The thug in suit frowned. "You don't know?"

"What is that I don't know?" Tae Il was irritated somewhat. "Where is he?"

"He left yesterday evening after he received a call from his home," The thug in a suit told him. "Miss Lee wanted to wake you up, but he told her not to."

"Oh!" Tae Il stared at his phone. "I guess, he was in hurry. Where is Nuna?"

"There was an unfortunate incident in her family..." The thug in suit hesitated. "She will call you herself. I am in no position to speak about it."

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Tae Il pursed his lips. Both Ju Jimin and Lee Hyo Rin left like this. Why did he have a bad feeling about this? He needed to talk to Jimin as soon as possible. He should go back to Seoul first.

"I want to go back home." Tae Il stood up. There was a slight pain in his foot, but it wasn't bad. "Can you call a cab?"

The thug in suit grinned. "Miss Lee asked me to drive you to your home. I cannot defy her orders. Kindly let me."

Tae Il nodded. If someone wanted to drive him home, he had no problem. "I will pack my bags."

"I have already packed and put them in the car," He said. "Please come with me."

"I can't even brush my teeth." Tae Il muttered under his breath. Lee Hyo Rin probably didn't want him to stay here for long after Jimin was gone. He should not have come here. Ju Jimin also abandoned him like that. He would teach him a lesson when he meets him.

After he reached home, he went to his home first. His father was already gone for work. His mother was also gone. She was an artist. His father was a businessman. At a young age, his mother recognized his talent for singing. She sent him to singing school since he was five. Later, he joined acting school because he was interested. He had a bit of luck by his side because he got the chance to debut earlier than his fellows. Some people never get the chance despite having talents.

When he was done cleaning up, he sat on the bed. He called Jimin's number again, but it didn't connect this time either. He had a bad feeling in his heart. Annoyed and mad, he went to look for food.

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He was eating leftover food when he got a call from Son Jong Pil. He didn't pick up. He was the last person he wanted to talk to. The phone kept ringing until he gave in and picked up. This should be important.

"Sunbae, is something wrong?"

"Leo, Ji Won had an accident." Son Jong Pil was breathless on the phone.

"What?" He dropped the spoon. "Which hospital?"

"City Hospital. I am heading there." Jong Pil cut the phone. Tae Il picked up his coat and ran out of his house. He ran on the street until he found a cab. He was worried. Ju Jimin left yesterday because his younger sister and father had an accident. He thought about the girl who called him a pervert. They had a bad beginning, but he didn't want a girl like her to die.

He rushed inside the hospital and found Na Young first. She was crying non-stop. Son Jong Pil was patting her back softly. Next, to her, another man with familiar features was standing.

"She will be fine." Jong Pil kept saying. "She is a strong person."

"Na Young, do you know how this happened?" Nam Dong Min ignored Jong Pil. "Mother told me that she went on a trip with her friends. After she came back, she talked to father about something. They left after talking. Mother has no idea what they talked about. Then, they met with the accident. What did she talk about? Why did they leave in hurry?"

Seo Tae Il's feet stopped when he listened. Trip? Was he talking about the trip to T mountains?

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"I don't know, Oppa." Na Young wiped her tears. "She didn't tell me that she was going on a trip. None of our friends from school went on any trip."

Nam Dong Min looked around with tears in his eyes. "Why did this accident happen? Why are my father and my sister hurt like this? I want to know what happened."

Seo Tae Il walked to him. "Are you Jimin's brother?"

Dong Min stared at him with surprise. "Who is Jimin? I don't have any brother."

"Are you Ji Won's brother?" Seo Tae Il didn't answer his question. His stomach was churning with uneasiness. Jimin told him that he had a brother and a sister.

"Yes, I am." Nam Dong Min looked at him from top to bottom. "Who are you?"

"He is Ji Won's boyfriend," Son Jong Pil said slowly. "I called him."

"You are her...?" Nam Dong Min narrowed his eyes.

"No, he is not..." Na Young opened her mouth.

"I am her boyfriend." Seo Tae Il spoke before she could finish her words. "We started going out recently."

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