Not far away from the battlefield when Gu Hua saw that after the breakthrough the white horns on the top of Nether Fire Bull's head had turned golden. Gu Hua couldn't help raising a corner of her mouth and revealing a mysterious smile.Suddenly, An Haden leaned over to her ear, and softly whispered, "If there's something funny then you better tell me; let your husband be happy too."Gu Hua glanced at him, too lazy to correct his stupid way of addressing himself, and chuckled, "Guess yourself!"An Haden reached out his hand to poke the tip of her nose, his tone full of affection as he said, "Cheeky! If I guess correctly, then what are you going to give me as a reward?"Wanting reward! This guy was having too much fun playing around with her; he'll become addicted!Gu Hua shoved his hand away, then unhappily said, "Nothing"However, An Haden abruptly leaned closer to her ear again, and with a quiet voice slowly said, "If this King had guessed correctly then wifey must have been imagining their expression when they will find out that the Golden Dragon Tree for which they are fighting so hard had already been stolen."Hearing that, Gu Hua couldn't help laughing. She had absolutely no sympathy for those martial artists of Weapon Refining Sect. Instead, she enjoyed the show of them been chased around by the Nether Fire Bull. Gu Hua smirked and said, "Yeah, I can bet that their expressions are going to be very interesting. " Gu Hua's beautiful eyes narrowed as she looked at the Nether Fire Bull who's speed had started to lessen because of the exhaustion and an unspeakable cunning smile appeared in-depth of face "Now that we had already taken Golden Dragon Tree it's time for us to take magic core and golden horns of this Nether Fire Bull."An Haden saw the playful smile on the corners of Gu Hua's mouth, the waves of light swirling in her eyes, and smelled her fragrance. Next, his eyes were drawn to her crafty smile; especially those pink and soft lips, with her pearly white teeth. An Haden could feel his heart swelling, so reaching out, he took her into his embrace and kissed her.After a long while, Gu Hua fiercely pushed him away. Her soft pink lips were slightly red and swollen as she glared angrily at him, her eyes rippling with emotions.At the same time, her heart was being filled with secret curses."What are you doing when we're in a public place?"An Haden gently ran a finger across her long eyelashes, smiling as he said, "Haven't I said it before? This King never makes a losing transaction. Rewards I'm owed must be claimed."Just before Gu Hua was about to get angry, An Haden promptly changed the topic with a two-faced smile on his face. "What does wifey thinks, should we go and let those people spend money on purchasing their lives?" Gu Hua was startled at the sudden change in topic and stared blankly at first; then her eyes swiftly swept over everyone from the Weapon Refining Sect before she chuckled. An Haden was worse than her.However, she rather liked such a personality very much......On the Battlefield the golden horns on the Nether Fire Bull's head flashed with brilliant rays of light as he prepares itself for the attack.Seeing the brilliant rays of light Lao Haochen shouted loudly, "Retreat! Quickly retreat!"However, it was already too late.Now all of them could only watch as the golden horns on the head of the Nether Fire Bull's got fully charged with its fire and started to point at its target and instantly struck them with fireballs.At the locations where the golden horns pointed to, a brilliant, fireball would shoot towards there with astonishing quick speed.At this time, it's golden horns were like a machine gun. Bang..bang..bang…sprayed the bullets.Ye Tian Qi was the first one to be hit. His clothes were on fire and some of his hair got burned too. Not to mention one could clearly his negative IQ through his actions at this moment, when on the place of ceasing the fire by using wind attribute he started to run back and forth to stop the fire. He was truly a very sorry figure at the moment.The second person to be hit was none other than Su Wanjing. Previously, when An Haden had gone to complete Gu Hua's mission, even after sprinkling a good amount of fragrance on everyone there was still some remaining in the bottle and he remembers that Gu Hua that told him not to bring the bottle of the fragrance back with him so he sprinkled the remaining on a girl who was nearest to him and that girl and that lucky girl was none other than Su Wanjing. Since Su Wanjing has the strongest scent. Consequently, the Nether Fire Bull's attention was even more attracted to her.

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