As time went by, Su Wanjing's complexion became more and more unsightly as the spiritual power inside her body was beginning to run out. And the people around her, the outer disciples of Weapon Refining Sect had also reduced in numbers. As for the Nether Fire Bull, he wasn't in a hurry to kill off the remaining members of this team. He laughed malevolently, as its remote and icy-cold expression locked on to them. Its eyes were so eerie that they penetrated into the depths of their souls.A pair of icy eyes glared at this team making every one of them absolutely horrified. They were shivering in terror, and their hearts were extremely panicked."Third senior sister didn't master had given you the jade flute. Why aren't you using it now against this Nether Fire Bull?" Shuang Yi anxiously shrieked.At this moment after listening to what Shuang Yi had said, almost all of them were urging Su Wanjing to act.After all, only Su Wanjing knows how to play the jade flute. Although master had also told them to use jade flute only on the mysterious beast. However, in this critical situation who would care about the mysterious beast.While Su Wanjing was cursing the Shuang Yi secretly in her heart, Lao Haochen suddenly discovered a movement in front of them. He saw a man and a woman coming out of the white fog.After seeing the couple Lao Haochen suddenly became ecstatic. Although he can't find their exact cultivation rank. But from their aura, he could tell that this couple is really strong.Lao Haochen cupped his fist as he looked at An Haden and Gu Hua "Young Master, Miss we are the disciple of Weapon Refining Sect please help us in dealing with this Nether Fire Bull, we'll always be thankful to you." We would have killed this Nether Fire Bull by now if it wasn't for its breakthrough. But if this man could join them, the situation could still be changed' Lao Haochen thought while showing a sincere expression.However, both Gu Hua and An Haden didn't even glance at them. They only turned around and walked away.Seeing them turn around, Su Wanjing instantly recognized An Haden. Just as Su Wanjing recognized An Haden her expression changed from gloomy to bashful and hopeful but as soon as she saw Gu Hua standing beside him her expression once again turned gloomy.Seeing that everyone is engaged in a conversation a furious Nether Fire Bull spilled out a fireball aiming towards his favorite prey in order to remind them of his presence. When Su Wanjing saw a big fireball coming in her direction her feet weakened at the knees, and she anxiously shouted, "Your Highness Prince Che, save me! I beg your highness, please! If your highness doesn't take action now, I will definitely die!"However, An Haden and Gu Hua completely ignored Su Wanjing's cry for help. While Gu Hua sat down on a big rock which was outside of Nether Fire Bull's attack range, An Haden just stands behind her reclining against an ancient tree. Both of them looked so harmonious together that even pink bubbles can be seen behind them.As for Su Wanjing when she saw that An Haden was ignoring her call for help, she couldn't help but shout again.However, An Haden completely ignored her presence once again and assists Gu Hua in tying her hair in a braid. His phoenix eyes narrowed and the corner of his mouth lifted into a resplendent demonic smile. His bright blood-red lips shone like they were scattered throughout with glossy and shimmering gems. However, it remained silent not saying a word.When Su Wanjing realized that An Haden was ignoring her cry help because of Gu Hua, her hatred for Gu Hua became more intense.She was so lost in her thoughts that she even forgot that a big fireball was coming in her way and if it wasn't for Lao Haochen who had nullified the big fireball with his water attack, she would have died from the Neither Fire Bulls attack.

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