James was not wrong in his assumption as it was the sweetest moment for him when he heard that one word but it was difficult for Zhen Xiu that looked at the world with the only good and bad side.

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She was unaware of any in between and was thus confused when he asked about the bribe.

Lu Jian noticed the hard moment in between them and volunteered to clear the dean's mistake or lack of for his wife. After spending these days with her, he was aware of her hard personality. It was better to clear any misunderstanding before it took roots in her heart.

"He wants to hear you say him 'father'" Lu Jian explained.

James realized his mistake and was even thankful for a moment that the confusion was cleared but when he saw Lu Jian's face near his daughter, his inner strict father woke up and he scowled at him.

Lucky bastard!

Trying to impress me.


"Yes, call me father one more time."

Zhen Xiu was surprised at his little mistake and was even ashamed for judging him without understanding his point. She was such a terrible human being for not understanding her adopted father's love for her.

"Umm... I am sorry for…" She could not complete her statement because of her remorse. Zhen Xiu hoped that her adopted father could look past her behavior and forgive her.

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It was the best way for her to seek an apology for her blunt mistake. She was being a hypocrite judging him without knowing him.

James Carter was happy that she was once again calling him father and he forgot all about her defensive eye that has hurt him. It was nothing when he could hear these sweet words in return.

"One more time." he requested.

James Carter was a thirsty man for his oasis and now that he has received the greatest gift he could ever get in this world he was naturally very happy.
Zhen Xiu complied with his wishes and called him one more time. "Father."

"So tell us why are you here?"

"It was for you. I need your help." James Carter told her without giving her any more information on his words.

"Today is the day of celebration. Let's forget about everything and celebrate my joy."

Zhen Xiu was puzzled at his reaction. Why was he so happy?

What was this celebration about?

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What happened? She could not understand the reason behind his smile. His eyes were shining like a star. He almost looked like a loon.

Shen Ya who was sitting on the side was naturally aware why the Principal was in a good mood. His dream was to hear the word 'father' from Zhen Xiu's mouth but she has never called him father. She resented him for adopting her.

Previously Zhen Xiu thought that James Carter was the reason that she was away from her mother and didn't know about her father.

She remembered Zhen Xiu's words that she has told her during their Seventh grade that she would never call him father as it would make him happy and she could never make this man happy who has snatched her away from her mother.

It was such an old memory but it was still vivid in her mind.

Shen Ya was happy that their differences were clear now and were now happy with each other. Now she focused her attention the traitor who was enjoying the scene too much for his own good.

Jiang Wui who was casually looking around the beautiful estate after watching the family drama felt a shiver running down his spine.

Why was he suddenly feeling cold?

He turned around and saw the icy gaze directed at him. She-Devil was looking at him like she wanted to freeze him and throw him out in the Pacific ocean.

Jiang Wui was scared and wanted to persuade her through their eye talking.

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Jiang Wui removed his eyes from her and deeply breathed for his safety. He knew what he did for gossip was wrong and even could put Lu Jian and Zhen Xiu's in trouble. He was already scared because of Lu Jian's outrage and now on top of that she-devil was making things worse for him.

He wanted to die and kill himself for his helpful nature.

They all were mean towards him and now only his sister-in-law could save him.

JIANG WUI: SISTER-IN-LAW (They are bullying me.)

Zhen Xiu who was patiently listening to her father felt a pinch on her hand and turned around to see the [pitiful expression on Jiang Wui's face.

She could not understand the reason for this and asked him. Her confusion was evident on her face and on the other hand, Jiang Wui was simply making puppy eyes to get her back on his team.

After giving it a much thought Zhen Xiu finally realized why he was making these awful expressions and why was he coming towards her.

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So, he needed her help to fight these icicles.

Huh! In his dream. She was already not feeling good as she could not meet the potential second consort of her harem and he wanted her support.

ZHEN XIU: (Evil Smirk) YOU WISH!


After celebrating for a long time, James Carter was already drunk and was sleeping like a log, both the couples decided that it was time to take their leave from this isolated estate.

Jiang Wui wanted to skip his friend and brother there in hopes of saving his ass from their beating but his luck was bad as Shen Ya was also drunk today and was completely uncontrollable.

The surprising thing was Zhen Xiu was completely sober after playing a big game of drink and dare.

Lu Jian could not believe his eyes and was even skeptical about her alcohol tolerance.

Where did she learn all that drinking?


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