Lu Jian was not aware that his wife was one of the veteran drunkards in her previous life. So, a few drinks that she has consumed was not enough to make her lose her mind unlike Shen Ya and Jiang Wui.

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They were finally alone now after sending the Jiang-Shen couple away.

"Do you want to tell me something?" Lu Jian asked her hinting that she should disclose about her past to him.

He knew that his wife was now completely different now from the past her so her habits were completely different from her living with him during the past two years.

He was curious about her and wanted to know more about her. She was like a mystery to him that he wanted to completely unveil before him.

Zhen Xiu smirked at his hint. She knew what he was suggesting and was not in the mood to discuss her past with her new husband who has ultimately given her a warning last night regarding keeping consorts.

"What? I don't think so. Do you want to know something about me, hubby?"

Lu Jian was quiet for a moment but then decide to bite the bullet and asked about his worry.

"How can you handle so many drinks without even loosening your body? Did you love to drink much in your previous years?"

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Zhen Xiu came close to him and placed her hands on his shoulders. They were broad and rock hard to support her short physique. Although she was not drunk but was not completely unscathed after drinking that much alcohol in that funny game.

This body was way too weak for her to remain good even after emptying barrel of alcohol. She was not drunk but slightly tipsy but was able to manage a sober look.

"Always so curious. Don't you know that curiosity…"

Lu Jian finished her sentence for her. "...killed the cat. Yes, I know but I am no cat and you are my wife. I have the right to know about your past but if you are uncomfortable and are not interested to reveal that part of your life then I won't force you."

He knew it must be hard for her to accept the sudden change in her life after the coma. Although he was sure that his wife's personality was changed after she woke up from the coma before the recent relapse didn't want to place his opinion on her. Either way, she was still his wife and he would do everything that he could do for the sake of redemption.

Just because she was not the one to face his rudeness and harsh attitude, it doesn't mean that he has never done any of that before. He knew he was in the wrong and would gladly do everything in his power for his new chance.

Zhen Xiu was surprised at his understanding. Sometimes, she could not decide whether he was a good man or a bad man posing as a saint.

He had hurt the original in the past but she has still given up her life for his love. It was strange and she could not understand it completely but somewhere deep down in her heart she knew that it might be because of his good heart despite being a ruthless person.

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This must be one of the reasons for her to accept him even after facing humiliation and death.

Was love really beautiful?

Zhen Xiu questioned herself but could not answer herself.

It was complicated.

"Why are you suddenly so understanding? Are you trying the soft and hard method on me?" Zhen Xiu questioned the beauty in her arms.

Lu Jian raised his eyes at her. When has he been non-understanding to her?

Even in the past he has always tried to remain faithful and tried to avoid her as to not give her any hope for their marriage and dim her interest in him. He knew his method was wrong and the consequences are enough to prove his fault but he has never tried to pressurize her in doing anything she didn't want in their marriage.

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It must be a misunderstanding.

"Well, I have always tried to be understanding but let's leave it at that so would you like to share about your life my wife."

"Nah! I am good. Let bygones be bygones. I would like your strong arms to carry me around husband."

"Fine, if you say so." Lu Jian instantly agreed.

For the first time, Zhen Xiu decided to give him his due respect for understanding her without questioning any further. It was a nice gesture to get a brownie point and she gave him that; this man was good to her so, in turn, she would just give him something about her.

As Lu Jian picked his wife in his strong arm from the car to go inside their room she wrapped her hands around him and snuggled close to his neck.

Zhen Xiu slowly whispered in his arms loving the feeling of their close contact. "I used to drink a lot. You can say I loved drinking."

Lu Jian broke his stride in between as he heard her small voice and a gentle smile graced his icy face after knowing that she has revealed a part of her in front of him. He was in the right path after all since she was trying to open up now.

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He continued his strides and went past the hall without noticing his mother Lu Qiqi standing there with conflicted eyes looking at them.

Zhen Xiu was relieved to share her feelings with someone even if he was her husband that needed some punishment because of his bad attitude. He was still a brilliant choice for a heart-to-heart talk sometimes.

She was not planning to have a heart-to-heart talk anytime soon but was just considering her choices regarding the future.

"So, the amount you drank tonight was not enough to make you drunk." Lu Jian guesses the rest of the story through her little confession.


Zhen Xiu tightly held his neck and inhaled his strong masculine scent to calm her jittery nerves. She was a bit tipsy from the drinks and was able to control herself but now his scent was making it hard for her to control her desire for him.

It would have been nice if she didn't need to have any revenge for the clone that sacrificed herself for her.

Lu Jian smelled so good that she really wanted to eat him.

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