Father Shen and his daughter were walking towards there doom and that too with a happy smile gracing their face.

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Zhen Xiu was able to persuade Lu Jian and hence they were all sitting around to welcome the members of Shen family.

Lu Ming was happy that is daughter in law was sensible enough to control his son from doing something atrocious against their longtime family friend.

He knew that his wife and son were against each other because of them and did not know how to deal with this problem but for now, he has to make sure that everything remains intact in his house after Shen Rui comes inside.

Old Butler Lu was very helpful and quickly went outside to invite the outsiders that have created problems in his life.

Before he appreciated Shen Rui because of her high birth and upper status and the other was she was capable enough to lead the family.

She was meticulous and impressive. He has to think about the family and who was capable to lead the family.

The new head lady Zhen Xiu was not someone who would be able to lead Lujia so he has never like her but after getting scolding from her he realized that he was too narrow-minded.

He could not appreciate her because of her low birth and identity of a countrywoman. That day he saw her capabilities and the power to lead them so his thoughts regarding her gradually changed.

He could see the clear picture and was able to see the snake-like character of that Shen family's girl. Even after the marriage of Young Master, she kept on being touchy with him and even wanted to sleep with him on several occasions in hopes of getting pregnant.

It was disgusting. He could understand it better now that he has a clear view of the Shen family and the new Madam of Lujia.

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In his way, he saw both the father and daughter coming inside without waiting for his confirmation. They were not following the protocol of Lujia.

Anyone that wanted to go inside the Mansion has to get a clear check from the owner before they were allowed to enter the mansion but here year were too annoying pests that came inside without the invite.

"Why are you here?"

Shen Feng paused in his step and gave the Butler an incredulous stare silently asking what was the meaning of his question. Shen Rui agreed with her father.

Every time she was here in the past this servant would bow his head like a dog and try to please her but now what was with this attitude?

He was treating them like a dog.

As if they were some hoodlums that entered inside Lujia to rob him of his family treasures.

"Don't you know the rules of Lujia?"

Shen Rui could not control herself after watching the disappointing look in his eyes.

What was he?

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A bloody servant that dares to talk like that and that too in her father's presence. He sure has some guts.

She would give him this credit but he was in the wrong to mess with her.

"You! How dare you? It's not like we are visiting for the first time so why are you reacting like this? Earlier I didn't need your permission to go inside the house."

Shen Feng didn't want to cause a commotion here outside the gates of Luzia but his daughter was right in questioning this Butler.

They were never treated like this before so why was this old slave behaving like a snob.

"Shen young miss! Mind your manners! This is Lujia and not your Shenjia where you can shout and hit your servants." Old Butler taunted the duo.

He was aware of the budding rumor in the society that the first Miss of Shenjia was a psychopath and was in the habit of beating and abusing her servants when she loses her control.

Shen Rui was not aware that her habits were already out in the upper society because of some spies planted by their rivals.

She was so busy in obsessing over Lu Jian that she has missed several problems in her household.

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So when the old Butler warned her about her behavior; she was shocked and the only thing in her mind was that how does he know about her habits.

Father Shen did not know about his daughter's behavior and was seriously confused when he saw the interaction between them.

"What do you mean by that butler Lu?" He raised his question.

Shen Rui was stiff and didn't know what to do and save herself from this trouble. If her father knew about her bad habits and mad behavior towards their servant he would definitely send her back to the mental hospital.

She didn't want to go back again.

Old Butler was about to reveal the problem to her father and without a doubt, her father would throw her back in the asylum.

She has to stop him from blurting out her secret.

"Stop it! Butler Lu! It is none of your business." Shen Rui shouted in anger.

She would teach him a good lesson on how to behave with their superiors. This man seriously needed some beatings to clear his head.

Shen Feng eyed his daughter for a while and was sure that she was hiding something from him.

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She was challenging his authority.

For now, he would not ask her anything but after going back he would definitely question her. They needed to settle the issue of her marriage with the heir as soon as possible for everything to go back to normal again.

He needed the support of Lujia for the development of his business. He can't lose it because of the stupidity of his daughter.

Butler Lu was even more dissatisfied with her and her atrocious behavior. Although he was a servant he was still respected in the house. So, to see their behavior towards him like a speck of dirt in their eyes was enough to blacklist them from his good books. He was a petty person.

His grandfather was given the last name of his master's and from then on their status was elevated in the household.

How could an outsider insult him and that too in his territory?

It was absurd.

She really was not deserving and their Young Master would not like her shallow personality. After all, he has seen Madam Xiu and firsthand experienced her power.

She was the devil.

So how could this a little girl could defeat her and take her place?

It was good that he has changed himself for the good and was respectful towards the new madam of Lujia.

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