"Since you are already here then please come inside." Butler Lu sneered and left to do his own work.

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Shen Feng was so angry at his insolence attitude that he wanted to pull his hair out. To think that their Shen family has fallen so low that a mere slave can mock them.

What an eye-opener?

In all this, he was clear that his daughter was hiding something from him that has made their family a laughing stock in the upper society that the servants were also aware of the problems of his family but he the head of Shenjia was not aware of anything.

"You! Just you wait!!" He pointed his angry fingers at his daughter and marched off inside leaving her alone.

Shen Rui was scared of her father's action and almost didn't want to go inside now since she knew that after coming back the outcome would be different.

She followed her father inside even after knowing that she would get a thorough lesson after going home. She didn't want to miss the opportunity to see her future husband.


Shen Ya woke up with a big hangover. It was the first time in three years that she has wasted herself like this and recovering from the headache was such a pain in the butt.

"Ugh! I want to kill myself." Shen Ya whined.

The housekeeper was quietly serving her a glass of lemon juice to cure her hangover.

"Miss, there is some news from the house. Last night, Xia Lin came by to tell you about the new news in the main house. Master and first Miss are going to propose marriage to the young master of Lujia."

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She respectfully told everything that the spy girl had informed her without leaving a single point.

Shen Ya immediately jumped from her seat as she came near the old housekeeper.

"What?" Shen Ya placed her hand on the shoulder of the old housekeeper.

"Are you serious? Tell me! When are they going there?"

The old housekeeper made her sit again on the chair and ordered her to eat the breakfast first before getting hyper about the problems of others.

She knew that her family's young miss was crazy about her best friend and would do anything to help her even if it means to cross her family.

"You should eat first."

"No!" Shen Ya wanted to know everything so that she could go and support her best friend.

But the old housekeeper was determined to feed her and placed a big sandwich on her plate.

"Finish this up! I will tell you then,"

Shen Ya grumbled in annoyance but followed her commands and finished the entire thing in three bites.

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It was an impressive sight and old housekeeper almost went crazy to see her gobbling her food like a starved animal.

"Eat properly, miss. It's not good for your health." Old housekeeper continuously complained about her table manners but Shen Ya was not giving her any attention.

"I have finished my food. Now please tell me when are they going to cause this ruckus?"

She wanted to know this as soon as possible to avoid any casualties from happening inside Lujia.

This time she was not worried about Zhen Xiu but her family. They always try to underestimate Zhen Xiu because they don't know her real identity.

Everything was different now. Zhen Xiu was not the same girl she was in the past who would take their shit silently and would suffer alone because of her feelings towards Lu Jian.

She was the new Zhen Xiu or more precisely the evil princess of The Ancient Domain.

During their one week stay, the new Zhen Xiu has mentioned this briefly and told Shen Ya about her past so as to not startle her in the future because of the different behavior.

The little information that Shen Ya knew about her friend was enough for her to worry about her family.

As the evil princess Zhen Xiu was the snake in the bush that lay on the flowers beautifully to attract others to come near her in hopes of biting them just for fun.

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She was not at all worried about her friend but was scared about her family. As the new Zhen Xiu was not someone that would take the insult lying down.

She must be waiting for them in hopes of falling in her trap so that she could enjoy the victory after tormenting them to satiate her mind.

The old housekeeper still thought that her young miss was worried about her best friend and even pitied that little girl from the obsessive concern of their young miss.

"Xia Lin told that they will be going today. Precisely they must be there by now."

Shen Ya once again jumped and screamed in horror. "What? Is this true? Why didn't you tell me about it? They are already in the vicinity of that tiger. Geez! I have to go."

The old housekeeper couldn't understand her young miss concern towards her friend. Their young miss was usually smart and brilliant but whenever it comes to her best friend Zhen Xiu she would act like a mother hen trying to protect from every danger in the world.

It must be because of the childhood trauma that she was so close to her friend and the old housekeeper liked Zhen Xiu who was the only one capable enough to please their young miss Shen Ya.

She couldn't understand the reason behind the extreme care and love between them. They were not two friends but looks more like blood-related siblings.

Their bond would make anyone envious about them. Their young miss was not close to her family as she thought that her only family was her best friend and the employees under her.

Her last experience with her family was so bad that she has left the house in anger at the age of ten. However many people in the upper society were not aware of it and thought that Shen Ya was the black sheep if the family. She was not good enough to handle the family business so the Shenjia had given her an olive branch in the form of SZ entertainment.

They were not aware that it was the result of Shen Ya's hard work and Zhen Xiu's funding that she was able to create a successful company on her own.

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"Old Ma! I am going. Don't wait for me. I will not return back tonight." Shen Ya panted as she quickly arrived from her bedroom.

She was in a hurry to go and control the fate of her family from Zhen Xiu's deviousness otherwise it would be too late to protect them.

She has to reach there fast and stop the foolishness of her family.

In her way, she called Jiang Wui to go there and stop the ruckus from going out of hand before her arrival but to her luck, Jiang Wui was not home.

He was partying outside and was still in the club with his friends.

"Great! You can just drink and play!" Shen Ya taunted him in her frustration.

On the other hand, Jiang Wui was speechless at the sudden lecture in the morning.

"Wait! What? Tell me slowly!" A yawn came out of his mouth and at the exact moment Shen Ya hanged up on him.



"Hey!" Jiang Wui shook his phone. "Are you there? I can't hear you."

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