Everyone knew that Lu Jian was talented and genius from the beginning but no one was aware of the hardship he has to face while forming his own empire.

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They could only see the outcome that he was a self-made rich tycoon but they couldn't see the trouble and darkness behind his success.

People like Shen Feng, the members of the upper society, his mother, and even his father could not see past behind his cold and gentlemanly presence, for them he was perfect.

A perfect candidate for marriage!

A perfect son!

An amazing connection for their business!

Nothing more and nothing less!

He didn't care in the past and was glad that they knew the only facade he had allowed them to see as it was not that important to show his hidden cards to them.

Hence he believed in hiding his dark side but now these people were overestimating him because of his neutral attitude towards their behavior.

They were trying to put pressure on him because of his leniency and lack of action towards their unsightly attitude in his personal life.

"You! Very well!" Lu Jian's cold voice rang in the hall. "You want to marry me?"

Shen Rui who was doubting her plan was suddenly ecstatic and smiled in Lu Jian's direction. Her beautiful face especially in the presence of her smile was alluring.

"Brother Jian! I…" Shen Rui blushed.

Although she was provocative while expressing her feelings towards him; she was not that open to her feelings and couldn't accept them in front of her dream man.

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For Lu Jian, this was nothing. He didn't care about her beautiful face nor her smile, he only knew that she was the reason that she was responsible for driving his wife away.

He could not forgive her.

Moreover, just now he has seen her shamelessness and disgusting nature which has completely vanished all the good things about her in his memory.

"You do want to marry me. I can see your desperation. You are using my mother for your gain and trying to enter my family and intervene in my life."

Shen Rui could not say anything as she was fully lost after being stared at by her dream man.

Lu Jian continued, "Very well! I will fulfill your wish. Just come back again on Sunday. You will be able to marry the person of Lujia."

Shen Feng could not believe his dog luck and was instantly filled with extreme happiness after he had the confirmation from Lu Jian.

It was everything for him and for his family.

If Shenjia connected with Lujia then it would only bring good luck to them and on a side note, his daughter would be happy.

She would willingly help him in the future without using any manipulation and black-handed method.

"That's good!! Finally, you know who to choose! We will be back again." Shen Feng was happy ear-to-ear and without any fuss picked his daughter and left the house.

Shen Rui also agreed with her father and left happily without noticing the darkening eyes of Lu Jian.

On the other hand, Mother Lu and Father Lu were in the state of disbelieve and were angry at their son for or making such a rash decision.

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What did he mean by his actions?

Was he betraying their daughter in law for Shen Rui?

It was unexpected.

They could not think about it. This was the first time that Lu Ming was unaware of his son's plan behind his rare action whereas Lu Qiqi was troubled by her son's decision.

It could not be that simple if her son agreed without any dispute and argument.

"Lu Jian! What is all this? What did you just say now? Are you betraying Zhen Xiu? Shen Rui is not good!! You can't marry her!" Lu Ming was disappointed in his son.

This decision of his son was shameful and he was ashamed because of this; this new decision was challenging his father- the patriarch of Lujia.

Lu Ming didn't like it and was too angry at his son.

Mother Lu frowned at her son's words but did not show anything else from her face. All her dissatisfaction and refusal to accept Shen Rui as her daughter-in-law was deeply hidden.

She didn't believe that her son was that docile to agree with this marriage arrangement without any fight.

It was futile to think about the matters in his head; he has always been eccentric and likes to follow his own strategies.

"Lu Jian! Have you lost your mind?" Father Lu shouted in anger.

Lu Jian who was silent until now finally pointed his eyes at his mother and confidently strode towards her.

"Don't worry, Father!" Lu Jian calmly assures his father and his arctic eyes were on his mother.

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This woman was responsible for bringing him in this world and also the woman responsible for destroying his world.

She has completely destroyed his faith and goodwill in the word 'mother'.

His wife left him because of her evil deeds and continuous interference in his personal life.

This was the last chance that he had given his mother because of their relationship but not anymore, he was not willing to give her any more chance again.

"I will settle everything here. Don't worry!!"

Lu Jian came near his mother and pointed his cold gaze at her.

Father Lu was unaware of the thoughts behind Lu Jian's attitude and was still seething in anger because of the prior situation.

"Tell me, Lu Jian, do you take our family rules as a joke just because you are now the owner of Lujia? You don't abide by your grandfather's words and are doing things on your own."

Lu Jian knew that his father was angry because of his words but it was necessary for his next plan. He would settle this matter altogether this time on Sunday.

"Well! Why don't you tell this to your wife? She likes to do things beyond her limit and other's comfort zone." Lu Jian coldly said.

Lu Qiqi raised her eyes and confidently stood in front of her family. She knew her methods were wrong and out of the comfort zone of her son but she was also troubled and was forced to do all this.

"What do you mean?" She asked him.

Lu Jian coldly laughed and gave his mother a deep look.

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"You are more clear than this, mother! After all, we are talking about you and your stupid opinion."

Lu Ming frowned. He didn't want to see any dispute in his family because of outsiders but one thing that he was sure of was this time his wife was at fault.

He wanted to give them some time to sort this out and without making any noise and opinion left the hall to the mother and son.

But before he could go he was stopped by Lu Jian.

"You should wait, father!"

Father Lu was confused at his son's request and simultaneously asked what was wrong with him.

"Nothing much! I want to declare something before you go out. Since mother likes to do things before informing us and give us trouble I thought why not give her something similar to her ideas." Lu Jian faintly said.

Lu Qiqi snorted in annoyance. She was sure that her son was again throwing a tantrum at her for not thinking about him but to her disbelief, it was not like that and something more disastrous.

Lu Jian was observing his mother and was deeply hurt by her annoyed expressions. He knew that his mother had always been careless and had never thought about him and his feelings but to get proof of his thinking was quite disheartening.

He did not want to believe that he would do something like he was planning to do but now it looks necessary for the stability of his life and their family.

He was not only a son but the owner of Lujia. So, he would take this difficult decision on behalf of his grandfather.

It was about time to end his mother's stupidity. She should learn how it feels to be on the receiving end of others intervention and forceful opinions.

"Father you are my witness so I want you to hear this clearly, from now on, I am breaking every relation between Lujia and Lu Qiqi. She is not my mother and your wife. It's your choice whether you want to divorce her or not but from now on, she is not the head lady of Lujia and not my mother."

Lu Jian declared.

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