Lu Ming was shocked to hear his son's declaration and was momentarily silent. After all, it was not something that he had expected; he could not believe his ears and was giving his son a strange look.

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Just like Lu Ming, Lu Qiqi was stupefied at her son's declaration and was speechless for a moment and was not able to let out words.

"You...How?" Mother Lu stuttered and pointed her finger at Lu Jian. "Why?...You-Can't!!!"

Lu Jian sneered in contempt and raised his eyebrows in utter defiance.

"Why? Only you can interfere and decide on things about your family but I as the owner can't decide? Isn't it too hypocritical? You disappointed me, mother!!"

Mother Lu could not believe her ears as these words reached her. Her son was disappointed in her because of her interference but she was also forced to act like this; who could sympathize with her?

"But…" She wanted to refute his accusation but was cut in between her explanation as Lu Jian smirked at her.

"There is no buts and Ifs!!! It is not about interfering in my personal life and nor it is about having your opinion about your daughter in law but your disgusting nature as a woman. You constantly do some things that are too unbelievable for me as your son so I hope to put an end to all your craziness."

Lu Jian opened up about his pent up frustration that he was hiding inside his heart from a long time.

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First, his mother was atrocious towards her own daughter in law and crossed each and every line as a woman herself while dealing with his wife.

Secondly, her opinions were too strong for him to see past her mistakes and forgive her.

Thirdly, she was never a mother to him as she has never fulfilled any of her duties as a mother.

He was tired of waiting for her change and was not willing to sacrifice his love for her demanding opinions and desires.

He was her son but also a person the deserved a happy ending.

All these years he has always tried to behave like a son and fulfill his responsibilities as much as he could but in the end, all he got was careless attitude and saddening behavior from his own mother.

Lu Ming was quietly standing at the side and was allowing the pair of mother and son to clear this problem on their own.

Frankly, he was tired with his wife and her attitude towards their family. He appreciated his son's strong dominating nature who was able to think with his head rather than his heart by taking this difficult decision.

He knew that all these years were rather unbearable for his son that needed the warmth of a proper family but being a not so capable father that he was; he had truly neglected his duties.

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Lu Jian addresses his father. "I hope you don't interfere in my decision so I will be impolite and ask Lu Qiqi to get out of this house."

Mother Lu was overwhelmed as she didn't expect the turn of events good lead to her own dead end.

For a time she could not speak anything and was continuously speechless and was looking at her son with unbelievable eyes.

It was unbelievable! Truly, she could not express her shock.

" I am your mother. You can't do this to me."

Mother Lu was desperate this time as she was not ready to lose her family.

Being ready was just an understatement as she would never agree to this demand of her son.

After all, she has understood the sincerity behind her husband's politeness and was truly aware of her bad attitude towards him and her family.

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This was the reason that she wanted to kill her daughter in law in the past. It was not because of some threat or any other pressure but the sole reason behind her insolence.

She wanted to eliminate every threat that could expose her infidelity that happened during her unconscious state.

It was a well-planned trap for her but she being a fool fell in the hole of her own demise with the proper consent.

"Mother… Haha!" Lu Jian gave a sarcastic loud laugh.

It was actually funny to hear his mother saying that she was his mother and while giving him the look of betrayal.

All these years she avoided him like a play and now that he was distancing her from him and their family she was demanding her right.

If this was not funny then nothing could be in this world as he could not think about anything else that could be remotely similar to his mother's brazen attitude and non-caring nature towards her own son and family where she was put on a pedestal by his father.

She did not lack anything but still wanted to chase her stupid dream that has no meaning to her life. He could not be sad for her as this was something she has started on her own.

He was just giving it an end in a polite and gentle manner.

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But now she thinks that she is a mother.

How laughable?!!

"You don't deserve this title and status of being Lu Jian's mother and ex-head lady of Lujia."

Mother Lu wanted to refute his words that wounded her heart but there was nothing wrong in his statement that she could oppose.

Her son was right as she had never appreciated all these things in the past.

It was unfortunate that when she was willing to start a new chapter in her relationship with her son and husband. It all came to an end before it began.

"But- You...Can't…Do…"

Lu Jian taunted his mother. She was truly delusional if she thinks that he would forget everything and will accept her wholeheartedly again when she was the only person responsible for his wife disgrace and humiliation.

Shen Rui was an outsider that can't be given the same treatment as his mother but before everything, his mother despite being a woman and a mother in law was willing to tarnish her daughter in law's reputation just for the sake of her opinion and some kind of stupid secret dilemma that she was trying to protect and hide from them.

It was unforgivable.

It could not justify her meaningless attempt at harming his wife, Zhen Xiu.

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