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Before coming here, Zhen Xiu has used her space for a better purpose. Since she knows that this world lacks spiritual energy and she can't use her powers anymore whenever she wanted to so so she has decided to use this remaining power for her revenge.

Even if she was alive now; given a new chance to live again but it was on the foundation of her clone's death. The princess does not want to play dirty by using everything for herself. It was the last thing that she could do for the sacrifice of the original Zhen Xiu who loved her husband Lu Jian truly.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

After coming into this world she has realized the importance of love and family. Even though it did not bring any big changes in her but she was still able to see the reason behind her clone's death. 

Zhen Xiu has placed a part of spiritual power in her mother-in -law's body so that she can feel, see, and hear whatever she was doing at any moment. It strained her physical body and almost harmed her mental power but she doesn't regret her decision for a bit. This was the reason that she was sitting in the cafe and replenishing her body after experiencing the after-effects of using power in this world.

"Hey! Where are you lost?" Shen Ya questioned her.

Even Ouyang Ming was worried about her as she was making weird facial expressions from the moment Shen Ya questioned her. This was his first time seeing Zhen Xiu behaving strangely yet nicely to him. So, he was worried about her mental state as even though her behavior was the same as that of in the past but he noticed the slight difference that was present in their conversation.

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Before Zhen Xiu hated him; he could feel it yet now although the current her showed that she was irritated because of him but there were no hard feelings in her eyes for him. It was different but all the same. He could not pinpoint the actual difference in her from before and the present.

"Still thinking about that loser? I am telling you! Don't listen to her. You did the right thing. I am proud of you. Forget about it! Let's party!" 

Shen Ya frowned at his suggestion and glared at him for interrupting her. 

Zhen Xiu woke up from her stupor and coughed hard to get their attention. "Okay! Okay! Please calm down! Both of you! Please! Ouyang Ming! You tell me about your reason why did you come here?"

He raised his eyebrows at her sudden interest but smoothly answered. "I am here for you because of Dean. He wants to open a branch in C country, all for you so that you can fulfill your dream of being a teacher. Isn't that great news?"


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New branch!


What rubbish? She has never imagined that this kind of shocking news from Ouyang Ming. How can she be a teacher?

She was not her clone. Her dream was not becoming a teacher. Huh! Why is trouble coming at her from every side?

She has not avenged her pitiful clone yet but now she has another responsibility to fulfill again. This new life of her's sure is expensive. There is no free lunch in this world. How can she become a teacher? Her patience level is at zero or it could rise up to almost two in a great scenario and she was still a newborn in this world. She knows about this world but there is no practical knowledge yet so how can she teach a bunch of kids?

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Oh! Life is so hard!

"No, it can't be." Shen Ya started before Zhen Xiu could explain her problem. She was already aware of Zhen Xiu's body and the sudden difference that could not be seen by Ouyang Ming. Shen Ya knew it would be impossible for the new Zhen Xiu to take this task. Her personality was brash and straightforward with a childish mind.

Ouyang Ming was confused at Shen Ya's direct rejection and gave Zhen Xiu a deep look. It could not be helped as these two girls were completely different from their usual behavior. What was wrong in his absence?

"Why? It's not like the school is meant for you so why are you rejecting it for her? Could it be that you both are hiding something from me? It's not my decision. This is something you wanted and is now supported by the Dean." He raised his suspicion.

There were many instances where he felt that something was different between them. This only solidified his thoughts after carefully observing Shen Ya's expression. There was no change in Zhen Xiu's face and she looked perfectly fine so either she was now a good actress or something is wrong with Shen Ya. 

"It's…" Shen Ya fumbled and could not say anything.

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Zhen Xiu who was aware of Ouyang Ming's intuition just rolled her eyes at the poor performance of her best friend. It was nothing major for her to act like this.

"I will do it. No need to worry about it. Isn't it just teaching?" Zhen Xiu assured both of them calmly with a sweet smile. "If I try then maybe I can do it."

Zhen Xiu assured them simply but her mind was not calm. She did not want to disclose her abnormality to many people. Many people already know about her and it will make things more complicated if it is exposed too much.

She does not want to attract unwanted attention because of a supernatural phenomenon which is rare in this world.

"Oh no!!!" Zhen Xiu shouted all of a sudden in the midst of their conversation. As they were about to ask her, they noticed her pale face and moments after that blood gushing out of her mouth.

Shen Ya and Ouyang Ming both were shocked and speechless. Moreover, Shen Ya was scared that Zhen Xiu's illness was suddenly relapsing again. On the other hand, Ouyang Ming was trying to help Zhen Xiu and all his doubts were going in a particular direction that the real problem was with Zhen Xiu. Shen Ya was just trying to cover her up.

The most important thing was that Zhen Xiu was not well and is probably suffering from something dangerous. 

His cold eyes narrowed and he placed his gaze on Shen Ya. "Tell me! What is going on? I want a clear answer and not something ridiculous." As he finished his words; Zhen Xiu fainted in his arms.

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