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Everything happened in just a few seconds that Shen Ya was unable to maintain her icy expression. The worry about the unknown danger and care for Zhen Xiu was visible in her eyes. Shen Ya was flabbergasted and didn't know what to do next.

Ouyang Ming picked Zhen Xiu up in his arms and quickly paced towards the door. He wanted to take her to the hospital before it turns anything serious. At that time, Zhen Xiu who was unconscious suddenly mumbled some words which were not clear in the beginning but Shen Ya who was lagging behind them clearly heard what was coming out of Zhen Xiu's mouth. 

"What? I can't hear you. Say again!" Ouyang Ming asked the pale girl in his arms.

"Don't bother her. I heard what she said." Shen Ya assured him and contacted Lu Jian in the hurry to inform him about his wife's condition. 

Ouyang Ming frowned again at her behavior. The girl who hated Lu Jian like her sworn enemy was so considerate towards him in this situation when she should be more worried about her friend.

He could not believe the change in his friends during his two-year absence. How can Shen Ya change so much that she is willingly helping the most hated man in her list?

He was about to ask her when Shen Ya interrupted him, "I will tell you later. Please don't ask anything and hurry up to Lujia."

"But… should we not go to the hospital?"

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"I'll tell you later. For now, we need to meet Lu Jian and take his blood for her to recover. So, please do what I am saying without asking any questions in between. You should trust me on this; I'll tell you everything clearly." 

Shen Ya knew it was not her call to tell him about Zhen Xiu's change but she was not in a position to divert Ouyang Ming's suspicion by using any simple reason. She has to do this for her friend's benefit. Ouyang Ming wanted to refute her suggestions first but his concern for Zhen Xiu was more than his irritation towards Lu Jian. 


Lu Jian who was madly angry at Jiang Wui was utterly terrified because of the last call from Shen Ya. In his life, everything was already chaotic but now his wife was again in danger because of her stupidity.

Sometimes he could not believe his luck. It was either too good or worse that he could not describe in words. In the morning, his wife left him without giving him any chance to explain himself and he was worried that she would leave him because of some other woman that he had no relationship with but now she was coming back and it did not make him happy instead gave him worry.

"What is wrong with me and my life?" Lu Jian sighed in anger.

Jiang Wui was calmly nursing his wounds as he heard the last call from Shen Ya. His eavesdropping habit has given him some clues that Zhen Xiu,  his amazing sister in law was in trouble again. Although he wanted to exclaim and give a theory about his opinion but he restrained himself from opening his mouth and getting another sound beating from this angry dog also known as his brother.

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I should learn something from her. Jiang Wui thoughtlessly daydreamed.

"Wui! You tell me! Am I mad? Crazy?" Lu Jian's bloodshot eyes asked the silly man.

"Before I didn't care about anyone and was always indifferent; this made my life a lot easier but now I am not even myself. I am concerned about her well being. I care about a girl who does not give a damn about me. Is this my retribution for hurting her?"

The pain and hurt in his words and voice were enough to shake Jiang Wui from his silly world. This was his first time hearing his cousin speak like that and that too because of his wife.

Before his cousin tolerated her as there was nothing in between them but after Zhen Xiu woke up from the long coma that he could see the changes in Lu Jian. His cousin had feelings for his wife who was now different from before.

These days even though he teased Lu Jian about his newfound love he couldn't clearly understand the reason behind this sudden change. He always wondered why his cousin was reacting towards Zhen Xiu in this extreme way after not having any feelings towards her for the past two years.

Everything was too sudden; all the revelations and schemings were simultaneously affecting their brain cells and rushing their emotions. The truth behind Zhen Xiu was hard to accept but it justified all her recent actions. 

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Maybe the new 'here's was able to attract his cold silent heart after not getting any warmth from his mother in his childhood which he craved the most.

It was the one and only dark spot in Lu Jian's perfect life and this might be the reason that he was not able to clearly show his love for his wife.

This might not be love in the beginning but he still cared about her and was considerate enough to give her a divorce to protect her from his messy family and their complicated circle.

Jiang Wui always wondered why his cousin changed his mind after meeting Zhen Xiu that night which started everything. The change in him, the revelation of his mother's heinous crime and most importantly it uncovered every darkest part of the suffering that the previous Zhen Xiu suffered in the name of love.

He thought it was his guilt but now the pain in his eyes gave him a similar feeling just like when the little Jian wanted her mother's attention and did everything but never got anything back.

"Jian! You were wrong but you are not crazy. It's not any retribution either. You can take this as a trial." 

Jiang Wui placed his warm palm on Lu Jian's shoulder and hugged him like he did when they were kids.

"Before she loved you now you are starting to love her." 

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Lu Jian shuddered as he heard the word 'loved'.

Were her feelings all in the past?

Is there no room for development?

Would she leave him again after she is fine from this new problem?

All these questions were eating his heart and were pressuring him into going back into his darkest deepest past.


Jiang Wui's bright eyes focused on his face and the always joking face was serious this time. 

"Trust in your love. Don't lose any hope. It's too soon to think about all these bad things. Zhen Xiu is not her but at the same time her. So I know it is a bit difficult for you but you need to you calm down and deal with it. This is the only way you can get her heart."

Jiang Wui assured him. As far as he knew about Zhen Xiu's new side, it would not be a big problem for Lu Jian to chase her. After all, she herself likes to seduce him at every turn she gets so in this case all this emotional trauma was all for nothing when she was here for him.

Lu Jian was wrong in the past but who is never wrong in his life. We just need to change ourselves for a better life and for a good character. 

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