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Zhen Xiu knew there and then that Lu Qiqi was hiding a baby in the orphanage which was related to her by blood so it can only be her kid.

After trying to pry the kid she felt the repulsive action of his spiritual power protecting him and was hurt because of it. Now there was only a little amount of spiritual power left in our body that she can only utilize by completely destroying her space.

It was not a big deal to her as in this world everyone is normal except for a few cases which are too easy for her to feel worried.

Zhen Xiu was worried that Lu Jian might hate her after knowing her plan and how she treated him; it was difficult for her to confess her truth as she didn't want to repeat the same mistake that he did at one point in his life.

"I can see that you care about you me but it does not change the fact that I did wrong so I wanted to apologize first before saying anything." Zhen Xiu smiled and instantly reverted back to her previous bold and jolly attitude.

Since this man does not care about her identity and treats her and the clone same then she had nothing to worry about. She could start a relationship now with him.

"Well, we should communicate in a relationship so as to not hurt each other. It's normal." Lu Jian clasped her hand tightly.

He was giving her warmth through his actions. A kind of support that could truly help her adjust to this new life, new world and most importantly in their relationship.

"Mmm, I agree. So I want to tell you that I know about my last accident. It was caused because of the spiritual power that I left in your mother's body. I was keeping an eye on her by leaving a trace in her body. I tried prying into that kid's body and got a rebound force that attacked my remaining source of power. " Zhen Xiu clearly told him everything that happened that day.

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She told him that when she was in the cafe chatting with Shen Ya and Ouyang Ming she was attacked because of the repulsive force of a child which was protecting him and in turn attack the source which tried to pry his boundaries.

After that, she kept on sleeping and was always drowsy as the attack had depleted her soul and she had to drink one bowl of blood that was related to that child's blood.

"The blood I used was yours so it took 30 days for me to recover completely if I used the blood of that child directly then I could be okay in three days." 

Lu Jian frowned hearing the information. The fact that his mother was hiding a child in an orphanage that was related to him by blood was not that shocking but the fact that the child could use spiritual power against Zhen Xiu was rather crazy. He was concerned for her.

His family, in particular, his mum and that unknown kid of strange origin were the reason for Zhen Xiu's poor health. He could not believe his luck.

Why were people related to him hell-bent on destroying his relationship and hurting his wife?

This was getting crazier day by day. He needed to properly chat with his mum so that he could protect his wife from every danger that would come at her.

"You should have told me before. I could bring that child here for you Xiao Xi." He fussed at her stubborn attitude and the fact that she didn't trust him.

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If she had told him before they could have treated her way sooner and it was high time to expose his mother in front of his family. He would not let her affect anyone around him anymore.

Zhen Xiu frowned at his dark face and knew that he was overthinking again. 

"Hubby! Why do you call me Xiao Xi? My previous name was Yun Xiu and the new name is Zhen Xiu." 

She played with his fingers that were tightly holding her. Zhen Xiu could not believe that such a handsome man was her husband and she had full right over him. Unlike the past where several wives shared a single husband now, she can simply monopolize such an immortal man.

It was really fate. She got a new family, good friends and more importantly a great husband. Now the remaining thing was love that was absent in her life. It will take time but she will eventually have it under her.

This new life has given her a new meaning behind love. It was not only about being stupid but being brave and facing your emotions heads on for a happy life.

She has realized how wrong she was to criticize her clone because of the emotion called 'love'.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

Her clone was not stupid but was daring enough to accept a person that she loved; to her, it did not matter whether he loved her or not, she still remained true to her feelings.

She braved dissatisfaction, dislike and hate from everyone just to get her love so even if Lu Jian cared for her she didn't mind as initially, her clone deserved to be loved by him.

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Either way, it doesn't matter to him as both of them were considered the same regardless of their varying personality. She was the child that has to come here in this world and that's why her parents made a clone by using her spirituality. So, they were both parts of her that were divided during her birth for the sake of protection.

"Tell me, please!" 

Lu Jian rolled his eyes at her cute action, he just wanted to call her something different that was only in between them, he didn't want to highlight his childish side to her.

"Just because."

Zhen Xiu: "..."

What kind of answer was this?

Her curiosity was drowned in the drain as she speechlessly stared at him. Was he joking right now?

Lu Jian eyed her and the mirth hidden in her eyes was too clear for him to know that she was taking his words as jokes.

This woman would believe everything other than the truth that he was saying and she says she was different from before.

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He could not see any difference in her. She was still the same naive little girl. Now, that she has become fearless and daring but the stupidity regarding her feelings was still here.

"Baby, you should not laugh at this poor husband. I was trying to be romantic but I guess you didn't like this side of mine."

Zhen Xiu choked on her next words as she heard him. The stinky milk got stuck in her windpipe. He was being romantic.



Oh! How can she raise her head now? Her face was so hot that she wished to hide her face? Who said he can't be romantic when one word from him was enough to make her lose her senses.

She must be going crazy in her head. Oh, her heart was beating wildly.

Lu Jian saw her red face and shy eyes trying to hide away from him like a little tortoise. Too cute to handle but his to love. He was fortunate to have her in this life.

Their lives had too many problems that caused them to stay apart but now he wants to focus on her and their marriage. They had already lost too much time.

"Come on, don't be shy, love." 

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