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The morning was spent quietly and they both were enjoying each other's company without anyone nagging them or trying to sit in between them. They were finally at peace. The cold block Lu Jian was also liking this new lifestyle that gave him happiness and peace along with his wife's complete attention.

Lu Jian and Zhen Xiu were cuddling in bed. All the tension and wickedness aside they were enjoying the calm of their surroundings.

"Jian, I want to pick that kid from the orphanage." Zhen Xiu raised the thought which was running in her mind from the past several days.

His hands that were playing with her smooth silky hair faltered a bit before he started caressing her again. It was not difficult for him to accept her suggestion as there was nothing left in his heart for his mother.

So even after knowing that she was hiding a child in the orphanage which might be his brother he didn't feel anything. Just his heart was worried about his father that cared about his mother.

If the child was really his father's then his mother would not have hidden him from everyone. This must be the secret that she was hiding from them and was being blackmailed by Shen Rui.

It made sense after he organized everything that happened from his marriage to now. The sudden disappearance of his mum, her blindly following Shen Rui's decision and her idea to murder Zhen Xiu.

"I... don't know about that... I don't mind it but…" his words stuck in his throat as he didn't know what to say clearly, he was afraid of hurting her, " you know father might do something drastic if he knew about it."

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In punishing his mother, Lu Jian does not want to hurt his father. His father did not deserve this kind of treatment from his mother. Even he sympathized with him.

Zhen Xiu gave his words some thoughts and came to a similar point as she didn't think about her father in law. Lu Jian had no opinions but Lu Zheng as the husband of Lu Qiqi might just kill her for making him a cuckold.

This brought a strange sense of happiness in her heart. She felt bad for her father in law but the demise of Lu Qiqi was more than enough to make her happy.

"Umm... Don't worry! I'm not saying to reveal everything right now. I just want to bring that kid home and see what is so special about him and how is connected to that strange power."

Zhen Xiu told him about her plan. She wanted to bring that boy home to see if she could save him as before the rebound attack she clearly felt his weak spirit. Lu Qiqi was depressed when she met him so she could not find anything else that could help her in getting his information without any direct contact.

He was too weak. It might be because of excess power in his body which should not exist in this world. So nature was eliminating him just like her, Dr. Feng Tian and her father.

Everything was related to the different power existing in this world. It was like nature was eliminating everything that should not exist in this world. Besides, he was still a kid and should not be dealt with according to his mother's crimes.

"En, okay. Father needs to know about her." Lu Jian agreed after giving it a thought.

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Zhen Xiu was happy with his decision. 

"We will bring that kid home but for now you need to get well first. It's tiring to see you getting into accidents again and again."

Lu Jian agreed not because he was thinking from her point of view but he was more concerned about her health.

"Hubby! You are so sweet when you worry about me. I really want to do you." 


Do him?!

This girl was such a rogue.

The bold words coming out of her mouth shocked him to death. He didn't know how to respond, for a while, his breathing changed and the obvious change in his body was making him uncomfortable.

Just some words from her were enough to make him hard. Shit! This woman and her boldness would surely kill him someday.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

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"Be obedient. You are weak."

His words tried to reason with her but in truth, he was actually reminding himself to not let go of his restraint. She was like an attractive drug that clouded his mind. These days she was being too unscrupulous as he was giving into her.

Zhen Xiu who was happy from his positive answer slightly pouted her lips in annoyance.

"You are always trying to avoid me." It's not like she was made from glass and would break because of the slightest contact. He was always using this stupid reason to not let her have his immortal beauty. "Is it that I am not attractive enough for you?"

Her slim body slithered around him in a way that she was on top of him and somehow he was under her. 

"Love!" He groaned as he tried controlling his body's reaction to her touch. "You should not play with fire." He warned her as his arctic cold voice was lingering with passion.

When Zhen Xiu who wanted to enjoy her meal heard his warning, her excitement rose another level as she nibbled his neck with sweet bites.

"Really! You know that one should not play with fire. So, why are you playing with it? You should enjoy it, just like me."

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Her seductive voice as that of a fox seduced his mind and body. Lu Jian never thought in his life he would be teased by his own wife. 

Zhen Xiu's mouth reached her target as she softly blew near his chin and gave him a deep look as if thirsty for sweetest water while gazing at his lips.

Lu Jian's darkened eyes were the sign that his calm was on the verge of losing. His tightened arms around her waist were clearly giving the sign of an uncontrolled passion that was about to burst.

"Are you sure?" His hoarse voice asked for the final permission before he did something that he could not control. "Tell me before I lose it."

His lips landed on her forehead to calm his desires, love seeping out of his eyes, passionate hands wandering around her back as he leaned towards her. His attraction for her was too great that he had no idea how to control the inferno fire in his body when faced with her deliberate seduction.

He knew that she was attracted to his face only and still didn't have any feelings for him aside for lust that's why he wanted to make sure before crossing any boundaries with her. He had plenty of time to get her love so giving his body to her was also his scheme to hold her attention. 

She was attracted to him so there was no need to waste any time before becoming two bodies and one soul. The sweet feeling in her heart was not only lust. There was a seed of love growing day by day after seeing his devotion to her.

Zhen Xiu's breath tightened as she encircled his neck and inched closer to him. Her lips teasing his ears before giving him her final confirmation. "Yeah, I am sure of it."

As these words left her mouth, the suppressed beast in Lu Jian's body freed out of his cage ready to devour her in his fire.

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