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"Shame? Why would I feel any? It was you who married and wanted to stay with me." Said Lu Jian emotionlessly like it was normal for him to behave like this in front of her.

Zhen Xiu can see that the original was not in a good position but she still wanted to continue the marriage? People in love are generally fools. She reminded herself.

"I admit it was me that wanted to marry you. I was in love but not anymore. Maybe I was shameless, greedy and clingy but it was all because I had wholeheartedly loved you. My feelings for you were true and pure. Yet when I wake up from the coma you ask me for a divorce. Aren't you ashamed?" She asked him.

How can a human be so indifferent to feelings? She can see that he was not interested in the original owner but she was still his wife and deserved every right that comes from it.

She will make sure that she will teach this man a good lesson before completing her task. He will face confusion and fear of being in love, just like his wife.

Bastard! She will let him know the feeling of unrequited love before anything.

"Come to the point. You don't want a divorce so you are behaving like this. Stop your preachings right away, I am not interested." He said coldly trying to hide his little attraction behind his cold exterior.

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She smirked. She knew that he was hiding his desire for her; his wavering eyes were the clear evidence of his falseness. Such a drama queen!

"Bingo! You are not dumb. I will not divorce you." She remarked.

"I can't believe it and you call me shameless. I knew you were trying to attract my attention. Sign these papers! It's best if we separate now." He said giving her the papers again.

Zhen Xiu observed him for a while and she can see a little concern for her. Interesting! Why was he worried about her? He looks honest in giving her these papers and talking about separation.

Too bad! She is not his lovely wife but an evil girl who loves tormenting others. She was a white lotus.

Now, who was going to save him? Lu Jian, your heroine is already dead and now you are living with the villainess. Who is going to save you from me?

[We are here for love plot. Alert! No revenge plot.]

(Shut up!)

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We always despise our little white lotuses that are busy planning their future, unfortunately, life always sides with them.

It is her motto to follow these legendary ladies to gain a man's heart. They can never be wrong in their schemes. If used properly, these schemes can help girls in winning great battles.

Zoru reminded again. [Alert! We are not in battle.]

(We are in a love battle.)

Zhen Xiu was overconfident in her statements. Zoru rolled his eyes from the space and shed some tears for his deceased master.

(Let's be pretty and make dirty schemes.)

Zhen Xiu takes those papers from him and without giving them a proper look she tore them apart.

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"How dare you?" shouted Lu Jian. He could not believe her stupidity. "You are crazy."

He was doing everything for her own benefit but she was still unwise like before.

Finally, the ice cold expression cracked. Zhen Xiu was satisfied. She gave him a bright smile. "Ah! It is my answer. I won't sign."

Zhen Xiu comes out of the room after the last statement. She was successful in catching his attention and needs to plan her next step.

Now he will think about her whether he likes it or not. It might be because of irritation, anger, hate, but she will be there, in his mind.

Ah! The first step is done.

But she was too tired in just a few minutes. After all, she was good at eating a man, not loving him; the love the original wanted was something strange and unknown for this evil princess. She has never felt what was that love like? How will she know if she is going in the right direction?

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It was too difficult to plot against man. If it were simple seducing then she would have eaten him just like that.

[you have to do this. Don't forget your mission.]

She heard Zoru's words in her mind. (Shouldn't you do something to help me?)

[ If I will tell you everything then what are you here for? You only know how to blab. ]

(Stinky boy! You just wait. I can do things well and am not only better in using my mouth.)

Maybe it is difficult now because she was new in this world but Shen Ya could help her more.

No, bad idea!!

Zhen Xiu crossed her thoughts. Shen Ya hates Lu Jian so she won't help her in this love trap.

Next, I need to change my looks. The clothing and accessories she found inside her closet were too terrible and not up to her liking. She needs to change her looks and start the beauty trap soon.

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