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Zhen Xiu didn't like the dresses she found inside Zhen Xiu's closet. They were dull, boring and some were even vulgar.

They couldn't attract a man's eyes but can churn them. They were disgusting so she needs to find herself some new clothes.

[ yeah! How do you know?] asked zoru. He couldn't understand why his new master was continuously degrading his previous master?

(Stop being biased. Now I am your master. Anyways if you still want to say that I am wrong then I can guess you are also just like her. Zero creativity.) Zhen Xiu mocked him.

Zoru felt insulted. [Really? What do you want me to do then so that I can show my creativity?]

(Bring me new clothes. These are boring. I don't want them.)

Zoru rolled his eyes in annoyance. (I am a spirit. I can't go and be your slave. Remember, I can't come out of this space. You need to find your clothes on your own.] He huffed.

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She was treating him as his slave. He was a primordial spirit for god sake a respected being.

[ Shen Ya will help you. Go ask her.] Zoru suggested.

He couldn't leave this ignorant fool alone in this new world.

(Good idea I should call her.) Zhen Xiu chimed in happiness. (I heard that.)

Zhen Xiu called Shen Ya and the phone rang for a second. Shen Ya immediately picked the call. She was worried about her getting hurt again and subconsciously waiting for her call.

"Should I pick you up?" She asked anxiously afraid of her answer.

"Eh! No. I called for something else." Zhen Xiu explained.

Shen Ya composed herself and asked her, "Are you alright? What do you want from me?"

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She asked concerned. Zhen Xiu felt warmth seeping in her heart. Shen Ya was the first person to show her some care otherwise she was always alone.

A single drop of tear fell from her eyes. Zhen Xiu was suddenly feeling happy that she was again given a chance to live life again and a new chance to experience these emotions and feelings. She could not remember anyone ever caring for her like this in her life. They were all busy scorning her and hating her existence.

Zhen Xiu bitterly smiled.

"I am good. I just want to buy some new clothes and shoes." She complains.

Zhen Xiu felt good to have someone caring for her. It feels nice to know that someone cares for your well being.

Shen Ya was surprised to hear this simple request. She agreed immediately.

"Sure! We will go shopping tomorrow."

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Shen Ya was worried about her health. "You should sleep. It's late."

"Yeah! I will go to bed now." Zhen Xiu smiled and assured Shen Ya about her condition.


Lu Jian saw Zhen Xiu talking across the room. He was mesmerized to see her beautiful smile. It was not her usual smile there was something different in them like she was experiencing it for the first time. It was not her normal fake smile. It was a pure smile.

Why was she smiling all of a sudden?

She was fighting in the room just before and now she was smiling like an innocent child.

Strange! She is changed.

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Lu Jian was mesmerized. His heart skipped a beat after he saw that smile. What was wrong with him? Why was he suddenly attracted to her? She was suddenly enchanting. He could not remove his eyes from her.

Something is different. She is not his wife. Everything about her is so different from his wife.

Lu Jian knew that everyone thinks that he didn't know his wife but they didn't know this that he used to observe her. No one knew Zhen Xiu better than him. She was a dull and harmless animal in his life. He has always wanted to see the thing that made his grandfather agree to their marriage.

He didn't find anything in her before but everything about her in now screams EVIL.

There is something different. Jiang Wui was right.

She was not giving him those dirty eyes now. He felt that he was no more than a nuisance in her eyes now. She couldn't be his wife.

This girl was sassy and seductive.

She was confusing him. Lu Jian decided to monitor her to see the difference in her again.

This girl was not his wife.

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