You are great at dealing with people.”

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Edward opened his mouth.

“The story is a little fresh. I only hear stories about my bad personality these days.”

Edward and I were beside the entrance of the dungeon. 

“It’s obvious that those guys came to attack you, yet aren’t you just letting them go?”

“I gave them the option.”

“What… … ?”

“If they truly are going to step back, I’ll let them be. But if not … .”

“This devil-like guy… … !”

Edward opened his eyes as if he had realized something.


Maybe that’s not wrong.

Initially, I tried to end things by merely using a dimensional sword and chasing them away moderately. But at the end of the day, these were a group of 200 guys who wanted to kill me.

Do we even need to show mercy?

So I set a small trap.

I just returned their guys and entered the dungeon with Edward.

Knowing that they are only two of us in the dungeon, can they just let such an opportunity pass? If so, they will be left alone to live.

But if not.

That would be their fate.

Anyway, it’s their choice, and I slowly move forward with Edward.

Fortunately, inside the dungeon was an extensive grassland with low grass. In other words, it was a place to spot enemies easily.

There was no room for a surprise attack unless it popped out of the ground, and a third-level worm was put in the field in case.

The worm won’t be able to beat 11th level monsters, but if it is attacked, it will surely send a warning to me.

I moved cautiously with maximum awareness. Only then did I kill my footsteps and listen.

Edward was aware of the signs and that there were wheat worms in the case of a surprise attack from the ground.

Edward opened his mouth.

“Hoo. I’m nervous.”

“You’re getting too uneasy; it’s a problem if you miss even one enemy.”

“I’m trying, but it’s not easy because there are so many things around.”

He pointed to the monsters surrounding us.

27 level 10 monsters, including Baekkyung, an invincible minion, surrounded us.

As I was looking around for safety, it seemed to disturb Edward’s senses.

“Get on.”

“Well? Can I really do that?”

“It’s not going to bite.”

Edward jumped on.

I rode on Grabbor’s back. Then, the field of view widened, and it was much easier to look around.

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I returned a level 10 monster and instead called an eagle to the sky.

After sending the scouts one by one underground and to the sky, a complete surveillance network was established.

Even though the surveillance network was deployed to this extent, I still felt uneasy.

It would be wise to because this is a red hole. This is a place where a level 11 monster may suddenly appear in a group of ten or twenty.


The Eagle crowed.

I turned my attention to the area where the Eagle was.

When I raised my eyesight using the optical ruby ​​ring, I saw a giant cow in the distance.

“Hmm… … That one.”

Edward also frowned on his late discovery.

There was a black cow with two massive horns. The exact size was unclear due to the distance, and there were about three or four of them. 

It seemed to be grazing leisurely, but from my current position, it was impossible to confirm whether it was a monster or just a wild animal.

Once I put all the monsters, I was riding into the item list. Only the Millworm and Eagle were left for reconnaissance.

“What are these guys..”

“You can’t run away just because you’re surprised.”

And if that cow is a level 11 monster, I want to observe it at a distance before approaching.

Well well.

Wow. Wow.

The act of cows grazing a field in itself is nothing. However, I realized that even ordinary behavior could be overbearing if the size changes.

“That… … How massive … … ?”

Just it’s shoulder height is 15m. It was a black cow the size of a five-story building. It wasn’t grass but an actual tree that the guy was chewing.

“Just how strong is it?”

Edward opened his mouth.

First, I looked at his profile.

Black cow (11): This is a cow that grows in the Garden of the Gods. It has fantastic meat and has a gentle character.

“What is this… … .”

“Is something wrong? Is it too strong?”

“No… … That’s not it. That guy’s meat is delicious?”

“… … After killing it, doesn’t it disappear anyways?”

“No, that’s something you can turn off.”

However, I did not intend to eat the monster’s meat.

Being gentle was not an advantage. Anyway, even if it is a herbivore, still dangerous.

Fortunately, it doesn’t have a special skill.

However, even so, it is a 15m monstrosity. Its total body length is over 30m. It’ll be like trying to fight a large building.

I soon prepared to fight.

There’s only three anyways. I have fought thousands of monsters in the past. Even though it’s level 11, I don’t think it will be more difficult than fighting thousands.

“Look at the other monsters approaching nearby.”

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“I know.”

Edward retired carefully.

There were many trees nearby, making it an easy environment for a sneak attack. If the other level 11 monsters are all big like this one, it wouldn’t be a very effective surprise attack, but it wasn’t a guarantee, so there was nothing wrong with being cautious.

How do you even properly fight against such a big monster?

I didn’t know, but I hit it anyway.

I returned the eagles and worms. Then, called level 10 monsters from about 100 meters away.

There was a total of 28 level 10 monsters and 3 level 11 monsters. 

In terms of numbers, my side is advantageous.


28 monsters appeared at once and rang the earth.



The black cows were startled and raised their heads.

For them, the size of a level 10 monster is comparable to an average puppy. However, if the number was large enough, it was possible to win.

“Huh… … ?”



Suddenly, black cows rang out and started to escape. Their body movements were infinitely basic, but the size was so great that the distance quickly fell.

It wouldn’t be a problem just to run away, but wild cows usually act in groups.

If there is a gathering of cows nearby, then it would be impossible to fight them once they group up. It’s best to get rid of them while there were still just a few. 

“Damn it! Attack!”

It was a feasible tactic to catch the guys running away first.


The Black Tiger cried out loud, and alongside it, friendly monsters rushed towards the black cow.

The black cow’s terrifying shockwaves made it difficult to even stand properly on the ground.

Catching a black cow was not an easy task.

That’s it!

I caught up to grab their ankles. I heard the sound of the wind being torn by my ear from running with a dancing sword. After passing the level 10 monsters, I quickly caught the back of the black cows.

Kuung! Kuung! Kuung!

Black cows were sluggishly running. Every time they stepped on the ground, their sheer weight caused the earth to split. It’s incredible how it can still somehow support itself with such thin legs.

“How do I stop something like that?”

I kicked the dancing sword and soared into the sky.

I rode on the back of the black cow that was running at the end.



As I struggled to center myself on the shaking cow’s back, I held the dancing sword in my hand.


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Something was swaying towards me with significant wind pressure.

I turned my head to grasp the identity of it and noticed a colossal tail blowing towards me, arousing intense pressure.

If you get hit, you’re dead.

At that moment, my senses were warning me to avoid it all costs.


I managed to jump on his back. The tail swept down, and the shockwave caused my body to spin in the air.


Amid my enduring vision, I tried to keep my attention on the situation and stirred up my mind for the fight.

After I barely stopped spinning, it swung its tail towards me once again.

I thought I would have to be beaten again, so I ran forward out of the tail’s reach.


Even though there was a considerable distance, the intense wind pressure still hit.

However, this time, I could sit on the nape of the cow, holding my center of gravity just enough to avoid spinning. 


Then, without hesitation, I shoved the Bloody Sword into its neck.


It was dense!

What kind of skin is this tough?

The black cow flinched and slowed down.

However, the other two have already fled ahead.

It would be too difficult to deal with them, so I decided to catch this one with the Bloody Sword first.


At that time, space was torn over the black cow’s head, and Baekkyung fell.



A sword cut its neck, and blood poured out like a fountain.

The speed is slow, but the maneuverability is superb due to the dimension gate.

The guy joined faster than anyone and attacked the black cow.


Then immediately, Grabbor came to his hind legs and struck them.

As the black cow jumped and the speed slowed down further, as a black tiger hung on his ass.



The black cow shook his head and cried out loud.

He shook his hind legs nonstop, but the black tiger hanging from his buttocks pushed it’s teeth deeper into the ass while continuing to dodge.


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The spilled blood poured like a waterfall.

The useless worries of how powerful of a heart is required for it to be able to circulate the blood of such a huge guy came to my mind for a moment.

In turn, the Black Tiger, Grabbor, and the North Golden Bear cling to the black cow.

This makes me feel like I’m looking at a group of predators trying to catch an elephant.

The black cow desperately twisted.

Monsters hanging on it continued to fall off, but more kept rushing to it. It was only natural for such a speedless herbivore to hunted by predators. Its fate was inevitable. 

I climbed over his head and shook the dancing sword.



In that moment, the black cow’s legs were released and shook.

The sword hit adequately. Compared to my expectations, the damage was surprisingly good.

I can do it.

I was convinced I would be able to knock him out soon.

* * *

“Ugh. Ugh. This motherfucker.”

I was exhausted and decided to lay on the floor.

The cow became minced meat and made a river of blood on the ground; blood continued to flow from all over its body. It was my illusion that I thought It would soon fall.

Suddenly, monsters started popping out of the blood river.

Level 5 parasites emerged from the blood and attacked the cow. 

After barely defeating them and breathing a deep sigh, this time, a level 7 monster was created from the flesh of the cow.

His offensive ability was weak, but he could create objects to protect himself as parts of the body fell apart.

It took two hours to clean up all of them and kill the black cow.

It took a tremendous amount of time to catch just one.

Fortunately, there was no loss of my monsters during the process.

However, no matter how much I think about it, this method was not very efficient.

There was only one right now, but if another monster intervened during the two-hour battle, it could have been dangerous.

I fell on the floor and looked at the black cow, breathing its last breath.

He wasn’t dead. But it was clear that he was on the verge of dying and losing all his energy.

Wow wow!

And finally, he cried out loud and died.


After leaving a double reward score, the guy’s body began to return quickly.

I was looking forward to seeing what would come out, but it wasn’t an item that fell.


“Ore… … ?”

It is definitely an ore, but the size is massive.

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