It was an ore with a diameter of 2 meters.

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It was my first time seeing one, so I looked through the manual.

Exotic matter (11): This is an unidentified ore. It emits powerful energy and collapses quickly.

“Edward! Get back!”

“What… … ?”

I hurriedly stepped back and yelled at Edward.

He jumped back without time to even process my yelling.

I haven’t mentioned it earlier, but typically, the ore that is dropped by monsters is a radioactive material.

Things like low-level monazite and bustnasite are almost no different from natural radioactivity, but even a level 4 or 5 ore produces enough radiation to damage the human body.

A level 11 ore will come out much higher.

The effect of radioactivity is directly proportional to distance, so the damage was significantly reduced.

I pulled out the Geiger counter, which was tied to my waist, and turned it on.

The machine turned on and began ticking.

I looked at the counter meter, which read proximity 400 nanosieverts. Although it was a high figure, it was enough to come out naturally in nature. The distance was quite far, but even if it was certain to be collapsing due to its radioactivity, this amount of radiation was almost nothing.

There was no change in the radiation dose even when we got nearer.

The energy emitted from the ore did not increase as we came closer.

I placed my hand on the ore with confidence.


I was startled and quickly let go of the ore.

“What? Is it dangerous?”

Edward opened his mouth. I shook my head lightly.

“I don’t think it’s dangerous… I just don’t know what it is.”

When I touched it, it felt like something hot was blazing inside the ore.

I placed the ore into the item list and doubled checked its information in case I may have missed something.

There was a detailed description in small letters below on the item list.

I chose it.

-Additional knowledge is required. Please upgrade.

Soon this message popped up.

In the end, it was stated that more ore should be fed to the manual.

I have been saving up for a while, so I had been enough to upgrade the ore.

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-Currently, there are 1,501 ores. Would you like to proceed with the manual upgrade?

I looked around before choosing to accept.

This was because the upgrade process may take some time.

No other monsters were visible, and there were no hunters who might have followed me. I thought that it was safe enough, so I upgraded.

-The manual is updated to the next level.

-Proceeding… 1%

Green text composed of letters, numbers, shapes, etc. reconstructed the world.

The pace was moderately fast. Even though the manual was, after all, just a kind of tool that made hunting convenient. Nevertheless, the update was overly tremendous. The distinction is that the quantity of information I see and the number of items that can be stored increases. However, looking at the process of updating, I feel like the whole world is being reconstructed for me.

Dungeons were all green data chunks, and in the meantime, it was only me who had my own color. Even Edward was a green chunk of data.

The manual is making inferences regarding how to view the world.

It is accessing the Alpha system that is taking over this world and expressing the information that it is assigned to each individual.

Of course, this is only my opinion. Perhaps reality is entirely different.

Personally, I thought I was pretty close to the truth.

-The upgrade is complete.

-The database has been updated. Check out new information.

-The item list has been expanded.

-3D map has been activated.

-Mystics Dungeon has been upgraded.

Again, quite a few things are new.

The most notable thing was the update of the database.

Sometimes, when looking at items or objects, there were quite a few things that didn’t show up correctly or appeared as question marks.

I was hoping that this update will clearly reveal information I didn’t know.

I chose the giant ore in the list of items.

Names and brief descriptions were listed. Then, I selected the detail tab attached to the small side. Then, there were additional explanations that had not been seen before.

Exotic ore (11): A two-dimensional mineral called revnarium. It radiates dark energy. No modern machine can measure its power. It is a resource to use anti-gravity, warp, space movement, etc.

Suddenly, the science level jumped and wondered how to accept this.

This is not SciFi.

No. When I think about it, I have seen instances of space movement. In fact, the dimension gate used by Baekkyung was also a classification of space movement.

Then, is Baek Gyeong-do a monster using this ore?

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I opened my mouth to Baekkyung, standing with an expressionless face.

“Isn’t it Levnarium?”

“I do not know.”

The guy simply shook his head.

It was unreasonable to tell the guy who barely even said anything about it.

Once I had the resources, I thought I could use them someday.

Perhaps the 11th level item might be something relevant to this.

Maybe the next item I will have is not a van, but a spacecraft.

I thought about it and shed a smile.

There was no reason to go into space nor have a space ship. It’s not an alien that we’re currently fighting; it’s a monster that’s only appearing on Earth.

Nevertheless, it’s presumed that, right now, this 11-level ore was of no use to me.

If only I could have received an item.

Next, I opened the 3D map.

The map inside the dungeon came to my mind. The terrain was detailed, so there seemed to be no fear of getting lost.

The expansion of the item list was not so inspiring. It wasn’t urgent because I couldn’t use up the existing space.

When I ran the Mystic dungeon program through the manual, a refined map of the dungeon appeared.

I’m scanning for something brand-new and upgraded and found that a new tab has been created to control the admission limit.

Beforehand, 30 was the limit, but the number could now be increased to 200.

It was just the option I needed.

I can use all the level 10 monsters I possess.

Immediately, I raised the limit to 200, and I brought out the monster army.

-A monster cannot be summoned due to the restricted number of people permitted in the instance. (200/200)

Only 100 were summoned, but the rest did not appear.

How could this happen, I reopened the Mystics Dungeon. No matter how many times I checked, it said that there 200 people inside the dungeon.

I searched in my vicinity if there are any visible errors.


Along with the sound of the earth shaking from a distance, a human scream was heard.

No one has been here, except Edward and me.

Then the owner of this outcry was apparent.

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Seo Jong-beom’s group came into the dungeon and had encountered a level 11 monster.

Only then could I surmise why I could only summon 100 monsters.

The rest of the 100 were Seo Jong-beom’s group.

“They’re the ones who don’t any have luck.”


I nodded at Edward’s words.

As I approached the place where I could hear their screams, I spotted black cows that were spreading all over the area. It was an extensive grassland, and compared to the Earth’s environment, it felt like an African prairie.

Due to their environment, the monsters here were similar to wild animals. Most of the monsters were herbivores, and the herbivores were largely non-mongers.

However, it was a massive hyena that Seo Jong-beom’s group encountered. Just its shoulder height was 10 meters, and it had a considerable body length of 20 meters.

The hyena’s massive scale made it every threatening when considering its other traits were also scaled up proportionally to its enormous size.

And worst of all, hyena’s moved in groups.

Seo Jong-beom’s group was surrounded by dozens of hyenas and was cornered entirely.

Edward asked.

“What are you going to do?”

“I’d regret saving them anyway… This is too much.”


Edward nodded.

Already more than half have lost their lives. Furthermore, the other half already gave up their will to live.

I took out an escape scroll.

“What are you trying to do?”

“Some people have to live. I’m not going to go through this dungeon again.”

“Are you going to fight that?”

“I’m just drawing its attention.”

I summoned Baekkyung.

“Why did you call it? “

Baekkyung turned to the hyenas.

Edward sighed and took out the escape scroll.

It succeeded in catching their attention. At that moment, the shocked guys rushed towards us, and Edward and I tore the escape scroll and vanished.

They were given an opportunity, and the only thing left now was to see how far they will make it.

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Edward and I sat at the entrance of the dungeon and waited for Seo Jong-beom.

After a countless amount of time, the hunters with shattered expressions began to escape from the entrance one by one.

“Oh ah ah!”

“Move! Fuck it!”

“Sa, save me!”

One guy sat down on the floor as soon as he came out.

Another screamed like a crazy person and ran down the mountain. Another one even grabbed onto me for help.

“Heoah. Heo.”

The last one to escape was Seo Jong-beom.

He opened his mouth as soon as he looked at my face.

“Uh, how are you guys here?”

“Shouldn’t I be the one asking? Why are you guys coming out of my dungeon? I definitely saw you guys leaving?”

“That is… … .”

“Surely, you guys did not follow me in the dungeon to kill me?”

“That. It’s not like that.”

“So let me explain. Why did you go in there?”

I looked around.

Not more than a dozen people came out of the dungeon alive. 90% of their group already died inside. The dungeon will be reset, so there wouldn’t even be bodies left behind.

Seo Jong-beom opened his mouth and responded with feeble eyes.

“In there… … There are monsters.”

“I don’t think it’s strange that there are monsters in the dungeon.”

“Not at that level.. that.. that’s… … Never been seen … … .”

He said so and sat down on the floor and started to become unresponsive.

I tried to say a few more words, but the guy just simply ignored it.

“This should be enough.”

Edward opened his mouth.

Nine out of ten of their group died.

Even if this rumor spreads, there will be no one who wants to face this dungeon anymore.

Well, even if someone enters. There are very few people who can hunt there.

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