
Chapter 24

The truth was revealed and everything became clear.

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  Xu Yue’s voice choked in his throat. He could not answer.

  He remembered that day. He had opened the door of his home, walked into the living room, and found a smiling Chu Yi, sitting on the sofa, waiting for him. What kind of mood did he have while waiting?

  As for Xu Yue, he still had a lot of time; an endless future.

  But Chu Yi was different. His body had already decayed in time. As early as the moment the story began, the end had already arrived.

  He had said…

  A’Yue, I miss you very much.

  I came back for you.

  You don’t know how difficult it is for me to come back and see you.

  Xu Yue thought they were all lies.

  Seemingly, he was never able to see what was in that man’s heart.

  Chu Yu was silent for a while, then turned around and announced, “I’ll discuss the treatment plan with Dr. Zhao.”

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  From the back, he seemed to be tottering, evidently exhausted from having to go to such great lengths for that younger brother of his.

  Xu Yue did not follow. He looked at Chu Yi and asked, “Why are you always so headstrong?”

 “Who knows?” Chu Yi grinned and resumed that cynical temperament of his. “Maybe I was born this way.”

  His hands, which were fair originally, had become a lot thinner.

  Just like a rugosa rose taken out of the ice and snow, after blooming passionately, he had wilted and withered.

  For that one brief moment…

  “Is it worth it?” Xu Yue asked.

 “It was not worthless, at least. A’Yue, you are still alive.”

  He was so cocksure about it that Xu Yue couldn’t refute.

  After Chu Yi finished speaking, he reclined on the hospital bed and asked, “Do I have to be hospitalized? Can’t I go home?”

  Xu Yue rubbed his hair and said, “Lie down and rest. Maybe the doctors will find a way.”

  “I hope.” Chu Yi smiled.

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  The Chu family has a lot of connections. Basically, they managed to bring in all the top doctors they could find. However, Chu Yi’s situation was extraordinary, and all those expert doctors were at a loss. Chu Yu even called the foreign research institute to consult, working his fingers to the bone.

  Meanwhile, Chu Yi was relaxed. Except for the various tests and checks, most of his time was spent eating, drinking, and having fun in the ward.

  Xu Yue didn’t go to work. Although he took a leave of absence from the company, there were still some tasks that he had to handle via phone. In addition, he had agreed to Song Laoshi’s invitation that day.

  His mobile phone was on the chat page, and he was considering his words. Chu Yi, who was watching TV, suddenly looked up and snatched his phone.

 “What are you doing?”

 “Seeing that your brows are knotted in distress, I thought I could help you reply.”

  Chu Yi typed quickly, and when Xu Yue snatched the phone back, the message he edited had been sent successfully.

  Xu Yue looked down and saw what Chu Yi typed: I’m sorry. The company has sent me on an emergency business trip. Let’s have dinner when I return. My treat.

  He was startled. After a while, he asked, “Why did you send him this?”

 “If you don’t find an excuse and tactfully decline, you won’t have another chance?”

 “Why would I do that?”

 “A’Yue,” Chu Yi said, lying on the bed with his head pillowed on his arm, “After I die, you must find a suitable person and lead a good life.”

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  Xu Yue’s hand holding the phone became stiff. He asked, “What nonsense are you talking about?”

  Chu Yi had no taboos. He continued, “Everyone will die. And to be honest, I have lived longer than most. Song Laoshi is pretty good. If it wasn’t for me making trouble in the past, you two might have gotten together by now. Or Su Yanwen will do, although I don’t like him much. But he is crazy about you.”

 “Or…” Chu Yi blinked, tilted his head, and said, “You could even consider my brother. Young and promising, rich and handsome, a hundred times better than me.”

  What he said was the truth.

  However, Xu Yue thought, those people are not Chu Yi.

  “When did you become so generous?” he asked.

  Chu Yi curled the corners of his mouth into a smile and said, “I haven’t finished talking yet. There is a condition. No matter who you are with in the future, the person you love the most must be me.”

  He leaned close to Xu Yue’s face and kissed him gently.

  “A’Yue, it can only be me.”

  His lips were pressed against Xu Yue’s. A sense of desolation permeated.

  Xu Yue’s heart constricted. He trembled as he said, “I don’t agree.”

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 “I’m dying. Can’t you at least lie to me?”

 “No way.”

 “Forget it. I know you. When your mouth says no your heart says yes.” Chu Yi yawned and continued, “I will sleep now. We will discuss more when I wake up.”

  While still talking, he was unable to hold on anymore. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.

  He had been sleeping more and more recently. Xu Yue knew that it wasn’t a good sign, but he couldn’t wake him up. He could only pull up the quilt and cover him.

  Someone knocked on the door outside.

  Xu Yue looked back. He saw Chu Yu standing outside the door, gesturing towards him. Xu Yue got up and went out. Chu Yu offered him a cigarette and asked, “Do you smoke?”

  Xu Yue shook his head and refused. He asked in turn, “What did the doctor say?”

  Chu Yu lit a cigarette and replied, “Doctors are helpless. They said that his organs have aged beyond repair. They are afraid that his body won’t be able to hold on for much longer.”

  “Oh,” Xu Yue said.  He suddenly felt the urge to smoke a cigarette.

 “However,” Chu Yu continued, “The research institute has proposed a plan.”


 “They said that since the current medical level cannot cure Chu Yi, it would be better to let him enter comatose state again and return him to that era.”

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