
Chapter 25

CW: disability, mention of death, ambiguous ending, parental neglect

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 Xu Yue understood as soon as he heard it. A hundred years later, when technology has developed to support travel through space and time, there must be a way to treat Chu Yi. But…

 “Can his body withstand another round of freezing?”

  Chu Yu blew out a puff of smoke and replied, “It’s hard to tell, but that’s the only way. If we don’t do anything now, we can only watch him… be a lamp that runs out of oil and dies.”

 That matter was too serious. Xu Yue mulled over and then asked, “Aren’t your parents coming to see him?”

 “My dad is mad with rage. And my mother is inconsolable. They said that they would treat him as though he is dead already. They refused to see him. But in fact, it is that they do not dare to see him.”

  Xu Yue could understand their state of mind.

  His feelings were not much different. He wished Chu Yi never came back to find him.

  Chu Yu discussed the details with the doctor and brought it up to Chu Yi in the evening.

  Chu Yi was eating dinner, holding a bowl, and listening to the suggestion. He put down his chopsticks and said, “Freeze me again and save me using the technology that may or may not be available in another hundred years? How old would I be? Two hundred years?”

  “I’m being serious here,” Chu Yu said coldly.

 “I’m also being serious,” Chu Yi retorted. “My family and my beloved are all here. I want to stay here.”

 “Stay here and wait for death?”

 “What would I be going back for? Wouldn’t I die either way?”

  Chu Yu was mad at him. But in terms of the ability to issue witty remarks, he really was not Chu Yi’s opponent.  Finally, he got one sentence in and left angrily, “You think it over carefully.”

  At night, Xu Yue stayed behind to keep him company. The hospital bed was rather narrow. It was difficult even to turn over after lying down. He had turned off the lights but could not fall asleep. He kept staring at the ceiling with his eyes open.

  He did not persuade Chu Yi like Chu Yu did. After all, Chu Yi was already an adult, and everyone should be responsible for their own decisions. Besides, with Chu Yi disposition, who could persuade him?

  Xu Yue was deep in thought when he suddenly felt the bed dip with something heavy. Someone had climbed onto his bed silently.


  Chu Yi’s voice was low and hoarse, like an alluring demon[1] from the folklores, out to seduce and ensnare him.

  Xu Yue was afraid that he would fall off the bed. So, he wrapped a hand around his shoulder and asked, “Why aren’t you asleep?”

 “I miss you,” Chu Yi answered with a half-truth.

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 “I have been with you the whole day these days.”

 “I don’t want to miss even a second.”

  Xu Yue paused and then asked, “The plan your brother proposed… are you really not going to try it?”

 “There are way too many variables. Who knows what will happen in a hundred years? Would there really be a way to save me? What if everything is the same as now? And…”

  Chu Yi hugged Xu Yue tightly and said, “A’Yue, you are not there in that world. I would rather stay here and spend a couple of good days with you.”

 “And let the person, who loves you, watch you die? Your brother just wants to buy some time so that he can find a way to save you. Maybe, it would not take so long? Maybe, in another five to ten years, you can wake up.”

  “What if it is fifty years?” Chu Yi asked.

  Xu Yue lowered his head and kissed his forehead, and replied, “I’ll be waiting for you.”

  “When that time comes, will you bring your grandson to see me? Well, I might fall in love with him,” Chu Yi said.

  Xu Yue laughed angrily and asked, “Where would my grandson come from?”

 “Who knows? My brother could have a whim and sponsor scientific research that studies artificial uterus. Won’t you have a son then? Haha ah…”

  Before Chu Yi was done talking Xu Yue had already kissed him fiercely.

  After a while, Chu Yi lay in Xu Yue’s arms and panted slightly. He said, “A’Yue, don’t wait for me. Just promise me one thing.”


  Chu Yi’s words, spoken softly, fell into Xu Yue’s ear.

  Xu Yue clenched his fists but then slowly let go. He pressed his forehead against Chu Yi’s, and agreed, “Okay.”

  Xu Yue hugged Chu Yi and fell asleep. The next morning, he woke up early but found his arms empty. He leaned over and looked at the other bed but Chu Yi was not there either.

  Where did he go?

  Chu Yi’s health was rapidly deteriorating. He had hardly stepped out of the ward recently. Where could he go?

  Xu Yue went out to look for him. Even after turning the hospital upside down, he couldn’t find Chu Yi. He had no choice but to call Chu Yu.

  After listening to him, Chu Yu was quiet for a few seconds, and then replied, “Let him go.”

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  His tone was as though his heart had died and turned into ash.

  Yet, not long after, several bodyguards arrived at the hospital to assist Xu Yue in searching for Chu Yi.

  A group of them was busy all day to no avail. When it was getting dark, Chu Yi actually appeared at the entrance of the hospital by himself. He was wearing a baseball cap, seemingly hale and hearty, quite invigorated.

  Xu Yue didn’t get angry. Just like Chu Yu, he was burned out. He didn’t even have any strength left to be angry. He just walked over and took Chu Yi by his hand and said, “Return to the ward.”

  Chu Yi let out an ‘um’ and followed him with a smile, very obedient.

  “Where did you go?” Xu Yue asked

  “To bid goodbye to someone important,” Chu Yi said.

  “Your parents? Are they still angry?”

  “They… Maybe, they probably won’t forgive me in this lifetime.”

  “Your brother said that it’s not that they don’t care about you, but…”

  “I know. It doesn’t matter. It’s my own choice.”

  Chu Yi acted as though he couldn’t care less. Xu Yue dropped that topic. Instead, he asked, “Have you thought about that matter?”

 “Still thinking.”

  However, time did not allow Chu Yi to think more about it. After he disappeared and returned, his physical condition suddenly declined. A few days later, he could no longer walk by himself. He was trapped in the room, whining about boredom all day.

  Xu Yue went home and brought back a book.

  “I have something for you.”

  “What? A book?” Chu Yi was very happy at first, but after reading the title of the book, he suddenly lost all interest. “Principles of Economics? You want me to read this?”

  “This is the book I read most often after work. What do you mean by boring?”

   “Might as well watch TV,” Chu Yi said bitterly.

   “Suit yourself!” Xu Yue said.

  Having said that, he grabbed himself a book and started reading.

  Chu Yi had no choice but to put on an act and flip through the book. He wasn’t really reading the book. He would also stop from time to time to see what Xu Yue was reading and chatted with him intermittently.

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  Chu Yi continued looking through the book. Do not know which page he had turned to when he suddenly exclaimed, “Ah, A’Yue!”

  Xu Yue raised his head and asked, “What’s the matter?”

  Chu Yi held a photo in his hand.

  It was a photo that was once torn apart and then carefully reattached. Time was merciless; the corners of the photo had yellowed. But the person in the photo was still as handsome as ever.

  The corners of Chu Yi’s eyes stung[2]. He asked, “Why is it here?”

  “Oh,” Xu Yue said softly. “I use it as a bookmark.”

  The line at the lower right corner of the photo had not faded. Chu Yi brushed it with his finger and asked, “Can you give it to me?”

  “Didn’t I tell you that it is for you?”

  After Xu Yue finished speaking, he lowered his head and continued reading.

  Chu Yi carefully put the photo in his pocket.

  He had been in a good mood all day. Usually, he would sleep in the afternoon. But that day, he seemed to be in great spirits. He kept Xu Yue company as he read in the afternoon. It was almost evening when he looked out the window.

  “A’Yue, let’s go out. Let’s go… Let’s go…”

  Xu Yue also looked out the window. The sky was gloomy as if it would rain at any moment.

 “It looks like it’s going to rain soon.”

 “That’s okay. Let’s just go, catch a breather and come back soon. I haven’t been out for several days.”

  Xu Yue couldn’t refuse him. He took a coat and put it on Chu Yi, and then carried him into the wheelchair.

  Chu Yi found the experience of being wheeled around quite novel. He commented, “A’Yue, when we are old, you can push me like this.”

   “Okay,” Xu Yue said.

  “I really want to grow old with you,” Chu Yi sighed.

  Xu Yue didn’t say anything else, only pushed him out of the ward.

  There was a tree-lined lane inside the hospital compound which was very suitable for walking. But the temperature has dropped sharply those days, it was fairly cold, and there was no one on the road.

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  Xu Yue pushed Chu Yi forward slowly.

  Chu Yi gazed at the dark clouds gathered at the horizon and asked, “A’Yue, do you remember when you first saw me?”

 “Of course, I remember,” Xu Yue replied. “It was our first day in high school. You didn’t wear the school uniform and came to campus with your hair dyed. The principal was so angry that he even called you to the podium to be reprimanded. You just ignored him and left waving your hands.”

  Chu Yi laughed and asked, “Then, what did you think of me at that time?”

 “Nothing much. I was recalling the math problem I did the night before.”

  Chu Yi didn’t believe him. “Didn’t you think I was good-looking?”

  Xu Yue remembered the blatantly rebellious Chu Yi of that day and couldn’t help smiling slightly.

 “A’Yue,” Chu Yi said, “Actually the first time you saw me…”

  As he spoke, his voice gradually sank.

  Xu Yue didn’t hear clearly and was about to ask him when he spotted snowflakes floating in the sky.

  The snow did not fall heavily, and it was swept around by the spring breeze.

  Xu Yue turned his head and said, “It’s snowing. Chu Yi…”

  His voice suddenly stopped.

  Chu Yi had closed his eyes; do not know when he had fallen asleep.

  The world was silent. The snowflakes fell gently, on his long eyelashes, and disappeared.

  - If I fall asleep, you must wake me up.

  - Okay.


Author’s note:
The conclusion can be considered open-ended, but there are extras. *^_^*

[1] 艳鬼 (Yàn guǐ)

[2] With tears

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