That night. 

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When I was watching the drama, I heard the sound of the door’s intercom ring. 

I was waiting for you! 

I quickly headed to the entrance and opened the door. As I thought, it was Kohaku standing there. 

I was looking forward to it because she said she would make me dinner too while collecting those lunch boxes. 

“I’m sorry I’m late.”

As soon as she enters the house, Kohaku apologizes. 

“It’s okay. I’m just glad that you made it. Were you not tired of working overtime?”

“I don’t know. It’s not overtime, my sister… Mashiro-chan had come to hang out.”

“Shirasawa-san was here? I didn’t notice her at all. Is she gone?”

Shirasawa-san knows I’m her (her elder sister’s) neighbor. If Kohaku was seen entering my house, it would be revealed that our relationship was not of the usual kind. 

“I’m not worried about that. I sent her to the station properly.”

“I see. Then you’re fine. By the way, does Shirasawa-san come quite often?”

If so, I have to be careful to not neglect caution. If the timing of Shirasawa-san entering and leaving Kohaku’s house and the timing of Akari coming to our house collide with one another, our relationship will be revealed instantly. 

“It’s about two or three times a week… should I not invite her to my home?”

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It was wise to keep Shirasawa-san away to hide the relationship with me. …but…

“I don’t want you to lose contact with Shirasawa-san just because of me. It’s nice that you invite her. Moreover, don’t you like your little sister a lot?”

“Yes. We’ve been together ever since we were little. When it was decided that I could live alone after becoming a college student, we cried together.”

“If you like her so much, why did you leave home? Even if this place is not that far away, it is not a distance that can be easily covered.”

Kohaku looks a little melancholic.

“When I am at my parents’ house, I was bound by my father, I feel suffocated … More than half of the chat with Mashiro-chan was about dad’s complaints … I was told to visit the principal’s office every day during lunch break. And when I went, I was asked, “Are you not being approached by a man” or like, “Did you get a boyfriend” as if trying to get to dig till the roots to find a leaf.”

I become startled. 

The father of the Shirasawa sisters is the principal of the school. He has the reputation of being severely strict. Moreover, he loves his daughter a lot. And for that reason, she is probably always on the lookout if her daughter gets a lover. 

Even if they both get a lover, then even without them arguing, “I don’t have a lover,” he will be able to see through the lie with their slight changes in expression. 

“Please, I beg you, don’t break the face of a teacher’s face in front of the principal.”

“I understand that. I will try my best to not see my father at school. Although, I don’t think I am being called by my father for any such reason. I don’t think I’m being suspicious. He probably doesn’t, even in his wildest dream, think that I am going out with a student with the premise of getting married.”

“Let alone marriage. We are not even dating in the first place.”

“But, one day, I will have to introduce you too. That ‘This person is my fiancée'” 

“We’re not engaged yet, by the way.”

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I denied those two in quick succession. But Kohaku didn’t back off. 

“Then, I’ll make you like me even more so that you want to get engaged to me.”

Kohaku took the apron out of the bag. And with a lot of enthusiasm, she brought out an apron I gave her on her birthday while we were still dating.

You’ve been taking care of that for such a long time. I feel really happy. 

Even so… As expected from a home economics teacher. The apron looks even prettier now. The cuteness is five times over. 

Noticing my gaze, Kohaku smiled back. The cuteness is further increased by five times. As I thought Kohaku’s smile was so cute. 

“Do you like my apron wear?”

“I love it.”

“If you like it so much, you can even take a picture for your smartphone wallpaper.”

Kohaku takes the ball in his hand and makes a pose. It’s so cute.

“I can’t do that. Even though I want to, I can’t let anyone find out about us. I’ll just burn it in my memory.”

“Well, if that is so… How about I wear a naked apron?”

“Why the Naked Apron!?”

“Because it will get burnt deeper into your memory …? It’s embarrassing, but… If Touma-kun wants, it’s okay. I will do it.”

It will undoubtedly be in the part of memories that will never erase in this lifetime. But the naked apron appearance is terrible for a different reason. I don’t think my mental explanation will be able to hold its ground against my instinct, and I might do something horrible to Kohaku. 

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“If you dress like that, you’ll catch a cold. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if Kohaku were to catch a cold because of me.”

“Touma-kun, you’re kind. I love you. But what about Touma-kun? Do you also love me?”

“Obviously, I love you.”

Kohaku’s cheeks loosen in happiness as she goes on to cook immediately. I sit on my chair and wait for the dish’s completion while watching the drama’s continuation. 

“Thank you for waiting~.” 

Kohaku brought the food. 

It was Salad Udon with Pork Shogayaki. 

[TL note: Pork shogayaki (“buta no shogayaki”) is a dish in Japanese cuisine. Shoga means ginger, and yaki means grill or fry. It can also be made with beef, but the pork version is so much more popular that the term “shogayaki” generally refers only to pork in Japan. It is the second most popular Japanese pork dish after tonkatsu. Shogayaki is a common addition to bento boxes, as it can be eaten cold. However, it is more commonly served hot with rice and shredded cabbage. *copied from Jisho]

It was raining outside and was hot and humid today, so I wanted to eat a refreshing dish. As expected of my ex-girlfriend. We’ve only been together for two years, and she already understands my thoughts well. 

“Thank you. It looks really delicious.”

Salad udon is beautifully colored with mini tomatoes and lettuce and looks delicious. There was also an appetizing aroma arising from the Shogayaki. 

“But why am I the only one having it? What about Kohaku’s share?”

“I’m not hungry. I actually ate earlier with Mashiro-chan.”

“I see. Then I will eat without hesitation.”

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“I see. …can I feed you?”

It seems she wanted to feed me by doing “Ahn,” huh. She even prepared food for me; well, that sort of thing can be easily granted. 

However, it is hard to “ahn” with Udon…

“How about you feed me that Shogayaki.” 

Kohaku nodded happily as I handed over the chopsticks. 

She picked up a piece of Pork Shogayaki, breathed it with fu, fu, and…

“Here, A~hn.”


I chewed and chewed. The flavor of Shogayaki came out good, and it is very delicious. 

“How’s it going? good?”

“Yes. It’s delicious.”

“I’m glad. Hey~, can I also have some?”

“So in the end, you decided to eat too.”

“After hearing Touma-kun’s praise, I also started wanting to eat this. A~hn A~hn.”

She opened her mouth like a chick bird asking to be fed.

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