To make me fall in love with her, she summoned me to the infirmary and showed me glimpses of her panties.

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“Even if you don’t rely on such tactics now, I really love Akari a lot. Frankly, I want to have more glimpses of those panties.”

“Eh? Really? Do you want to see my pants more?”

“It’s my favorite girl’s panties. Of course, I would want to see it. But still, the school is a no-go. If I wanted to see it, it would be rather at a calmer place.”

“But… I can’t have a calm feeling at Touma’s house.”

“Is my house uncomfortable?”

“Uh, no… It’s not because of that. I can’t calm down because I don’t know when Shirasawa-sensei will come in.”

“Then how about Akari’s house?”

“My house… it’s a complete mess.”

Akari said embarrassingly.


When we were dating, I once visited Akari’s house. She had been living alone since that time. Although her room remained as messy as ever.


I’d never been to Kohaku’s house before, so her room was the first time I visited a girl’s room. Contrary to my delusions that her room must surely be beautiful and smell good, I was highly disappointed.


Seeing that reaction, Akari looked away, very embarrassed.


Because of such bitter memories, she must have been quite reluctant to invite me to her house. Then I asked her if we could clean up her room. However, Akari was not good at cleaning at all. If we were to tidy it up poorly, it could end up being messy the very next day.


“Would you like to clean up with me tomorrow?”


“Will you help me?”


“As long as it’s okay with Akari.”


“Of course! I will take up on your offer then.”


And thus, having been able to confirm a house date with me, Akari was all smiler on her face.



That evening: 

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Kohaku came into my place. Since she had contacted me in advance, so without being clueless, for the time being, I let her in.  


“What about Shirasawa-san? Is she not coming today?”




“I see. Then I can rest assured. I’m looking forward to Kohaku’s home cooking.”


“I’m also looking forward to it. Ah, but before that, can I borrow the toilet?”


As I nod, Kohaku heads to the bathroom. I go to the living room and watch the news program. When the weather report started, Kohaku came back.


She was wearing a naked apron.


Her b***s are so big that her side b*****s were sticking out, revealing her thighs that were so fair that it could be called an embodiment of racism.


“Wait there patiently~.”


When she walked over to me, her big t**s swayed gently. It literally looked as if it may spill out at any moment. Furthermore, as it rocks and flutters, the apron’s hem makes me feel like I could see her private parts any mome――!


“What is with that appearance!!?”


“It’s a naked apron.”


“I can tell that just by looking! Why are you dressed like that!”


“For trying to seduce Touma-kun… Is it a no?”


“No, no, no, it’s just the two of us right now, so it’s not like it’s no good… but if you’re dressed like that, I can’t eat dinner calmly.”


“I want you to eat me.”

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She looks up and whispers sweetly to me. I understand that you didn’t mean it in a cannibalistic sense, but…


“That kind of thing is after reconciliation.”


When I flat-out refuse her, Kohaku rolls her eyes sadly. Showing a painful-sad face, I felt my heart ache.


For a shy and curt Kohaku to take up on a naked apron. She must have put up a lot of courage. And without any thoughts, I took up hard ground automatically.


Just as I was with Akari earlier today. To seduce me, she spent the whole day in a mini-tight skirt. That must have been really embarrassing. Yet when it came to me, I just responded coldly.


Well, if it were the other way round—if I was the one to seduce her, I might have been shocked and broken.


Either way, they were seriously trying to turn me on. It would be rude to the two of them if I didn’t respond to their feelings even a little.


Besides, I also want to do erotic things with the two of them. Being seduced by the girl I love, I’m already at the limit of my patience.


That’s why–


“Kohaku. I’ve decided.”


“No way to get married!?”


“It’s different. I have decided to treat Kohaku and Akari as my girlfriends. But of course, only if Kohaku…”


… I don’t know if I’m saying this myself, but this was definitely a straight-out confirmation for two-timing.


Although it’s a remark I made with proper thought, but …I can’t complain even if someone calls me a cheating b*****d…


Even though


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“Really!? Will you be treating me as your girlfriend!?”



Kohaku had a big smile on her face.


“I’m doing something close to two-timing… is that really okay?”


“Yeah, it’s fine. If I can act like your girlfriend from this very moment, I can prove that it’s more fun to go out with me. Even if it’s a two-on relationship right now, I’ll soon make you look only at my own, Touma-kun.”


It seems that my intentions were appropriately conveyed.


As Kohaku says, the one who is more fun to date should be the most crucial in deciding to be my lover.


Kohaku and Akari are both pretty attractive women.


I’m sorry for being indecisive. But if we head on at this rate, I’ll eventually face the graduation ceremony while liking both of them equally.



That’s why I came up with this two-timing strategy.


Men and women date because they “like” and “have fun” with each other.


By dating both of them simultaneously, I thought it would become clear which one was more fun to date.


“Touma-kun… then, will you kiss me?”


Kohaku looked at me, requesting with a passionate-feverish gaze.


Even if you didn’t request me, I was already going to kiss you here and now. 

It’s frustrating not being able to kiss your cherished ex-lover after reuniting for a long time, even after knowing that both of us were still in love with one another. I’ve been waiting to continue kissing her for a long time.


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Since I decided to treat her as a lover, I have no hesitation now in kissing her.


I put my hand around Kohaku’s waist and kiss her plump, crimson-dyed lips. As if violently confirming my love for her, I intertwined my tongue with her furiously. As I part with her lips to try and catch a breath, I would immediately overlap them again impatiently the next moment itself.


“Nnn, ch~u~pu… chu~, ny~fu…~”


Even though my brain was already throbbing with that violent kiss. On being pressed with something incredibly soft and squishy, I became extremely excited.


I reach my hands to her plump a*s without resisting my excited temptation. And started stroking, massaging, and squeezing her smooth-soft buttocks as I continued to kiss her deeply… When I gently moved my lips away after that, Kohaku’s wet eyes glared at me while her lips twitched.


Her cheeks dyed in red had an enraptured expression,


“Touma-kun, you’ve become even better at kissing…”


“Thank you. Even after I broke up with Kohaku, I still used to kiss tons—nope, forget, it’s nothing.”




Kohaku says with a smile. I shook my head,


“As I said, it’s nothing really.”


“Just Continue.”


She was indeed smiling, but her eyes weren’t…


“… After I broke up with Kohaku, I kissed Akari a lot and improved consequently.”


“How many times?”



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