“How many times?”

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“How many times have you kissed Akamine-sensei? One hundred? Two hundred?”


“I don’t know. I didn’t count…”


“Hmm. So you’ve kissed her countless times. Did you kiss her more than me?”


“Well, come on? I think it’s about the same, but…”


Kohaku smiles…

I’m begging you, please put on a gentler smile like you always do…


I got to know a new side of my ex-girlfriend, and learning that had me freaked out. The angry face is kind of cute, though.


“Then kiss me again.”


“Waa~, I understand!”


I immediately close Kohaku’s lips with mine.


“…Is it okay with this?”


When I asked timidly, Kohaku smiled satisfactorily.


Was good… It seems that I was able to improve her mood back.

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“With this means, I have become the one with more kisses, right?”


“Yes, right, absolutely, absolutely right!”


I don’t know if it’s true or not, but for now, all I could do is just say ‘yes’ here.


When I affirmed, Kohaku again requested seductively, 

“Touma-kun, kiss me indefinitely.”



That’s when. Suddenly my mobile ringtone sounded. As I pick up and look at the called ID, I get startled.



“Kohaku, you’re in trouble! I got a call from Shirasawa-san!”


“Huh? From Mashiro-chan!? Why did she call Touma-kun…”




Kohaku’s face turns pale.



“Well, I didn’t expect her to secretly watch me enter Touma-kun’s room…”


“It’s okay. I should have called out to you on the spot if she was secretly watching. Anyway, I’ll attend the call, so please be quiet.”


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(*Koku Koku) nodding Kohaku.



My heart was already filled with anxiety. I somehow managed to respond in my usual tone.



“Hello? What happened?”


“I’m sorry I called you so suddenly. Are you busy right now?”



“I was free. Is something?”


“Actually… my sister is missing.”



Shirasawa-san said in a worried tone.


If it’s Kohaku, she’s beside me in a naked apron. Although I can’t say that.



“What do you mean by missing?”


“She is not at home…”


“Then is she not at school?”


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“I thought so too. She told me earlier that she would be working overtime today, so I checked on her just in case. Then there was an unknown car parked in the apartment parking lot… And even after I press her intercom, she wouldn’t attend…”



“Isn’t she out for a walk? Did you try calling her?”



Shirasawa-san should be convinced if Kohaku acts like she has gone for a walk.


“I can’t call her.”




“Because… it’s scary. Onee-chan, she might be with a man… If I interrupt her date, she might start to hate me.”


Shirasawa-san seems to be worried that she will end up annoying Kohaku. Surely she feels annoyed when her Oneechan, Kohaku, is bound by her father-principal. 

But it might be a completely different story if it was some other party with her sister.


Because Kohaku loves her younger sister, Shirasawa-san.


Far from hating her, she should appreciate her concern.


“You’re worrying too much. She will never hate a good and lovely girl like you, Shirasawa-san. If I were your older sister, I’d want you to call me daily.”


“You are comforting me too much. Nijino-kun, you’re really kind.”


It was a soft voice with perhaps a smile on her face.

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“You’re welcome. So what are you going to do about the phone call?”


“I’ll stop for today. I’m sure it’s just as Nijino-kun said; she might be just taking a walk.”


“But aren’t you worried?”


“That’s right… but I don’t want to tie Onee-chan down. I do feel a little lonely, but it might be the time for me to leave Oneechan for her own life as well…”

She mutters the latter part sadly.


Then, getting cheerful again, 

“Anyways~. I’m glad I called Nijino-kun. See you next week at school.”


“Oh. See you soon.”


After finishing the call, I tell Kohaku about the exchange with Shirasawa-san.


“Mashiro-chan thinks that I might have started hating her.”


“She seems to be feeling lonely. Why don’t you hang out with Shirasawa-san tomorrow and clear up all misunderstandings? If Kohaku, you invite her to hang out, I am sure Shirasawa-san will also feel at ease.”


“Yes. I’ll try and invite Mashiro-chan to hang out with me later.”


“I’ll be happy if you do.”



Kohaku nodded cheerfully and went back into cooking.

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