47 – Pajama Party with the Seven 3

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The time to go to bed has come, the lights in the room were turned off.

I slept with my body facing up.

「S-sir Rain is so close… Urgh, keep it together, me!」

Eleanor was to my right.

「Ugh… How vexing.」

Vivi was to the right of her.

「Sir Rain, I hope my head isn’t too heavy~」

To my left was Louto.

At their request, Eleanor and Louto are using my arms as pillows.

「No, it’s fine.」

「So jealous… Curses, I’m so jealous…」

Muttered and grumbled Lejie.

And lastly, there was Monana.

「Hoooh…! I-I’m not heavy, am I? Am I in your way? Am I sweaty? I cleaned myself properly, but there might be a sme-」

Her face was bright red like she was about to burst.

「Monana, calm down, please. It’s fine.」

Timidly, she slowly plonked her head on my chest.

「…You’re so warm, Rain.」

「Am I?」

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Monana’s breath was kinda ticklish.

Everyone smelled really nice, and they were warm.

Even though they turned themselves back to an age the same as the children, this still feels strange, probably because I know how they usually look.

「Rain, your heart rate went up slightly.」

Monana looks up at me from my chest.

「C-could it be that I… I’m making your heart pound…?」

As Monana whispered that, her face was full of expectation.

「Monana? I believe it is highly likely that I, to his right, am the one making his heart race.」

「I wonder~? I don’t think I’m too far behind either~」

Eleanor and Louto to my sides joined in on the conversation.

「Grr… I have never felt such jealousy.」

「…Defeat only makes you stronger… I will surely be Sir Rain’s no.1 in my next ploy…」

『Do you girls even plan on going to sleep?』

Mika, who did her best to stay silent up till now, couldn’t help but say something.

「Mika’s right. C’mon, let’s go to sleep.」

I let out a small yawn and everyone went silent.

Probably because they didn’t want to disturb my sleep.

All that could be heard in the room were the breathing sighs of six people.

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No, make that seven.

Ferris, the… legal guardian? She was sleeping on the sofa.

After a little bit, I started to doze off.

That’s when I noticed an odd occurrence.


I could feel the weight on my arms and chest gradually increase…

「Huh? Wait, huh?」

Monana on my chest let out a panicked voice.

Accompanying that is the sensation of something soft swelling up on top of my chest area.

I opened my eyes to look and… Monana’s breasts were beginning to swell.

No, more accurately.

Her entire body was growing larger.

Monana was originally small in stature, so I was slow to realize.

Gradually, all of them notice the strange occurrence.

「M-Monana? What is happening? Don’t tell me…」

Said Eleanor, bewildered.

「But the effects of the potion were supposed to last till just before noon tomorrow!」

Yells Monana. Everyone other than me sat upright.

「I-if we were to go back to normal now… That would be quite the pickle~」

Expectedly, Louto was troubled too.

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「This is bad! My pajamas are bursting at the seams. They could burst open at any time!」

Said Vivi in distress.

crack Went a flower vase.

「S-sorry! One of…one of my buttons went flying off…」

Said Lejie, embarrassed.

Looks like one of her buttons flew off and hit the vase square in the center.

「Monana! How long do you plan to be on top of Sir Rain!」

「F-forget that! Ferris! Hurry and get our clothes ready right now!」

「Everyone, please calm down. I will bring a change of clothes quickly.」


Everyone said that at once.

I saw it.

I saw everyone return to their former beautiful form.

I saw how their kid pajamas were clinging to them insanely tightly.

And with their buttons popping off, their breasts were about to spill out.

And to add fuel to the further, she came at the worst possible timing.

「Rainy~ I apologize for visiting at such late an hour. With her work done, your big sister wanted to come and get her fill of Rainy. Ufufu, at this time of night, there won’t be those women to interrupt our brother-sister sleeping tim-WHAT IN HEAVEN’S NAME?!」

It was the Saint Marie.

Her brilliant long, yellow hair reflected the moonlight beautifully as she entered through the window.

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「M-Marie. Before you get mad, listen to me carefully. See, what happened is-」

「Women! Women! Women! Such lewd and perverted forms only make me think of this place as some evil manifestation of a whorehouse upon this world! Grown women donning sleep clothes meant for little girls to tempt Rainy. Have you no shame?! I trusted the lot of you ever so slightly, but I was mistaken! This calls for holy judgment! Be rectified, for your sins shall be cleansed with this fist!」

Along with her talking super fast, she was gathering mana into her fist.

「Crap, she’s using Holy Fist Punishment! The Demon King Castle will be blown away!」

I shout involuntarily.

「Louto! Put up a barrier!」

「I won’t make it in time…!」

「Gr, I can’t use Teleportation right now either!」

Eleanor and Louto discussed but it looks like they won’t be able to respond quickly enough.

If it was just me, there are many ways I could handle this safely, but I’m limited when I have to protect the Demon King Castle and everyone.

Since it’s come to this…

I jump out of bed, and with that momentum I…hug Marie.

「Please listen to me, big sis!」


Marie’s mana dissipates.

「To escape the whorehouse by your own will and return to my true love… well done, Rainy! You’re such a good boy, yes you are!」

She hugged me tightly, my head sandwiched deep between her bountiful bosom.

After that, the destruction of the Demon King Castle was averted by Ferris and I frantically explaining the situation.

「I’ll perfect the potion next time!」said Monana, but I wonder…

Anyway, this is how the Seven’s plan to sleep with me ended in failure.

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