48 – A Hero-Style Massage?

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「Rainy, about the other day…」

Marie was mad at me.

About how the Seven tried to sleep with me the other day.

I explained it to her and even proved to her that they drank a potion to make themselves smaller, but her anger would not subside.

Her lecture was so long and it was spoken so quickly that I forgot most of it, but the gist of the scolding, which lasted several dozen minutes, was basically…

『I cannot forgive you for using other women as pillows instead of your big sis!』

Even if they were physically younger, from Marie’s point of view, the Seven are women to be wary of.

Well, I suppose by the time Marie saw them, their bodies returned to their original forms, so it was understandable that the chaste Marie was enraged.

When the Swordmaster is chasing skirts, she would stare at him like he was walking garbage.

Seeing the fifteen-year-old boy she thinks of as her younger brother in bed with five beautiful women must’ve been a huge shock to her.


「Oh, yeah. Mostly.」


Her face was smiling, but the pressure from her words intensified.

「I understand what you’re saying.」

「Good. You really are a good boy, Rainy. There, there.」

On top of her hugging me, she stroked my head.

I was enveloped by her body heat and scent. I only pulled away from her after confirming that she was satisfied to some extent.

「By the way, Rainy.」


「As a sister, I feel I must make amends for the steps those women have taken ahead of me.」


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I tilt my head, not really getting what she means.

「However, I am not sleepy and it would be strange to propose such a thing as an afternoon nap.」

「Yeah, uh, I guess?」

She seems to be saying that since the five of them did it, she has the right to sleep with me too.

In my experience, I know that it will be troublesome if I refused, so I’ll just respond.

Besides, many things may have happened, but I don’t hate the Saviors.

「Thus, let us do this.」

Marie sat on the edge of the bed.

「Do you recall the massage from before?」

「Yeah, I do.」

That felt pretty good.

So good that I just sorta fell asleep.

「How about you give me a massage this time?」

「Ah… I see?」

It’s true that she massaged me while I was on top of the bed last time.

Marie’s goal is to catch up to those five who got one up over her by sleeping with me.

Would the act of me massaging her be enough?

「I don’t know if I can do it as well as you.」

「I do not mind. What matters is love.」


「So long as you let your overflowing love for me flow through your fingers, it will be fine.」

Don’t you flow strength through your fingers?

I don’t really understand what love is.

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「Ah well, I’ll give it a shot.」

「Ufufu, I am in your care.」

Marie took off her shoes and climbs up on my bed.


And lies face down.

Her ample bosom changes shape.

Perhaps because her breasts are so large, the area from her chest to her navel does not touch the bed, leaving a gap.

「sniff sniff… I can smell Rainy’s scent. Could I take this pillow home with me, I wonder?」

「No. I’m only borrowing it. It’s not mine.」

「In that case, later I shall ask…Ferris, was it? I shall ask her if I might be able to purchase this.」

Even if you ask her that, Ferris would be troubled.

「What would you even do with it?」

「I shall breathe it in, in order to distract myself from the crushing sadness of you not being by my side.」

Imagining that, I get mixed feelings.

「W-well, that said, now’s the time for the massage, right?」

「You’re right. I’m ready when you are, Rainy.」

Marie skillfully uses her hand to push aside her long hair, exposing her back.

Her outfit leaves little exposed. One look and you can feel how modest it is.

But perhaps to emphasize ease of movement, the outfit has a slit that boldly begins from the waist while being a nun outfit.

Again, although her arms and legs are covered by thin black fabric, her back is daringly exposed.

This, too, has a reason.

「M-my heart is pounding.」

「…? I’ll try to not press too hard.」

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It hasn’t happened lately, but after people see the power of a Hero, they’d be afraid.

They seem to fear the disproportionately massive strength within my small frame.

There’ve been more than one or two occasions where soldiers would ask to shake my hand before battle, but after seeing me defeat the enemy…they’d look frightened and back away from me.

Apparently, now that they know of my strength, they’re wary because they’re afraid that this great strength might hurt them too.

Actually, controlling that strength is the first thing a Savior learns, but…

But Marie should know all that, so I don’t think her heart is racing because she’s worried I’m gonna crack her spine during the massage but…

Ah, well.

Like how she did for me before, I slowly massaged her from her waist to her back.

Even through the cloth, I could feel the sensation of her soft skin.

「Nnngh… You’re good at this, Rainy.」

Marie lets out a satisfied-sounding voice.

Also, I could see a faint light emanating from her back.

The Crest of the Saviors.

My Crest fits on the back of my right hand, but Marie’s is as large as her back.

The Crest of the Saint looks like a combination of scales and a person raising their arms in prayer.

Perhaps her mana was leaking out, she was emitting a pale blue light, visible even through the fabric.

In order to prove that you are a Savior, it is better to be able to show the Crest as quickly as possible.

I can show mine quickly by taking off the glove I wear for battle, but the same can’t be done with the back.

And it’s not as if the Saint would wear an outfit that exposes a lot of skin, so this is the compromise she reached.

Fabric that let’s the Crest show through when lit up by mana.


I blurted out subconsciously.

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「…?! What did you just say, Rainy?!」

「Hm? Oh, I said beautiful. You know, your Cre-」

I wasn’t able to finish that sentence.

That’s because Marie hugged me.

「My! My, oh my! I am overjoyed. Rainy called me beautiful. Today is a day to remember.」

「Ngh, no, I was sayi-」

「You’re adorable too, Rainy. Good boy.」

While squeezing me in a hug, she pressed our cheeks together.

Maybe because the other Saviors aren’t here to see, she’s acting more extreme than usual…

「Now wait just a darn minute!」

At that moment, the door swung open.

A girl entered the room who looked to be fourteen or maybe fifteen.

She had a small build and a flat chest.

Her golden locks were tied up to her right side. She had slanted eyes and her pupils were as blue as the sky.

She had a fang peeking through her mouth.

「Let go of Rain, you fake sis!」

「…Yet another woman makes an appearance. Just how many are there?」

Said Marie in a cold voice.

「No, Marie… I think we both know her.」

Her voice is exactly the same, also, there’s no way I’d ever mistake her.

No matter what form she takes.

「What are you doing…Mika?」

I don’t know what happened, but she is without a doubt my partner…the holy sword.

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