64 – Snow Games 1 (Louto)

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「Yeah, I think I’d like to try.」

This interest I’m feeling…is this what it’s like when you see something and think “That looks fun.”? Even the kids started yelling「I wanna try! I wanna try!」 all at once.

「With them surrounded by my barrier, there’s no need to worry about avalanches. Even if they were to be swallowed up by snow while inside the barrier, I have control of bio-signs within range, so I am able to rescue them immediately~」

That’s the kind of consideration you’d expect from Louto, who takes care of students on a daily basis. And that is also very important – because they’re playing, it has to be safe. Especially with kids involved, even more care is necessary.

『That aside, Eleanor helped demonstrate Louto’s game. That’s different from usual.』said Mika.

Now that she says it, that is rare. There’ve been many times when spontaneous competitions like this suddenly happened, but this is the first time there’s been cooperation between the contestants.

「The spirit of competition is important, of course, but we cannot let that cause Sir Rain unnecessary worry. Thus, we have decided to compete with each other in a good-natured fashion!」 said Eleanor as she puffs up her chest after clearing her throat.

True. I am happy that they are interested in me, but I don’t want that interest to cause a strain on the relationships among The Seven. If they themselves can compete with each other in a friendly manner, then that would be better.

「However, if everyone competes in the same exam, there will be differences in performance. I shall strive for the No.1 spot~」

「Bring it on, I say.」

Louto’s eyes, which are normally squinting, were wide open, sparks flying as she stared Eleanor down.

『…Well, I guess it’s good to blow off some steam. Even hesitantly.』

Since reuniting with the extremely wealthy, wild, and free Florence, it’s felt like the five that I already reunited with became uneasy. However, they have stopped comparing themselves to her and getting depressed, and they have become much more energetic. With Madge included, this time it’s a competition with all of The Seven assembled. The first challenge will be the snow sliding game that Louto has prepared.

Transport to the top of the hill was done by those who could use Wind Elemental magic. There are three kinds of equipment prepared for sliding on the snow. Two thin boards attached to each leg, one big board that you affix both legs to so you slide down sideways, and a sled.

Most of the little ones will be riding on the sled. For the first few rounds, either one of The Seven, the maids, or Celine will ride along with them. The exception is the rabbit-eared Carro. She had her legs fastened to the singular board, her eyes sparkling.

I’m using the one with two boards. It’s a pain to walk in them, but it was clear from what I saw earlier that they are very useful for sliding down snow. I saw the kids off as they slid down while cheering. Then, it was my turn to go.

It was relatively slow at first, but I gradually gained momentum. It’s hard to tell because the surrounding area is just a snowy spectacle, the things I saw passed me by one after another. There was the sound of sliding on snow. The sound of the wind zipping past me. The cold air hitting my body. The feeling of weightlessness whenever you hit a bump. Before I realized it, I stopped. Looks like I reached the bottom of the hill already.

I let out a breath, almost as if I had forgotten how to breathe. My small cloud-like sigh floated up and disappeared.

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Louto looked at me and smiled. 「Whaddya think~? Was it fun?」

By the way, I left Mika in Louto’s care. 「It was fun…I think. Yeah. I guess it was fun. Could I try one more time?」

When I said that, Louto’s face spread into a smile. 「Of course, you can~」

『Gr. If I knew this would happen, I should have asked to be turned into a human again.』

「But you’ll rust when you turn back.」

『Yeah, but…!』

Looks like Mika wants to give it a go too. I put Mika on my back and we slid down together.

『Woohoo! Wind! We’re like the wind!』 she yelled, enjoying the ride immensely.


Afterwards, the kids were able to use the sled by themselves without an older person accompanying them. Each of The Seven also challenged each other to snow sliding.

FIrst up was Monana… She attached the big board to her feet, stood up, ready to go and…

She fell flat on her face.


She somehow managed to raise her face, but she struggled to get up, going「Nggh…」and I helped her get up when she was in tears.

「Heh…hehe… I ran into trouble before I even started sliding… I mean, I’m no good at physical activities, but to think I was this bad… Hah… You must be disappointed in me, Rain…」

「Not at all. It’s only natural to have things you’re good at and things you’re bad at. Something like this wouldn’t disappoint me.」

Monana made a face that was relieved yet embarrassed. 「Is that so? But, I’d like to be able to do it, so I’ll try my best just a little more. If I get better at it, would you like to slide down with me?」

「Sure, let’s do that.」

She smiled happily at my reply.

「Will my lady not be taking part?」 asked Celine, the sheep Demi-human stewardess.

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「As one who stands at the very top, I must make decisions while carefully considering all the risks involved. As a result, I must say that sliding on the snow must be avoided.」

「And why is that?」

「Why? And you call yourself my butler. Can’t you tell by looking?」

「Sigh, even if you say so…」

「Checking your feet is paramount when sliding on the snow. Things under one’s eyes, you could say. But…it is difficult to see down there with such an extremely voluptuous bosom as this. Do you understand?」

「How very much like you to weave in self-compliments while speaking of your shortcomings, my lady.」

「Do you…believe that you shall get away with saying anything as long as you frame it like that?!」

「Not at all, my lady. I never had any desire to ask for forgiveness in the first place.」

「You are the most stubborn subordinate I have ever had…」

「You are too kind, my lady.」

「sigh… Forget it. So, how about you? You don’t have to keep worrying about me, you know?」


「Urgh, I already know you weren’t worried about me in the slightest!」

Did Celine just let out a smirk? Her expression changed for an instant, almost like it was just an illusion. 「I shall refrain from this activity as well. My breasts are large too, so I cannot see my feet very well.」

「Do not rip off my own reason!」

Those two really get along. They’re like good friends despite being master and servant. I’m kinda curious about how Florence came to hire Celine.

I turn my gaze elsewhere. I saw Eleanor slide down splendidly earlier, but Vivi was just as good. Those two slid down at the same time, as if racing each other. Not mixing in with those two, Madge slid down brilliantly on a single board, going down the snow at frightening speed. Her face barely had an expression but she looked content, like she wanted to say「Not bad…」.

Speaking of Lejie, she was pointing a mysterious box at me. It resembled the “camera” that I saw in Human Territory, but were they the same?

「pant pant… The figure of Sir Rain in puffy winter clothes is too precious… This must be preserved for posterity.」

「…Lejie? I assume you have permission to do that?」said Ferris, to which Lejie let out a sigh, saying「You don’t get it.」

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「See here, sis. Listen well. When it comes to photography, there is value in taking a picture of something in its natural state rather than when it’s aware of the camera.」Lejie continued.

「In other words, you’re taking photos in secret? That will not do, Lejie.」

「Huh? Ferris, what’re you… No, give it back! I still have six thousand more pictures to take!」

Six thousand? That’s a lot. I don’t think there are any cameras from Human Territory that can take that many.

「This is a Magic Tool made by Lady Monana, yes? Whatever the item, it must not be abused.」said Ferris

「Urgh… You’re so mean…」

「I shall apologize properly to Sir Hero and, if he forgives you, I shall ask if I could take a photo of you and him together.」

「…! I love you, sis!」

I won’t mention how I can hear every word of their conversation.

「Sir Rain~!」

Just when I was about to use Wind Magic to go and try sliding down one more time… Louto called out to me.


「Actually, proposing the idea of sliding on the snow wasn’t the only thing I had prepared, technically speaking~」Her face was a little red.

「Is that so?」

「I hope we can enjoy what I have planned together, Sir Rain~」

「Together? Oh, you mean in the sled?」

Louto nodded. 「Would you…rather not?」 She said, looking at me with an expression hopelessly anxious about being rejected.

「No, it’s fine. Let’s go down together.」

Louto’s face cheered up in an instant. It was like a snow field turning into a field of flowers in the blink of an eye. A touchingly beautiful transformation.

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Mika said『I’ll just wait here.』so I left her with a yawning white fox who turned into its round form.

Then, we moved to the top of the hill to ride on the sled that Louto had prepared. I sat in front and Louto sat behind me, clutching me from behind.

This felt a little small for two people, but we’ll manage. We’re both wearing winter gear, but I could still feel her boobs pressed against my back. I wonder if it’s because she’s hugging me so tightly.

「I’m ready when you are~」 said Louto to my ear.

Her hot breath tickled. Enveloped in her gentle scent, I use my feet to paddle forward through the snow. After doing that several times, we slid down the slope.

The distance between us and the snow felt closer on a sled. It was hard to steer too. We steadily picked up speed.


There are spots where the snow is higher, so when we hit it with our momentum, the sled floats in the air.

「Hyau!」 Louto let out a cute yelp.

We managed to get down without tumbling over.

「I had butterflies for a moment there.」Louto said.. When I turned around, Louto’s face was bright red, maybe because her heart was still racing.


「Hh-yes?! Oh, ahaha~ Y-yes, indeed~」

「Thanks, Louto. It was fun.」

「……! I-I’m so glad…!」

She was clutching her chest.

She doesn’t look like she’s feeling ill, but…?

「How was it for you, Louto?」


「What we just did together. I was wondering if you had, you know, fun…?」

For a moment, Louto’s eyes were wide open. With wet eyes, she smiled with her whole face. 「Yes. It was so, so, sooooo~ fun!」

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