65 – Snow Games 2 (Monana)

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Everyone pretty much enjoyed sliding around on the snow. Looks like the second plan is about to begin. This, by the way, reminded me that this was a competition among The Seven.

The second one up is the Peerless Magic Tool Engineer, Monana.

She first asked Eleanor to teleport snow into one spot. Then, she buries a smooth blue sphere in the mountain of snow. The snow began to rumble and then…it transformed into a giant humanoid. It seems to be modeled after someone. It reminds me of someone, but I just can’t put my finger on it.

『That…is clearly you.』 Mika said, amazed.

Oh yeah…that does kinda look like me.

A snow giant so big you have to crane your neck to look up at it is looking down at Monana.

Monana turns to everyone.

「Uhm, ahem. I’m sure that everyone has thought of this at least once. About how fun it would be if a snowman came to life. Well, this Magic Tool makes that dream a reality. This is a snow giant with a will of its own. Yes… It’s Snow Rain!」

It really is meant to look like me.

That sphere didn’t just use the surrounding snow to recreate the snow giant of Monana’s dreams, it also has a will of its own – at least, according to what she said. As always, she is a woman of extraordinary talent.

The kids were in high spirits over this too. You made something really cool, Monana.

『…I don’t want to mention this but…Monana tends to make fatal mistakes when it comes to you, right, Rain?』said Mika.

She’s got a point there. When The Seven drank a potion to become young again and came to my room, the effects wore off faster than she expected and they all started growing back to their normal sizes while wearing kid pajamas. They were bursting at the seams. Mika’s transformation into a human was a success, but she became all rusty when she turned back into a holy sword.

In fact, there were many other occasions. One time, each of The Seven drank an invisibility potion to sneak into my room but encountered a problem with the effects wearing off again, and for some reason, only portions of them became visible.

So, maybe, just maybe, even this snow giant would…

『Master…why did you insert me into snow…』 The snow giant spoke. Its voice was disturbingly deep, like an earth tremor.

「Huh? S-Snow Rain?」

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『This body will not survive the light of spring… Urgh… Being able to live for only one season is torture… You toy with my existence for a single moment of fun… How could you… I…hate…』

「Huh? Uh, w-wait, that wasn’t my intentio-」

『Now that it has come to this… The only way for me to live an eternal life is for the world to forever be in winter… I have need of your power for that, master. Any and all who interfere shall suffer eternal hibernation.』


『It’s too soon to revolt against humanity! It’s only been a minute since it was born, y’know?!』

Both Monana and Mika yell.

The snow giant raises its foot to crush the children who ran towards it.

「Wait! Please, wait, Snow Rain!」cried Monana.

『I hate… It is only natural that I hate those who can enjoy all four seasons…』

『MONANA! How is that Rain?!』yelled Mika.

「I’m sorry, I’m sorry! I just wanted to recreate Rain’s strong, dependable, yet innocent and cute side!」

I pulled out the yelling Mika and ran towards the screaming children.

「Your anger may be justified, but that doesn’t give you the right to kill innocent kids.」I said. I raised Mika aloft and swung an Extended slash at the snow giant’s foot to send it flying.

『It is futile…Original.』

Without breaking its posture, the giant absorbs the surrounding snow to reform its foot.

「White Fox!」


The white fox, who quickly understood my intention, put the kids on its back and got them out of there.

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「I’m sorr… Ah…」 Monana looked pale.

「I’ve set up a barrier. The kids have evacuated to safety, feel free to fight with all your might~」said Louto.

I ready my holy sword once again, but how am I gonna defeat an enemy that can regenerate? No, there are several ways to deal with it, like burning it until there’s not even a scrap of meat left… Well, in this guy’s case, until there’s not a single snowflake left.

However, when I think about how Monana made this snow giant to bring joy to everyone, I hesitate.


I could hear the sound of something being heated up and evaporating. Several holes appeared on the giant, and steam rose from them. Arrow-like beams of heat and light pierced the giant. The one who let loose such magic was Florence, with her fan spread open and her eyebrows furrowed. 「Apologies, Monana, but I’m going to have to destroy it.」

『I said it is futile.』

This whole area is covered in snow. He has more than enough materials to keep regenerating. Actually, light and heat magic wouldn’t be enough to defeat it either. Its wounds are already regenerating. It can’t leave Louto’s barrier, so it can’t actually regenerate endlessly either…

Eleanor teleported to Monana’s side and teleported back out to a safe area.

「When I think of your feelings, it pains me in my chest as well, and unlike that hard-headed billionaire, I am very reluctant to harm something in the likeness of Sir Rain. You must prepare to do that, Monana.」Eleanor said.

Florence screamed「Just who is a hard-headed billionaire? Who?!」 to which Celine said「There is no one but you, my lady.」

「Urgh…sniffle… …Its core… if you destroy the sphere, Snow Rain will stop.」 Monana barely managed to squeeze that out with a tearful voice.

「Well done. Leave the rest to us, Monana.」

Vivi swung her whip which whipped up the wind, then she turned that wind into blades and sent them flying at the giant.

I knew that The Seven were gifted in magic, but this is my first time seeing Florence and Vivi using offensive magic.

Even compared to wizards of Human Territory, their abilities are top-notch.

I guess what should be feared is the giant’s regenerative ability even after receiving those blows.

『…Let’s stick to a support role this time.』

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Mika probably said that in consideration of Monana. True enough, it’d be sad if I destroyed something that was made to please everyone, especially me. It might be somewhat less painful for her best friends, who have shared her hardships, to lead the charge. I may not have a full grasp of the subtleties of the heart yet, but I’ve recently started to think about things like that.

「I’ll find out where the core is.」

『Yeah, good idea.』

There was a spot where the ground was bare due to the snow giant’s regeneration.

I got close to it and collected mud into a ball.

「Who would’ve thought that the game from earlier would come in handy here.」

I threw it. The mud ball hit the giant’s abdomen, at the place where I sense the core’s mana. The mud stands out against the white snow..

「There!」 The giant crosses its arms to cover its core, but Vivi cuts them off with her wind blades.

「This is our collaboration…」And then, Florence’s heat rays pierce the spot on the abdomen where the mud stuck to. 「…with Sir Rain!」

I could sense that the core was destroyed by the flow of mana.

『Gr… So, this is it…』 The snow giant crumbled into a simple pile of snow.

「Snow Rain…」

Monana looks down as Eleanor pats her on the back.

Those of The Seven who didn’t participate in the battle were Lejie and Madge.

Lejie isn’t the fighting type, and Madge was by my side before I knew it.

It seems that she wanted to protect me, much like that time during the snowball fight.

Louto dispelled her barrier and gently explained to the kids that「Everything’s alright now~」.

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I went close to the remnants of the giant and searched for something.

「Sir Rain…?」said Madge, expressionlessly. From her tilted head, I could tell that she was wondering about what I was doing.

「There it is.」 I pull out the sphere, the destroyed core, hold it in my hand, and walk to Monana. Even now, her eyes are wet with tears.


「…! Rain…! I-I’m sorry. Not only did I ruin all the fun, but I caused you trouble.」

「It’s fine. Forget about it. Here.」

Seeing the core, Monana looked sad again. 「Snow Rain…」

「This time was…y’know, unfortunate. But it’d be sad if it ended here, right? If there’s a next time, I hope you can prepare it in a way that isn’t so sad for this guy.」

「What way…?」

「Hmm. Like, putting the consciousness in a doll made of wood or cloth If you did that, then this guy could enjoy all four seasons like it said.」


「I’m sure that guy wanted to spend time with its creator, Monana.」

Monana gingerly took the core. She held it to her chest and hugged it tightly, then looked up at me. Her tears were gone. She no longer had the face of a woman in grief. What replaced it was a newfound determination.

「Yeah! I won’t let it end with a simple failed outcome!」 Monana said as she nodded vigorously in response.

「Alright, looking forward to it.」I said.

And so, Monana’s plan had an unexpected ending.

Florence and Vivi had a whispered exchange of words.
「This does not appear to be the right time to talk about the grand cooperation between Sir Rain and I.」

「Consider Monana’s feelings. Also, I was part of that cooperation too.」

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