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Xiao Qiangwei was sitting in the auditorium and listening to what the president of the school he is right now was saying.

President: I believe you've already been informed. You are all special people chosen from across Japan. You've inherited the memories of your previous lives, and you are able to use the miraculous power of the Ancestral Arts. You may hesitate at first. It may be difficult. But you must never give up.

I want you to become Saviors that can break down the Metaphysicals...

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Metaphysicals... Huh...?'


Xiao Qiangwei was walking towards the school for his first day, when he met with a strange beast, it was an enormous black spider with bat wings, and it… Roared?... Whatever, he attacked Xiao Qiangwei, but with a gesture that no one could even see, the Metaphysical became just a mass of meat and blood.

Xiao Qiangwei: The fuck was that? A Metaphysical? If that's so then it is a disappointment… Meh, I am almost to my original level, I could even treat the Galaxy as my toy…

Then Xiao Qiangwei continued to walk towards the accademy…


While he was distracted with his flashback, he didn't noticed that almost everyone left the room, he looked around and sweatdropped.

Xiao Qiangwei: Where should I go…?

He was interrupted from his thoughts when he sensed someone coming near him.

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?: Hey… Do you know where is the 1-A?

Xiao Qiangwei turned towards her and opened his mouth, but nothing came out and his eyes widened, in front of him there was a girl a bit shorter than him, her hair were long and pink. and a cute face.

Xiao Qiangwei wasn't surprised from her beauty, but…

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Krul…?

Right in front of him was the girl he loved in his second life, Krul Tepes.

Krul: Eh? How do you know my old… name…... Wei… I-Is that you?!

then Krul tackled him and hugged him.

Krul: I really missed you!

Xiao Qiangwei was a bit surprised from the meeting, but then hugged her and smiled, while looking in the ceiling.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Thank you… Author...'

Krul then separated from him and started to talk happily.

Krul: I really didn't expected to find you there...

Xiao Qiangwei: I didn't expected you to be human, vampire queen.

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Krul pouted angrily and said

Krul: Stop with that... I like being human now and you weren't my servant for more than 4000 years in our past life... Well, for you it's 'one of your past lifes'. About that, it seems that you gain the same power you had in your past life, does it mean that you...

Xiao Qiangwei: Yes, I have the same power I had in my first life.

Krul: *Sigh* Even in this life you are unbeatable...

Xiao Qiangwei: Meh, now we should leave for the class.

Krul: Oh right.

Then they walked towards their class, which was the same one.


They entered the class, and it was a bit empty, except for some people that were already there, Xiao Qiangwei took a seat in the center of the class, so he could have a bigger view of everything, while Krul sat at his left.

While he was looking around, he sensed another one almost entering the room and tried to analyze his/her strength.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Mh, 10th Emperor Profound Realm... Pretty high for this realm standards'

Then that guy or girl opened the door, and entered, Xiao Qiangwei's eyes widened because it was another girl from his past.

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Xiao Qiangwei: ...Stella?

Stella: Eh? Wait... Qiangwei?!

Krul: Hey Wei, who is she?

Stella was walking hastily towards him and hugged him, while pushing her body at him.

Stella: You are here... When you left in our past life I didn't know what would happen to you...

Xiao Qiangwei: Eh? But didn't Author told you?

Stella/Krul: Author? Who is it?

Xiao Qiangwei: ...Nothing. 'It seems that Author erased their memories about him...'

Stella and Krul shrugged before they asked.

Krul: So, Wei, who is she?

Stella: Yeah, who is this girl?

Xiao Qiangwei: Well, I think you two already know of my past life... Right?

Xiao Qiangwei told both of them about his real first life in the Primal Chaos Dimension to them, they nodded and then he talked again.

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Xiao Qiangwei: That isn't my only past life, currently I lived 3(Mondaiji and chivalry are 1 life) lives in total, and this is the fourth, Stella, she is Krul Tepes, from my second past life, Krul, she is Stella Vermillion, from my last past life.

Krul: So you are someone who knew him... A friend?

Stella: No, we were married, you?

Krul: I was his lover, but due to certain circumstances I couldn't marry with him...

Xiao Qiangwei: It's ok Krul, there isn't anymore the apocalypse.

Xiao Qiangwei got up and patted Krul, who nodded and smiled a bit

Stella: Apocalypse?

Xiao Qiangwei: Long story... It seems other people are coming here.

Then, like Xiao Qiangwei said, more students entered the classroom, and then the lesson started with the teacher who just entered too, while Xiao Qiangwei was listening to everything and still training his body for his energy, Krul and Stella were talking about their past lives.

But he still didn't noticed a pair of red eyes observing him from far away.

?: 'You are here too, Qiangwei...'

The owner of the pair of red eyes had a sweet smile, after confirming it was really him.

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