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The self-introductions started...

Extras: I also came to this school with the aim of becoming the strongest Savior. Please take care of me everyone./It's a mandate from heaven to have me fight for justice and peace. I will work hard to learn all I can./My most pressing goal is to get a promotion to Rank C as soon as possible.

And then it was Krul's turn.

Krul: I am Krul Tepes, and I don't have any real objective, nice to meet you.

Then it was Stella's turn.

Stella: I am Stella Vermillion and my objective is being near the person I love.

Extras: Look at those two girls.../I hope to being the redhead's lover...

Xiao Qiangwei heard them and sighed before using a small fraction of his True Devil Origin Orb.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Better showing them what to not do...'

It scared every male in the class and no one knew where it came from.

Now it was the red eyed girl's turn.

?: Hello everyone, I am Chizuru Chiyome, but you all can call me Kuro Usagi!

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Wait what?'

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Xiao Qiangwei was surprised and turned, to find Kuro Usagi without her rabbit ears and usual purple hair, Kuro Usagi noticed him and waved.

Kuro Usagi: Hey Wei, it was a while that we didn't see each other!

Almost everyone got jealous of Xiao Qiangwei and were glaring daggers at him, he noticed it and said.

Xiao Qiangwei: What? You want to challenge me? I'll take you all down.

Almost every male smirked at his challenge and were waiting for the sparring session.

Now it was Xiao Qiangwei's turn.

Xiao Qiangwei: I am Xiao Qiangwei, I come from Japan despite my chinese name, and like I said before, you can come at me if you have something to say, I'll give you a proper answer, I don't care about things like Saviors or Metaphysicals, in front of me they are equally worthless.

Teacher: Mmmhh... There isn't anyone else now... We can start our lessons.

Then the teacher shown a video of a giant Metaphysical killing people, which made some people puke while others resisted or were indifferent with the scene.

Xiao Qiangwei: Did I enter this academy to fight that thing? I'm disappointed...

Stella: Easy for you to say that, you could destroy the planet if you wished so! I may fight it alone, but it will be difficult...

Krul: Yeah, I have only physical attacks so I need to get near it, and I'm not even sure if I could beat it...

Kuro Usagi: Don't worry, my legs are strong enough to kill it!

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Xiao Qiangwei was smiling at their behavior, it seemed they didn't have any problem that all of them loved him, and then he looked at the screen that was showing the metaphysical.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'It will be boring being here.. Oh right' Hey Kuro Usagi.

Kuro Usagi: Yes?

Xiao Qiangwei: are there Leticia and Shirayuki too?

Kuro Usagi was a bit sad when she heard him and said.

Kuro Usagi: no, they aren't here...

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh...

Xiao Qiangwei was a bit sad that the other two didn't reincarnated like him and the other three girls here, but he sighed and stopped caring.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'I heard from Author that the otherworld is a good place, I hope they will have fun...'


Leticia and Shirayuki were wearing protective clothes and had a gun for each, they were hiding in different places, then they got out and shot at each other, Leticia dodged the bullets while Shirayuki was hit, and her protective clothes are painted with red paint.

They were playing paintball…


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Xiao Qiangwei, Krul, Stella and Kuro Usagi were walking in the First Training Arena to start lessons about Ancestral Arts.

Xiao Qiangwei: Hey girls, how did it go in yesterday's lessons?

Krul: It was good, but I still don't know why humans sleep from those informations...

Indeed, yesterday, half of the class was sleeping while the other half was listening.

Stella: Humans? But aren't you one too?

Kuro Usagi: Yeah.

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh right, you don't know it, Krul Tepes, in her previous life, was-

Krul: I was the Vampire Queen of a nation.

Stella: A Vampire Queen...?

Kuro Usagi: Like Leticia... Well, I will introduce myself from my past life, I was Kuro Usagi, and I was a Moon Rabbit and an Aristocrat from my old world.

Stella: I was a Princess of a Kingdom.

Then they turned towards Xiao Qiangwei and said.

Krul: Now that I think about it, you never said to me in our past life what were you... Just your stories about your past.

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Stella: Yeah, you never talked about it.

Kuro Usagi nodded to confirm, Xiao Qiangwei always told about his past, but he never said anything about his titles or anything.

Xiao Qiangwei: *Sigh* Then I'll introduce too... I am Xiao Qiangwei, repeatedly called Genius, Monster and I am the Realm King of Destruction God Realm.

Stella/Krul/Kuro Usagi: Ohhh.

Xiao Qiangwei then looked around and found another guy in a similar situation as him, their eyes met and Xiao Qiangwei started to look with empathy at him.

While the other guy, who was surrounded from two girls, one with maroon hair while at his other side the other girl had pink hair, he understood what Xiao Qiangwei was saying with those eyes full of empathy and sighed, before nodding and continued to talk with his girls.

Then Xiao Qiangwei and his three girls stepped in the arena and felt a wave of sleepiness, except Xiao Qiangwei, who was immune to any element.

Stella: What happened?

Xiao Qiangwei: We entered in a pocket dimension... Let me analyze it...

Some seconds later he knew what it was and said.

Xiao Qiangwei: It seems that in this pocket dimension you can even kill people, while when you step outside the injured people will be alright, so you can just rampage as much as you want.

Kuro Usagi: Hey Wei, I remember that you said that you were immune to the elements, so are you ok being here?

Xiao Qiangwei: Don't underestimate my body, even if the pocket dimension's effects don't work with me, I am still pretty invincible in this world.

Krul, Stella and Kuro Usagi were happy from his confidence and his words reassured him, so they continued to walk in the arena

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