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[A week later]

This time it was Stella's turn to date, and Xiao Qiangwei wore different clothes than the other time, he wore a black leather jacket, jeans, and a pair of white atlethic shoes, he took his phone, his eletronic watch, and his keys for the house, then he left.

Xiao Qiangwei this time decided to jump between buildings to reach the park, and in 1 minute he reached it, and waited at the fountain, then he extended his Divine senses and found Stella that just left her house, meanwhile Krul and Kuro Usagi were in their respective houses to do their things.

Xiao Qiangwei: ...What should we do... Mh, that would be good…

A dozen of minutes later, Stella reached the fountain and found Xiao Qiangwei waiting for him, she smiled bitterly and asked.

Stella: Did you wait much for me?

Xiao Qiangwei: Nah, just a dozen of minutes, don't worry. Well, let's go.

Xiao Qiangwei was looking at Stella's clothes, she was dressed with a white and scarlet dress which extended up to her knees and had long sleeves, she had a long ponytail, making her more charming, and was wearing white shoes without heel.

Then Xiao Qiangwei, with a smile, extended his hand forward and Stella grabbed it with her own hand and pushed her body against his, before walking with him.

Stella: Well, where do we go first?

Xiao Qiangwei: I already planned everything, you will like it…

Then Xiao Qiangwei surprised her by carrying her body like a princess, making her yelp, and then he disappeared from the area with an imperceptible speed.

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[some moments later]

Xiao Qiangwei reappeared in an empty green plain, there were some trees around, but it was covered with grass, Xiao Qiangwei looked around and nodded while Stella had a green face and puked in the ground.

Stella: Too… Fast… Blergh…

Xiao Qiangwei grinned a bit before patting her back, helping a bit.

[2 minutes later]

After Stella finished puking in the ground, she turned to Xiao Qiangwei, who still had his smile.

Stella: Did you do it on purpose….?

Xiao Qiangwei: Nah, and now that you stopped ruining the nature with your breakfast, it's time to start…

Stella: Start what?

Xiao Qiangwei didn't answered her and his finger glowed a bit before he started to slowly write in air while smiling and chanting.

Xiao Qiangwei:

"Spirits of the Elements, obey my words.

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Obey the words of your nemesis,

Like the words of your creator,

Grow, expand,

And cover my realm.

You will give me your powers,

And I will give you my blessing,

Spirits of the Water, obey my words,

Follow my will, and expand in my domain

I don't want any traces of heat, I don't need any flame

Freeze everything that is ugly in my realm, and color my domain with white.

Evil God's Domain: Water"

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Then the area around flashed, and became white, Xiao Qiangwei limited the Domain only for some dozen of kilometers, instead of the maximum output which would freeze the entire planet and some nearby ones.

Snow was falling over the snow that was already created in his domain, the nearby trees lost all of their leaves, and over the branches stood even more snow.

The entire scenario was beautiful, but for Stella this was something even more romantic, because it was the same thing that Xio Qiangwei shown her in their past life.

Stella: ...You really did it…

Then Stella hugged Xiao Qiangwei, and kissed him, before both fell in the snow, their tongue twisted with each other while their bodies got even more near, then Stella raised her head and looked with sweet eyes to Xiao Qiangwei's own eyes and said.

Stella: You can even not move, I'll do everything by myself…

Xiao Qiangwei: Then I'll enjoy this cake right here!

Then Xiao Qiangwei pulled Stella's head towards him and kissed each other again while Stella lowered her left hand to Xiao Qiangwei's pants.

After that, they enjoyed their moment for 2 entire hours, even if it was snowing, it wasn't cold, instead, it was warming.

After they finished, they started to play with the snow, they created a snowman, and Xiao Qiangwei created a carrot made of ice for its nose, then they started to laugh at it. Later, they played with the snowballs, Xiao Qiangwei limited himself to avoid hurting Stella in the fight, but he won anyway.

Then it was already evening, and Stella's stomach grumbled, Xiao Qiangwei started to laugh at her, she blushed embarrassingly and said while playfully punch him.

Stella: Stop laughing! And take me somewhere… Meanie…

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Xiao Qiangwei: Alright, alright, don't explode on me...

Then Xiao Qiangwei carried her again like a princess, and she panicked and said.

Stella: W-Wait a minute! Can we go slow?

Xiao Qiangwei: …

Stella: …

Xiao Qiangwei: Nope…

Then before Stella could say a word, the couple vanished from the snowy area and appeared behind a tree of the park they were once, Stella's face became once again green and started to puke again while Xiao Qiangwei smirked.


Xiao Qiangwei took Stella in a really good restaurant to eat, and Xiao Qiangwei gave the freedom to Stella to choose…

That was one of the most stupid mistakes Xiao Qiangwei did in his life… Because Stella almost emptied his wallet, but if it was to make her happy, then he didn't hesitated, even if he would regret a bit later…

They eaten together in a table in front of the window, which was showing a good view of outside, and this time Stella eaten so many things that she surprised Xiao Qiangwei too, who gotten used about her stomach.

They talked about random things, and when they finished eating, they left the restaurant after paying for the food, Xiao Qiangwei walked with Stella to her home, and kissed each other before separating, and this date ended too.

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