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[3 days later]

Xiao Qiangwei just got out from the academy, and was walking with his girls and his 3 friends, until he received a call, he took his phone and said.

Xiao Qiangwei: Hello? Who is it?

Edward: "Hey Qiangwei, it's me, Edward!"

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh, hey Edward, did you decided to spar with me or is there a problem?

Stella, Krul and Kuro Usagi raised an eyebrow at the sudden call, Shizuno's eyes widened because Xiao Qiangwei was talking with one of the Six Heads as if they were friends, while Moroha and Satsuki were curious about what he was saying.

Edward: "I wanted to spar with you, I am free right now… Jeez, those were a big pile of papers…"

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright, I'll find you immediately and come. Guys, it seems I will be busy now, bye

Everyone: Bye.

Edward: "I am at the hot-" -el…

When Edward was telling Xiao Qiangwei where he was, he suddenly appeared in his office, and left an open window.

Xiao Qiangwei: I'm here.

Edward: WHAT THE FUCK?!!

Edward unconsciously screamed in english at the sudden appearance of Xiao Qiangwei, from the door of the room, his maid entered with a worried look and weapons ready.

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Maid: Is there a... Problem… Sir Qiangwei…?

Xiao Qiangwei: Oh, hey Angela, I was called from Edward for a spar so I came here.


Xiao Qiangwei: Well, in order… I am faster than light, even if I didn't tried to see how much, and I used my mana to sense you.

Edward: Wait, Mana? Weren't you a White Iron?

Xiao Qiangwei: Both… Are you ready for the spar?

Edward: *sigh* I will never stop being surprised… Alright, There is a forest nearby that we can use, I already have someone who could create a pocket dimension so we can do whatever we want inside it.

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright. Let's go. Do you want to come with us, Angela?

Angela: Yes, I need to check that Sir Edward will not do anything stupid...

Xiao Qiangwei: Nn...

Then Xiao Qiangwei grabbed both Edward and Angela and vanished from the room, to appear in the forest Edward mentioned, Xiao Qiangwei let go Edward and Angela, who kneeled in the ground and puked due to the speed at which they traveled while Xiao Qiangwei was smirking.

Xiao Qiangwei: 'It's always funny no matter how many times I do it...'

Edward/Angela: Bleergh...

[2 minutes later]

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Edward and Angela recovered from the previous situation and stood in their feet, Xiao Qiangwei, who has still his smirk, said.

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright, who will create the Pocket Dimension? Angela? Or the guy that is behind the tree?

Xiao Qiangwei pointed backwards with his thumb, and from the tree that he was pointing, a man stepped outside with a surprised face.

Edward: *Sigh* YEs, it's him... Bob, do it.

Bob: Alright...

Then he raised his hands and an enormous dome was created, inside the dome there was the Pocket Dimension that they needed for the spar. Angela quickly left the place to spectate from away while Edward summoned his armor, then he looked at Xiao Qiangwei who didn't have anything yet.

Edward: Aren't you going to summon your weapon?

Xiao Qiangwei: Do I seem like I need a weapon now?

Edward: ...Good point... Whatever, let's start the spar!

Then Edward rushed at Xiao Qiangwei and used his lance to repeatedly attack him, but the attacks were literally going inside him, and didn't leave any injury, as if he was attacking air, while he was just going to a speed that couldn't be seen from Edward and returning back at his position.

Then Xiao Qiangwei's eyes widened a bit and Edward was flung for a considerable distance away, crashing through several trees before he was stopped by a sturdy tree, and fell in his feet in the ground, then he tood deep breaths and grinned.

Edward: Fantastic... Such strength... Such speed... Such power! This is what I wanted to feel a long time ago!

Then Edward sprinted once again towards Xiao Qiangwei who just extended his index finger towards Edward and thrusted it forward, impaling him through his right abdomen, Edward spat out blood, but he raised his lance and smashed Xiao Qiangwei's head with it...

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But the results were just like Edward expected... The lance broke in two pieces due to the hardness of Xiao Qiangwei's body, he still didn't used his Prana so it didn't became ashes.

Xiao Qiangwei: So... Should I finish the spar?

Edward: ...You won... Finish me...

Xiao Qiangwei: Alright...

Xiao Qiangwei shrugged, his finger glowed and wrote in air while chanting

Xiao Qiangwei:

"Eternal Darkness surrounding this realm, come forth.

Devil spawned from the Night, come forth.

I summon you to help me...

...Help me fight against the Buddha.

...Help me fight against the Light itself.

Surround this living being in your black embrace.

Night Devil Heaven Burial."

Then a black barrier covered Edward from head to toe, it started to float away from Xiao Qiangwei's arm, leaving his arm covered in Edward's blood while the black orb wasn't doing nothing, until it started to get smaller, crushing Edward inside, it was getting smaller until it stopped existing.

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Xiao Qiangwei then turned towards Bob, who was far away and said.

Xiao Qiangwei: Bob, the fight ended, stop using the Pocket Dimension.

Bob: Alright pal...

Then the dome around them vanished, and left Xiao Qiangwei who was standing without a single drop of his blood in his arm and Edward who was breathing heavily due to the experience of death he just got, then he turned towards Xiao Qiangwei and said.

Edward: Oh fuck... Did you really do that? Couldn't you just behead me?

Xiao Qiangwei: It wasn't funny, so why not?

Edward: You little bastard... Well, it was a good spar until you broke my lance...

Xiao Qiangwei: YOU broke the lance, I didn't do anything and you slammed me with it, so you broke it.

Edward: Smartass...

Xiao Qiangwei: Yeah, yeah... Pussy... Now, let's pick Angela and I'll take both of you back at your office.

Edward panicked and stood straight while waving his hands in front of him.

Edward: No, no, it's not nee-

Xiao Qiangwei: Deal with it...

Then Xiao Qiangwei grabbed Edward's arm and disappeared before reappearing in front of Angela and grabbing her arm too, then they moved to Edward's office, Xiao Qiangwei let them go and enjoyed with a sadistic smile the scene in front of him while drinking a cup of coffee that was at Edward's desk.

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