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[10 months later]

Xiao Qiangwei hit the ten years, while his body's bloodline hit the 100% of the Dragon God's Bloodline, strengthening his body of a really big margin, he was at the 5th Earth Profound Realm, while his Physical Prowess was at the 2th Emperor Profound Realm, if he goes all out, then he could kill Krul Tepes, but in this year they started becoming friends.

He checked the World Energy around him and confirmed that it would last up precisely to 5th Tyrant Profound Realm, while his lifespan increased up to 400 years right now.

He usually walked around Sanguinem, and when the kids were afraid to give their blood, sometimes he would be there calming them down, meanwhile he built a reputation with vampires and humans.

The vampires started to fear him and would turn to another road when they saw him, while the humans viewed him a bit as a father figure, due to him being caring to them when it was possible, sometimes he would give them good food while other times he would heal them when the vampires would hit them for standing in the way.

After some time he was informed about what happened outside, he found out from Ferid that there were appearing human settlements, and beasts called Horsemen of the Apocalypse, or Horsemen of John, roamed around the world, he asked Krul if he could try to fight one, and she accepted it while she secretly followed him to see his strength.

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When Xiao Qiangwei came near one Horseman, instead of attacking it at sight, he seemed to ignore him, Xiao QIangwei raised an eyebrow while Krul was shocked, it was known that the Horsemen of John attacked only the humans, and she was sure that Xiao Qiangwei was 100% human, so either he was secretly a vampire and both he and she didn't know, or he had some other secrets.

Krul obviously though about the second possibility, she still didn't know much about him, only that he has something that strengthens him with meditation, then she was interrupted when the horseman flew away with the lower portion of the body present, while the rest of it's body was scattered around Xiao Qiangwei.

Xiao Qiangwei was angry before that he was ignored so he punched with much strength the Horseman, instantly killing him, Krul was shocked seeing his display of power, it seems that he became strong enough to going against her and win.

She didn't know how much time he had this power, but she was glad that he decided to remain with her even if he knew about the now human settlements.

Before turning to Sanguinem, he entered a store and found a little toy, he though about giving some to the kids, everyone in Sanguinem knew how he helped the kids when they were hurt or were afraid,

Many vampires though that he should not lower to Livestock's level while Ferid and Krul though that it was a good thing for him to care about them, while the humans were of course happy about it.

Right now, he was roaming around the palace, bored, so he went to the balcony of his room and looked around the place from there, he was wearing new clothes gave to him from Ferid.

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He was wearing a white kimono with black insides, there was a black band around his waist, and was wearing a white coat with the hood down and some decorations around his shoulder, in his hands there were black gloves without the thumb, index and pinky fingers, and was wearing a pair of geta in his feet.(Think about the book cover, just without the sword and sheat)

Xiao Qiangwei: Haah... I wonder if something happens...

Ferid: Oh? Is there a problem?

Ferid came from the door of his room and asked him with a smile

Xiao Qiangwei: Yes, there is nothing interesting... Hey, how do you entertain yourself?

Ferid: I just go around the city to see how it is going, do you want to follow me?

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Xiao Qiangwei: Maybe another time. So, why are you in my room?

Ferid: Nothing, just saying hello, even I get a bit bored sometimes. I was thinking if you would like one of our weapons, you can even take one of our first-class weapons

Xiao Qiangwei: They are too weak for me, they can't even pierce my skin, and my preference is the Claws as a weapon, not swords.

Ferid: I still don't get how can a 10 years-old boy be able to be as strong as a third progenitor... You should tell me your secrets.

Xiao Qiangwei: It's useless, your body will never satisfy a certain condition, because you and everyone in this world miss something that only I possess.

Ferid: And what would it be?

Xiao Qiangwei: You don't need to know, you will never have one, and even if you take mine, it would be useless. Well, I am going outside, see ya later Ferid.

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Ferid: Bye Qiangwei.

Xiao Qiangwei was walking around the streets of the city while he heard some voices

Extras: It's Xiao!/Hey guys, look, it's him!/Xiao, can we play again?/I will kill all the Vampires!

Xiao Qiangwei: 'Wait what?'

then he disappeared in front of everyone and looked from the roof a familiar boy, it was the same black haired kid he found at the house that was on fire 2 years ago and was walking together with a blonde boy of his same age while telling him many different methods of killing vampires.

Xiao Qiangwei giggled at the friends while being still hidden from everyone's eyes.

After a while he returned at his room and started doing his daily routine.

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